Rizal in Madrid

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Rizal in Madrid


Failure to Get Justice for Family.

Rizal immediately sought the help of the Filipino

colony, the Asociacion Hispano-Filipina, and the liberal

Spanish newspapers ( La Justicia, El Da, El Globo, La
Repblica, El Resumen, etc.) in securing justice for the
oppressed Calamba tenants, including his family.
Together with M. H. del Pilar (who acted as his

lawyer) and Dr. Dominador Gomez (secretary of the

Asociacion Hispano-Filioina), he called on the Minister
of Colonies (Senor Fabie) in order to protest the
injustices committed by Governor-General Valerano
Weyler and the Dominicans against the Calamba folks.

As published in El Resumen, "To cover the ears, open

the purse, and fold the arms...this is the Spanish
colonial policy."
More terrible news reached Rizal in Madrid as he
was waging a futile fight for justice. From his
brother-in-law, Silvestre Ubaldo, he received a copy
of the ejectment order by the Dominicans against
Francisco Rizal and other Calamba tenants.
From his sister, Saturnina, he learned of the
deportation of Paciano (Rizal), Antonio (Lopez),
Silvestre (Ubaldo), Teong (Mateo Elejorde), and
Dandoy (Dr.Rizal's relative) to Mindoro; these
unfortunate deportees were arrested in Calamba
and were shipped out of Manila on September

Rizal's Eulogy to Panganiban...Barely

had Rizal settled down in Madrid, when he

experienced another disappointment. This was
the doleful news that his friend, Jose Ma.
Panganiban, his talented co-worker in the
Propaganda Movement, died in Barcelona on
August 19,1890, after a lingering illness.He deeply
mourned the passing of this Bikol hero.

Duel with Antonio Luna. Towards the

end of August,1890, Rizal attended a social

reunion of the Filipinos in Madrid. As was
customary in these weekly reunions of the
paisanos, wine was served.
At that time, Luna was bitter because of his
frustrated romance with Nelly Bousted. Deep
in his heart, he was blaming Rizal for his
failure to win her, although Rizal had
previously explained to him that he was not
in love with her.

Rizal Challenges Retana to Duel...


On another occasion, he challenged another man to a

duel... Wenceslao E. Retana, his bitter enemy in pen.
Retana- a talented Spanish scholar, was then a pressagent of the friars in Spain.
One day he imprudently wrote an article in La Epoca,
- an anti-Filipino newspaper in Madrid, asserting
that the relatives and friends of Rizal had not paid
their rents so that they were ejected from their lands
in Calamba by the Dominicans

Infidelity if Leonor Rivera...

In the autumn of 1890, Rizal was feeling bitter at so

many disappointments he encountered in Madrid.
One night he and some friends attended a play in the
Teatro Apollo, and there he lost his gold watch chain
with a locket containing the picture of Leonor
Rivera, his beloved sweetheart.
In Rizals heartbroken period, Prof. Blumentritt tried
so hard to uplift Rizals spirit.
You are inlove a more nobler woman the
She doesnt deserve you for she cast away a
diamond to seize a pebble

Rizal-Del Pilar Rivalry...

Toward the closing days of 1890.. there arose an

unfortunate rivalry between Rizal and M. H del Pilar

for supremacy.
On New Years day... 1890, the Filipinos of Madrid
met to reorganized the Asociacion Hispano-Filipina
and to elect a new leader who would act as the
spokesman of the Filipino cause in Europe.
lThe Filipinos were divided into two rivals camp-- the
Rizalistas and the Pilaristas.
lThe Rizalistas, or friends of Rizal, worked hard for
Rizals election as leader, while
lThe Pilaristas, or friends of Del Pilar's working also for
his election.

Back to Brussels...


Disgusted by the turn of events in Madrid, Rizal

indeed packed up his bags and left the city.
He proceeded to Biarritz, where he was a welcomed
guest of the Boustead at their Villa Eliada.
After a brief vacation in Biarritz, he went to Paris
staying with his friend, Valentin Ventura. From the
French capital.
He wrote to Jose Ma. Basa on April 4, 1891,
expressing his wish to live in Hongkong and practice

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