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By Siegfried

Harold Williford, Sky Moore,

and Frances Rivera

Born September 8th 1886. Died September 1st
Best known for his bravery on the Western Front.
His work mainly described the gruesome details
of WWI at the time. (Ex. Trenches)
Sassoon joined the army just before war was
declared, but unfortunately broke his arm badly
which kept him out of action until 1915.

Survivors by: Siegfried Sassoon

No doubt theyll soon get well; the shock and strain
Have caused their stammering, disconnected talk.
Of course theyre longing to go out again,
These boys with old, scared faces, learning to walk.
Theyll soon forget their haunted nights; their cowed
Subjection to the ghosts of friends who died,
Their dreams that drip with murder; and theyll be proud
Of glorious war that shatterd all their pride...
Men who went out to battle, grim and glad;
Children, with eyes that hate you, broken and mad.

Literary Terms
Personification- Dreams that drip
with murder
Characterization- children with eyes
that hate you, broken, and mad
Imagery- These boys with old,
scared faces, learning to walk

Power & Honor

In all honesty, people that choose to
represent their country dont get as
much recognition. Some view
soldiers as cold hearted murderers
instead of people who fought to keep
us safe.

Question #1
Men who were proud to fight for war
were proud and fighting for the
country are now:
A. Almost insane
B. Broken individuals
C. Helpless and mentally destroyed
D. All of the above


D. All of the above

Question #2
The author is using irony to the
soldiers outlook by showing their
emotions which are:
A. Proud
B. Glorious
C. Serious
D. Damaged


D. Damaged

Points of Interest
Sassoon explores the effect of war on
soldiers and indirectly criticizes the noncombatants complacent attitude towards
war. The poem begins by giving the reader
the misleading hope that the soldiers
would surely recover and breaks this hope
when it is described how the shock and
strain of the war caused these soldiers to
stammer and to talk incoherently.


Work cited
Pettinger, Tejvan. Biography of
Siegfried Sassoon, Oxford,, 13th Jan.
"Siegfried Sassoon (1886 - 1967)." BBC
News. BBC, 2014. Web. 09 Feb. 2016.

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