Questioning Techniques

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Questioning Techniques:

1. Yes/No
2. Open-ended
3. Factual Questions
4. Canvassing Questions
5. Interest-Arousing
6. Multiple Answer
7. Thought-Provoking
8. Funnel Question
9. Probing Question
10. Leading Question
11. Rhetorical Question

Yes/No Questions
Give examples!

Open-Ended Questions
Open questions are good for:
Developing an open conversation: "What
did you get up to on vacation?"
Finding out more detail: "What else do we
need to do to make this a success?"
Finding out the other person's opinion or
issues: "What do you think about those

Open-Ended Questions
Closed questions are good for:
Testing your understanding, or the other
person's: "So, if I get this qualification, I
will get a raise?"
Concluding a discussion or making a decision:
"Now we know the facts, are we all
agreed this is the right course of action?"
Frame setting: "Are you happy with the
service from your bank?"

Factual Questions
As evident from the word factual,
this type of questions requires you to
retrieve facts given in the lesson
The Who, What, Where, When
and How Questions

Canvassing Questions
How many of you have experience
Who among you have experience an
Who are familiar with the place?
Who knows the procedure?

"Bob, let me ask you a question.
Based on your abilities, energy and
ambition do you see yourself in a sixfigure income in 5 years?

Multiple-Answer Questions
Give examples!

Funnel Questions
"How many people were involved in the fight?"
"About ten."
"Were they kids or adults?"
"Mostly kids."
"What sort of ages were they?"
"About fourteen or fifteen."
"Were any of them wearing anything distinctive?"
"Yes, several of them had red baseball caps on."
"Can you remember if there was a logo on any of
the caps?"
"Now you come to mention it, yes, I remember
seeing a big letter N."

Probing Questions
When they usevagueorunclearlanguage, or
when you just need more detail, seek to further
understand them by asking for clarification.
What exactly did you mean by 'XXX'?
What, specifically, will you do next week?
Could you tell me more about YY?
remember seeing a big letter N."

Probing Questions
. Ask them to justify their statement or dig for
underlying causes.
Why did you say that?
What were you thinking about when you said XX?

Probing Questions
Where did you go?
What places did you visit?
You can alsorepeatwhattheyhave said ('echo
question'), perhaps withemphasison the area
where you want more detail.
He asked you tomarryhim??

Probing Questions
Sorry, I don't understand. Could you help by
giving an example?
Could you give me an example of when you did
Tell me about a time when you ___.

Probing Questions
When they have not given you enough
information about something, ask them to tell you
Could you tell me more about that, please?
And what happened after that?

Probing Questions
To discover both how judgmental they are and
how they evaluate, use question that seek
How good would you say it is?
How do you know it is worthless?
What are the pros and cons of this situation?

Probing Questions
Particularly if they are talking in the third person
or otherwise unemotionally and you want to find
out how they feel, you can ask something like:
And how didyoufeel about that?
When you do this, do be careful: you may have
just asked a cathartic question that results in
them exploding with previously-suppressed

Leading Questions

Rhetorical Questions

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