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Kenny Lorenzano
World History
Ms. Nicoll

Holocaust - destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or
nuclear war.
The holocaust was a period in time where there was a huge amount of deaths
when it comes to jewish people. In Germany there was a ruler name Adolf Hitler
that was anti-jewish.

Early History 1900-1920

- The Armenian Genocide
(Holocaust) - 1,500,000
Armenians were exterminated
by the Turkish government.

- The Armenian Genocide was

from April 24, 1915 - 1917

Middle History 1930-1950

- From 1933 through 1936
Jewish Immigration from
Germany to Palestine after
Nazis grew power in Germany
- Germany invaded Poland
- About 5-6 Million casualties
throughout the Holocaust
- The Holocaust Ends

Late History 1960 - NOW

Rwanda Genocide - When the
Hutu group was against the Tutsi
- About 500,000 - 1,000,000
casualties were done by the
Hutu group
- Started April 7, 1994


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End Genocide, U. T. (2014). Past Genocides - Armenia, Holocaust, Bosnia, Rwanda, Darfur.
Retrieved September 28, 2016, from
Vashem, Y. (n.d.). Hanukkah - The Festival of Lights. Retrieved September 28, 2016, from
LibGuides: West High School - English: Howe. (2015, December 03). Retrieved September 28,
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