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Heat and Mass Transfer-I

Sidra Zahid
Department of Engineering Sciences
National University of Sciences and
PN Engineering College, PNS Jauhar,

Text Book and Reference Books

Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach By

Yunus A Cengel (Text Book)

Heat Transfer By J. P. Holman

Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer By

C. O. Bennet & J. E. Myers

Principles of Heat Transfer By F. Krieth &

W. Z. Black

Heat and Mass Transfer By F. P. Incropera

and D. P. DeWitt


Course Outline



Stead State Heat Conduction: Introduction, Thermodynamics and heat

transfer, Modes of heat transfer and applications, Brief description of
conduction, convection and radiation, Thermal conductivity-Mechanism of
conduction in solids, liquids and gases, General equations for conduction,
Fourier, Poisson and Laplace equations, Heat transfer and temperature
distribution in plane and composite walls, Heat transfer and temperature
distribution in cylinders and spheres with insulation, Critical thickness of
insulation, Heat transfer and temperature in planes cylinders and spheres with
internal heat generation.


Natural and Forced Convection Based on Boundary Layer Theory:

Forced and free convection, Revision of concepts in fluid mechanics such as
continuity, momentum and energy equations, Evaluation of heat transfer
coefficient-analytical and experimental, Dimensional analysis-application to
forced and free convection, Thermal and momentum boundary layerimportance of Prandtl number, Laminar flow over plates-derivation of
expression for heat transfer coefficient using cubic velocity and temperature
profiles, Turbulent flow over flat plates-introductory concepts of turbulence,
Universal velocity profile, Analytical solution with simplistic approach, Laminar
and turbulent flow in side tubes and empirical correlation, Free convection.



Radiant Heat Transfer Principles and Applications: Electromagnetic

radiation-fundamental concepts, Interaction with surfaces, Blackbody-ideal
absorber and ideal emitter, emission from a blackbody, Radiometric curvesmaximum emission, Greenhouse effect-visibility and colours, Emission in a
specified wave band, Emission from a real body-grey body model, Kirchoffs
identity, Radiation exchange in blackbodies, radiation intensities, Shape
factors and shape factor algebra, Exchange between grey bodies, Radiosity
and irradiation, Network and numerical methods..


Assignments & Quizzes
One-hour tests



Note: Some assignments will have zero marks

Open Book or Close Book

Final exam will be closed books and closed

Final exam will have one formulae sheet
Tests and Quizzes may or may not be open book

Pre Requisite
Basic courses of Thermodynamics are the
pre requisite for this course. Students are
expected to refresh their basic concepts in
thermodynamics themselves from any
suitable book. Topic 1-3 and 1-4 in ch1 of
heat and mass transfer by Younus Cengel is
also recommended.

Step 1: Problem Statement
In your own words, briefly state the problem, the key
information given, and the quantities to be found.
Step 2: Schematic
Draw a realistic sketch of the physical system involved,
and list the relevant information on the figure.
Step 3: Assumptions
State any appropriate assumptions made to simplify the
problem to make it possible to obtain a solution. Assume
reasonable values for missing quantities that are

Step 4: Physical Laws
Apply all the relevant basic physical laws and principles
(such as the conservation of energy), and reduce them
to their simplest form by utilizing the assumptions
Step 5: Properties
Determine the unknown properties at known states
necessary to solve the problem from property relations
or tables. List the properties separately, and indicate
their source, if applicable.

Step 6: Calculations
Substitute the known quantities into the simplified
relations and perform the calculations to determine
the unknowns. Pay particular attention to the units
and unit cancellations, and remember that a
dimensional quantity without a unit is meaningless.
Step 7: Reasoning, Verification, and Discussion
Check to make sure that the results obtained are
reasonable and intuitive, and verify the validity of
the questionable assumptions.

Steady State Heat Conduction

Thermodynamics and heat transfer
Modes of heat transfer and applications
Brief description of conduction, convection and radiation
Thermal conductivity
Mechanism of conduction in solids, liquids and gases
General equations for conduction Heat transfer and
temperature distribution in plane and composite walls
Heat transfer and temperature distribution in cylinders and
spheres with insulation
Critical thickness of insulation
Heat transfer and temperature in planes cylinders and
spheres with internal heat generation

Thermal Sciences

Heat and Mass Transfer

The science of thermodynamics
deals with the amount of heat
transfer as a system undergoes a
process from one equilibrium state
to another, and makes no reference
to how long the process will take.
But in engineering, we are often
interested in the rate of heat
transfer, which is the topic of the
science of heat transfer

Thermodynamics and Heat

A cold canned drinkTransfer
left in a room warms up

A warm canned drink left in a refrigerator

cools down.
This is accomplished by the transfer of energy
from the warm medium to the cold one.
The energy transfer is always from the higher
temperature medium to the lower
temperature one,
The energy transfer stops when the two
mediums reach
the same temperature.

Thermodynamics and Heat


energy exists in various

Mechanical , Chemical, Nuclear, Heat,.

We are primarily interested in heat, which is the
form of energy that can be transferred from one
system to another as a result of temperature
The science that deals with the determination of
the rates of such energy transfers is heat

Thermodynamics and Heat


We are normally
interested in how long
it takes for the hot
coffee in a thermos to
cool to a certain
temperature, which
cannot be determined
from a thermodynamic
analysis alone.

Determining the rates

of heat transfer to or
from a system and thus
the times of cooling or
heating, as well as the

Thermodynamics and Heat

Thermodynamics deals with
equilibrium states and changes
from one equilibrium state to
Heat transfer deals with systems
that lack thermal equilibrium, and
thus it is a non equilibrium
The study of heat transfer can
not be based on the principles of
thermodynamics alone.

Thermodynamics and Heat


The laws of
thermodynamics lay the
framework for the science of
heat transfer.
The first law requires that
the rate of energy transfer
into a system be equal to
the rate of increase of the
energy of that system.
The second law requires
that heat be transferred in
the direction of decreasing

Thermodynamics and Heat


The basic requirement for heat transfer is

the presence of a Temperature difference.
There can be no net heat transfer
between two mediums that are at the
same temperature.
Heat Transfer:
Temperature Difference
Fluid Flow
Pressure Difference
Electric Current Flow: Voltage Difference

Application Areas of Heat


Application Areas of Heat


Application Areas of Heat


Energy Balance for Closed

Systems (Fixed Mass)

Energy Balance for Steady-Flow

A large number of engineering devices such as water heaters and
car radiators involve mass flow in and out of a system, and are
modeled as control volumes.
Most control volumes are analyzed under steady operating
conditions. The term steady means no change with time at a
specified location.

Modes of Heat Transfer

Conduction: Transfer of energy from the more
energetic particles of a substance to the adjacent,
less energetic ones as a result of interactions
between the particles.
Convection is the mode of heat transfer between a
surface and the adjacent liquid or gas that is in
motion, and it involves the combined effects of
conduction and fluid motion.
Radiation is the energy emitted by matter in the
form of electromagnetic waves (or photons) as a
of the changes in the electronic configurations of the
atoms or molecules.

Conduction Heat Transfer

Conduction can take place in
solids, liquids, or gases.
In solids, it is due to the
combination of vibrations of the
molecules in a lattice and the
energy transport by free
In gases and liquids, conduction
is due to the collisions and
diffusion of the molecules during
their random motion.

Conduction Heat Transfer

The rate of heat conduction through a medium
depends on:

geometry of the medium,

material of the medium, and
temperature difference across medium.

Fouriers law of heat conduction

Conduction Heat Transfer

Specific Heat (Cp):
A measure of a materials
ability to store thermal energy. For example,
Cp = 4.18 kJ/kg C for water and
Cp = 0.45 kJ/kg C for iron at room temperature,
which indicates that water can store almost 10 times
the energy that iron can per unit mass.
Thermal Conductivity (k) : A measure of a
materials ability to conduct heat. For example,
k = 0.608 W/m C for water and
k = 80.2 W/m C for iron at room temperature,
which indicates that iron conducts heat more than
100 times faster than water can.

k Q
A(T1 T2 )
Thermal Conductivity of a material can be defined
as the rate of heat transfer through a unit thickness
of the material per unit area per unit temperature
A high value for thermal conductivity indicates that
the material is a good heat conductor, and
A low value indicates that the material is a poor
heat conductor or insulator.





The Cost of Heat Loss through a

The roof of an electrically heated home is 6 m
long, 8 m wide, and 0.25 m thick, and is made of
a flat layer of concrete whose thermal
conductivity is k = 0.8 W/m C The
temperatures of the inner and the outer surfaces
of the roof one night are measured to be 15C
and 4C, respectively, for a period of 10 hours.
(a) the rate of heat loss through the roof that
night and
(b) the cost of that heat loss to the home owner if
the cost of electricity is $0.08/kWh.

The Cost of Heat Loss through

a Roof

Steady operating
conditions exist during
the entire night since the
surface temperatures of
the roof remain constant
at the specified values.

2 Constant properties can

be used for the roof.

The Cost of Heat Loss through a


Thermal Diffusivity

Convection Heat Transfer

Energy transfer between a
solid surface and the
adjacent liquid or gas that
is in motion, and it involves
the combined effects of
conduction and fluid
The faster the fluid motion,
the greater the convection
heat transfer.

Convection Heat Transfer

The rate of heat convection
depends on the
surface area,
nature of fluid,
properties of fluid,
bulk fluid velocity,
temp. difference.


Qcon hc A TW T where
hc convective Heat transfer co efficient in
A surface area
TW plate surface Temperature
T free stream fluid Temperature

m 2 oC

Convection Heat Transfer


Free Convection
Hot water rises,
and falls

Free Convection
Heated air rises,
cools, then falls

Free Convection
What if coils were at
the bottom?

Natural Convection
Very hot, low-density
air is buoyed upward,
carrying thermal
energy with it.

Measuring Convection Heat Transfer

A 2-m-long, 0.3-cm-diameter electrical wire extends
across a room at 15C, as shown in figure. Heat is
generated in the wire as a result of resistance heating,
and the surface temperature of the wire is measured to
be 152C in steady operation. Also, the voltage drop and
electric current through the wire are measured to be 60 V
and 1.5 A, respectively. Disregarding any heat transfer by
radiation, determine the convection heat transfer
coefficient for heat transfer between the outer surface of
the wire and the air in the room.

Measuring Convection Heat Transfer

1 Steady operating conditions
2 Negligible radiation heat transfer
For steady operating conditions, the rate of heat loss
from the wire will equal the rate of heat generation in
the wire as a result of resistance heating.

Radiation Heat Transfer

Thermal radiation is the form of radiation emitted
by bodies because of their temperature.
It differs from other forms of electromagnetic
radiation such as x-rays, gamma rays, microwaves,
radio waves, and television waves that are not
related to temperature.
All bodies at a temperature above absolute zero
emit thermal radiation.
Unlike conduction and convection, the transfer of
energy by radiation does not require the presence of
an intervening medium.

Radiation Heat Transfer

Another important radiation property of a surface is its
absorptivity ,
which is the fraction of the radiation energy incident on a surface
that is absorbed by the surface.
Like emissivity, its value is in the range 0 1. A blackbody
absorbs the entire radiation incident on it. That is, a blackbody is a
perfect absorber ( = 1) as it is a perfect emitter.
The rate at which a surface absorbs radiation is determined from:

Radiation Heat Transfer

Combined Heat Transfer


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