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Core value of the business - aims at

integrating the financial gains of the

company (called the Performance) with the
social and ethical responsibilities (the
Introduced in 2007 - aims to future proof
the company
Built on three fundamental pillars - Human
sustainability, Environmental Sustainability
and Talent Sustainability

What is Performance with Purpose ???

There are mainly 9 different goals

that was taken up by PepsiCo in
2010. They can be categorised as:
1. Product
2. Marketplace
3. Community


Increase the amount of whole grains. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seed and low fat
dairy in our global products portfolio.

Good for

Better for

Fun for

2. By 2015, reduce by 25% the average amount of sodium per

serving in key global food brands in key countries, with 2006
as the baseline.


By 2020, reduce the average

amount of saturated fats per
serving in key global food brands
in key countries with 2006 as the

4. By 2020, reduce by 25% the

average amount of added sugar per
serving in key global beverage
brands in key countries, with 2006
as the base line.

1. Display Calorie count
and key nutrients on
our food an beverage
packaging by 2012

2. Advertise to children
under 12, only products
that meet our global
science- based nutrition
standards. Eliminate the
direct sales of full sugar
soft drinks in primary
and secondary school
around the globe by

3. Increase the range of foods and beverages that offer solutions for managing calories

1. Invest in research and development to
expand our offerings of more
affordable, nutritionally relevant
products for underserved and lower
income communities.

2. Expand PepsiCo foundation and PepsiCo corporate contribution initiatives to promote

healthier communities, including enhancing diet and physical activity program.

Environmental Sustainability
GHG Emissions
Agriculture & Community



Positive Water
Balance Equation



Innovative methods for reducing the
packaging material consumption
Tropicana 89 ounce bottle wonder
50% beverage container recycling rate
by 2018
Dow Jones Sustainability Index
Broad objectives : Reduce, Reduce,
Recycle, Renew, Reuse

Waste Management
Waste to Wealth - Latin American
Countries, in India through NGO
80% of household waste recycled
Savings of 2200 MW, 6219 barrels
of oil are indicative
NASSCOM Social and Corporate
Governance Award, 2008
Reduction in carbon footprint in Lays

GHG Emissions
Logistics and Supply chain

GHG Emissions
Renewable energy use
Reducing non-renewable energy use intensity
Optimizing supply chain operations

GHG Emissions

Logistics and Supply chain

GHG Emissions


Agriculture & Community

Agriculture & Community


Agriculture & Community

Direct Seeding in
Farmer Outreach

Agriculture & Community

Best Practice Sharing

Building an Inclusive culture

Through its focus on inclusive
culture, Pepsico aims to create a
safe, healthy, diverse
and inclusive workplace that reflects
the global communities in which
we operate. Pepsico focusses on:
Increasing the women leaders
Building a diverse supplier base

Focus on woman
Works with the Pinnacle Group
to increase the retention of
PepsiCo female sales talent
Through its Supplier Diversity
program, Pepsico procures
from women-owned businesses
and partners with
organizations such as the
National Minority Supplier
Development Council
(NMSDC), Women Business
National Enterprise Council

Health & Safety

Plants assessed against PepsiCos
Health and Safety program and
65 plants are OHSAS 18001-certified
independent consultants, and 31
facilities in
the U.S. are part of the
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration Voluntary Protection
Lost-time injury rate across Pepsico
has reduced by 47% from 2011 to

Health & Wellness

Specially designed health
and wellness programs for
the employees
The programs vary from
location to location and
include routine medical
care at work sites;
education programs on
health and nutrition and
exercise on-site fitness

Respecting Human rights

Conducts a Global code of conduct
training and awareness program every
year which has been translated into
several languages
Established a Supplier code of conduct
which is available in 25 languages and
appears in the procurement contracts


To engage our employees in community projects and initiatives that
make a positive difference in the places where we live and work

Fighting Hunger problems

Promoting education
Encouraging Volunteerism
Disaster Relief and community development
Enhancing Community Partnership

Fighting Hunger
With the help of The Food for Good initiative
The mission is to make nutritious nourishments available in
core city groups.
It is also supporting FoodBank Russia in achieving
Partnered with Magic Breakfast in UK to provide breakfast
meals to children
The Netherlands arm is also associated with the World
Food Programme (WFP) to combat hunger in Benin through
the school meals program

Promoting Education
In 2012, signed an agreement with UNESCO in Asia pacific region to take
vocational training initiatives in Myanmar
Centre of Excellence for Business Skills Development in the Yangon
Institute of Economics through partnership of PepsiCo and UNESCO
Diplomas Now has been setup to enhance graduation and college
matriculation rates among African-American and Latino-American students
Through Tomooh Saad Abdul-Latif Education Program it has helped
approximately 25,000 students across Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt

Encouraging Volunteerism
Created a program called PepsiCorps to promote volunteerism
PepsiCorps is a one-month international experience to get a chance to
apply professional skills by addressing global societal challenges.
The Brazil team of PepsiCorps with its expertise worked to help address
the real-world challenge of sustainable agriculture in Afogados da
Ingazeira, Pernambuco in 2013
PepsiCorps group headed out to South Africa in 2014 to concentrate on
causes such as sustainable agriculture and women empowerment

Disaster Relief &

Community Development
Provide and channelize funds for disaster relief in collaboration with
American Red Cross, Save the Children, Give2Asia and existing local
, The PepsiCo Foundation quickly donated $1 million to disaster struck
Tacloban by Typhoon Haiyan in November 2013
PepsiCos Liter of Light program was organised in collaboration with
MyShelterFoundation to provide light by reusing plastic bottles

Community Partnership
Funded the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
(CHCI) since its establishment to develop Latino-American
Co founding member of the Executive Leadership Council
(ELC) to uplift African- American corporate leaders
Partner of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation for
improving the socioeconomic status of African Americans and
informing policy and educating the public
Provided $1 million grant to Bob Woodruff Foundation to
support post-9/11injured people in Jan 2014

Celebrating Progress
Pepsico towards achieving sustainability has garnered recognition from numerous
organisations worldwide
Included in the Dow Jones Worlds Sustainability Index for the 7th consecutive
Included in the Corporate Responsibility Magazines 100 best corporate
citizens list
Ranked 26th on the Best Global Green Brand by Interbrand
Pepsico takes pride in being a good corporate citizen and endorses the following
external principles or initiatives and organisations
United Nations CEO Water Mandate
United Nations Millennium Development Goals
Rio+20 Communiqu on Water
Pepsico Indias fight against HIV/AIDS recongnised with TERI Corporate Award for
Business Response
Pepsico India partnering with Akshaya in extending the Mid-day meal program to
1.4 million underprivileged students

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