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Erdogan: Operation against Gaza is a massacre

Turkish civilians and soldiers watching their Armenians victims

Severe speech before the Turkish Parliament, Turkish Prime M. Erdogan Valid the
Israeli operation against Gaza rally, called an international intervention.
”"Israel can not clean the blood on her hands by using excuses
Dead Armenian heads, shown in Turkey
Armenian intellectuals hanging in the main square
Armenian intellectuals hanging in the main square
???Erdogan: Operation against Gaza is a massacre
Operation against Gaza
??is a massacre

Mother and son starving

menian corpses of children who died of starvation

Naked and starving Armenian orphan
standing at the ruins of his house

Mother and son watching another son, died

Operation against Gaza
??is a massacre

Is it blurring facts of the massacre by Turks

Armenian deportees from their country
Refugees of the Armenian massacre
Refugees of the Armenian massacre
Passover Eve, 1917
The commander of the Turkish
Front ordered divorced all residents Jewish deportees from Tel Aviv, 1917.
of Jaffa and Tel - Aviv Photo: Beno Rotanberge

Deportees had difficulty dealing with the harsh

conditions. Many did not last and died from exhaustion,
disease and dysentery, typhoid cholera. Over 1500 men,
women and children perished during the deportation of
18 months
Kurds are a minority, which constitutes about 20% of Turkey's population, who aspire to
self-determination and independence. They rebelled at 1925 Turkish government brutally
suppressed the rebellion

The next revolt broke in - 1938 / 9 also brutally suppressed, using the deadly gas, which
killed thousands of Kurds
Midst of World War Two, 770 Jews immigrants were on the rickety ship "Struma", Flee from
fascist Romania, hoping to get passports in Istanbul, through which they could enter

The passengers were left at Istanbul quarantined and forbidden to get off the ship (but eight of
them). The immigrants were left on board, the supply received from the Jewish community in
Istanbul, until supplies ran out. Inside the ship under sub - Terms and dysentery disease
.broke out and passengers suffered from the cold, crowding, filth and starvation

Finally, the Turks decided to get rid of the "problem." On the night of February 23, 1942
“Struma” was dragged with a broken engine and broken anchor, by the Turkish ship to sea,
out of Turkish territorial waters, where passengers were abandoned without food and water,
.hundreds of people crowded on board
Later the ship was sunk, apparently by a Russian submarine, and all illegal immigrants
(except for one survivor) Plunged to death
The Turkish invasion against Cyprus caused 6,000 people killed
Mustafa Kemal Ata Turk, founder and first President of the Turkish Republic, the
largest known figure of the 20th century

As president for 15 years until his death in 1938, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk encouraged a
wide range of changes and reforms in the fields - political, social, economic and
cultural sphere similar to that of any country in the world

Atatürk's legacy is still evident in the Turkish army,

which sees itself as the
.guardian of secular Turkish nationalism
??Is it
Armenian boy died, the Armenian massacres in 1915

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