Coral Reef-The Great Barrier Reef

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The Great Barrier Reef

Presented by Vinay Trivedi

M.A in EESD First year
Fundamental of Ecology

Great Barrier Reef Overview

Located in the Coral Sea on the

coast of Queensland (NE of


It is the largest marine reservation

areas in the world, 2,600 km long

with an area of 344,400 km2. The
Great Barrier Reef covers an overall
area that is larger than the size of

Consists of 3,000 individual reefs

surrounding 900 islands

Consists of 400 species of hard and

soft corals and supports 10

thousands of other species

Some Interesting facts of GBR

The Great Barrier Reef is classed as the single largest living

organism in the world.

There are more than 500 species of corals worldwide. Some 411

species have been recorded in the Great Barrier Reef

Over 1500 species of tropical fish, 400 different types of coral, 200

types of birds and 20 types of reptiles are just some of the

lifeforms which inhabit the reef
The Great Barrier Reef is one of the few Australian features that

can be seen from space

The Great Barrier Reef is a UNESCO World Heritage area and listed

as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World

In terms of the Australian economy, the Great Barrier Reef alone

generates over 6 billion dollars worth of revenue per year

Around 10 percent of the worlds total fish species can be found

just within the Great Barrier Reef. It productivity is considered just

after tropical rainforest


Coral polyp



Coral reef

The formation of many reef

is tied to the emergence
and subsidence of
uplifted/volcanic islands

Fringing reef starts when

top of the volcano rises
above sea level.
When the volcanic island
subsides, a barrier reef is
left ringing the shore

A atoll is a encloses a
shallow lagoon from wh
no land protudes.This i
last formation before fu

Great Barrier Reef a semi-unique mix of

platform reefs,
fringing reefs and almost barrier reefs
that are a hybrid between fringing and
barrier types. The large extent of reefs
creates great barrier

Now you can understand why it is called

Great Barrier Reef?

Favourable conditions for Coral

surface temperature of the ocean must be above 20C
The water must be shallow, with a depth not exceeding 25-30

The water must be normally saline, the average salinity ranging

from 27% to 40% is ideal for the proper growth of corals

Corals need clear water that is free from abundant sediments
There must be adequate food supply to nourish the abundant life

of the coral reef. i.e continuous ocean current must be there to

bring food.
The most essential prerequisite for the formation of coral reefs is

the presence of submarine platforms which must lie near the sea
shore, or should be attached to some islands
corals cannot live for long out of water, and are therefore, rarely

found above the low-tide level



Consequences of Stress


23-29 C

Low: Cold shock, bleaching, mortality

High: Bleaching, mortality



Stress, reproductive failures, bleaching , mort

Water motions


Little or no water motion prevents elimination

Consistent large waves can inhibit coral grow


Little or

Sediments increase turbidity(reduce transpar



May reduce the symboitic relationship betwee

coral and zooxanthallae, phytoplankton boom



High density reduce water transparency



Reduced light reduce photosynthesis and

calcification rate.

Functions of Coral Reef

Coral reefs help prevent sediments from washing up and

damaging the shoreline.

They act as a physical barrier which helps create a
healthier, protected coastline habitat.
They also sequester carbon dioxide, which helps create
an environment that continues to attract marine
Coral reefs also have economic benefits for nearby cities
and towns.
Coral can be harvested for use in medicines and jewelery.
Fish and marine plants can be harvested for use in
aquariums worldwide.
Tourists may also visit to view the spectacular underwater
life of coral reefs.

Fifty four percent of the world's

species of mangroves are found

in the Great Barrier Reef World
Heritage Area
About 1.6 million tourists visit
each year (although numbers
have been consistently on the
rise); some 31,000 people work
in the tourism industry
he Great Barrier Reef contains
at least 1500 species of fish,
350 types of hard coral and
5000 varieties of mollusc (e.g.
shells). Six of the world's seven
species of marine turtle live

It has significant value for commercial and

recreational pursuits and contributes more
than $28 billion annually to the Queensland
and Australian economies.

There are also many threatened species that

are protected within the Marine Park, including
dugongs and six of the world's seven species
of marine turtles.

Threat to Coral reef

Threats can be divided into local and global threats.
Local Threat
(i) Destructive and non-

sustainable fishery practices,

such as poison fishing, blast
fishing, muro-ami fishing
among others;
(ii) Sedimentation, pollution, and
(iii) Mining and dredging
activities; and
(iv) Non-sustainable tourism
Already 50% of coral reef is
died or destroyed because
of these practices.

Global threat

Climate change

As per IPCC 5th assessment report 2 degree

temp rise is inevitable.


Cesar, H. S. (2002). Coral reefs: their functions, threats and economic value.

Thank You

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