Step Sales Process: Engineering English

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Engineering English

Simple Definition ofPROSPECT

:the possibility that something will
happen in the future
:an opportunity for something to happen
:someone or something that is likely to
succeed or to be chosen

Simple Definition ofAPPROACH

:to move or become near or nearer to
something or someone
:to move or become near or nearer in
time to something
:to get close to (an amount or level)

Definition ofINTERVIEW
: a formal consultation usually to evaluate
qualifications (as of a prospective student
or employee)
: a meeting at which information is obtained
(as by a reporter, television commentator,
or pollster) from a personb: a report or
reproduction of information so obtained

Simple Definition ofPROPOSAL

something (such as a plan or suggestion)
that is presented to a person or group
of people to consider
:the act of presenting a plan,
suggestion, etc., to a person or group
of people
:the act of asking someone to marry you

Simple Definition ofDEMONSTRATION

:an act of showing someone how
something is used or done
:an event in which people gather
together in order to show that they
support or oppose something or
:an act of showing or proving something

Simple Definition ofNEGOTIATE

:to discuss something formally in
order to make an agreement
:to agree on (something) by formally
discussing it
:to get over, through, or around
(something) successfully

Simple Definition ofSUPPORT

:to agree with or approve of (someone
or something)
:to show that you approve of
(someone or something) by doing
:to give help or assistance to
(someone or something)

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