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Man is a social being and sex is natural is natural to him. It is
a part of his being human, of his uniqueness and his
mystery as a person.

According to Father Gorospe in Marcelian terms, I have and

I am my sexuality. Sexuality is physically determined by
birth, but more significantly, it is personally assumed and
determined the inner core of a person, from his free choice
of love.

Human sexuality is characterized by an eros-agape



The structure in which human sexuality is

enhanced and universally accepted is

Any couple going into marriage should be

aware of its two ends, namely:
1. Conjugal Love
2. Responsible Parenthood

The principle of totality should determine

the number of children.

The education of children is the parents

right and duty.

The incidence of broken families here in

Philippines is rising, and these are the problems
we shall look into:


Family Planning
Pre-Marital Sex
Marital Problems


Divorce proponents campaign for

a Divorce Law of Filipinos. They
present the same old arguments of
incompatibility, hence a lifetime of
misery, etc.


Newspaper, especially
tabloids, often headline
rape cases. Rape is a form
of violence: sex forced on
helpless victims.


A very common problem

everywhere is


It is known as the oldest

profession. To those who are
living in places where U.S.
bases are found, such as
Angeles, Olongapo, and Subic,
it is not a strange

Marital Problem

Problems connected with intercourse

- In the first place, it must be
established that God intended the
propagation of the human race
through sexual intercourse.
B. The Problem of Impotence
Impotence is a mans or a womans
lack of ability to do the act of

Marital Problem

C. The Problem of Sterility the lack

of ability to have a child is the
condition called sterility.
D.The Problem of Artificial
Insemination Artificial
insemination is the method of
making a woman conceive by
means other than the normal sex

The Human


Society is a grouping of people with a

common end. A genuine society moves with
one stout aim: the members communion in

It has often said that man is a social animal

or that no man is an island(the title of one of
Thomas Merton's best sellers).


One man cannot do all these for

Plant the food he eats
Make the clothes he wears
Educate himself from kindergarten
to college
Take care of his personal needs from
babyhood to the day he dies.

Kinds of Society

1.Imperfect Society- is that

which does not have
everything it needs to achieve
its ends.
2.Perfect Society- is that which
has everything it needs to
achieve its ends.

Kinds of Society

The two perfect societies are the

state and the church:
The State

The State is a grouping of families

devoted to the establishment of
conditions conducive to the full
development of its members.

Kinds of Society

There are four main views on the specific end

of the state:
1. Totalitarian- maintains that the individual
exists for the state, and not vice-versa.
Communism and Nazism are examples of this
2. Laissez-Faire- is the opposite of the
totalitarian idea. It maintains that the
individual can do anything he wants and that
the state is there only to keep order and
protect the citizen's rights.

Kinds of Society

3. Paternalistic- maintains that like a

father, the state should feel concern and
responsibility for the individual citizen
from birth to death.
4. Scholastic- takes the middle road
between the laissez-faire and paternalistic
views. It maintains that the state exists
for the individual and that public good
means peace and public prosperity.

Kinds of Society

The Supernatural Society

In the world today there is a
multiplicity of religious groups.
This just goes to prove that people
are religious by nature. Worship of
a supreme being is a need felt by
all no matter where he lives and
who he is.

Kinds of Society

Definition of the Church

The Church is a social

institution, the perfect
society of the super-order,
devoted to the eternal
happiness of its members.

Kinds of Society

Freedom of Religion
This is a cardinal point in a democracy and in
Catholic philosophy. The term separation of Church
and Sate in the American and Philippine
constitutions has been terribly maligned out of sheer
ignorance. The American Founding Fathers decreed
that separation because of the abuses committed by
the puritans during the Colonial Days to the
prejudice of the other religious groups: Catholics,
Quakers, Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopalians, etc.
The provision was simply meant to be a pragmatic
solution to religious inequality; it was meant to
insure freedom for all.

Kinds of Society

The Catholic Church

For Catholics, the one true Church
established by Christian on earth is
the Catholic Church of which the Pope
of Rome is the Head. The Church
claims apostolic succession from St.
Peter and has shown remarkable unity
and strength through the centuries.

Political Authority

Hold positions of power or

influence within a system of
government. Although some
are exclusive to one or
anotherform of government,
many exist within several

The Morality of

These are the most important principles

concerning the morality of elections:
1. It is a moral duty to vote.
2. It is immoral to sell your vote. It is immoral to buy
your votes.
3. The ballot is sacred.
4. The citizen has the right to free speech.
5. There should be a free public discussion of issues.
6. The Military should confine its role to insuring
peace and order at the polls.

The State And Human


Human rightsare a justified

set of claims that setmoral
standards to members of the
human race, not exclusive to a
specific community or
Membership in the human
race is the sole qualification to

Right To Private

In this section, we are going to look into:

A. Certain terms like ownership and property
which may be private and public, perfect and
B. The economic system
C. The individual and social character of private
D. Some ways of acquiring private property and
offences against it
E. The buyer-seller relationship
F. The living wage, labor unions, and strikes
G. The Philippine scene

Right To Private

Ownership means the right over something

the right of use, disposal through sale, lease,
or gift and enjoyment of it.
Property is the object owned. It may refer to
real estate, community goods or personal
Ownership is private when it is the exclusive
prerogative of an individual or a group of
individuals, as in a corporation.

Example: Ownership of a car licensed in ones


Right To Private

It is public when it is claimed by the state or

by the people in the country.
Examples: Malacanang Palace, The Rizal
It is perfect when the owner has unlimited
freedom, within the law, in the use and
disposition of the object.
Example: Right to spend ones monthly salary.
And it is imperfect when the owner is
inhibited either in the objects use or
disposition towards it.

Right To Private

The Economic Systems

Economic organization should have one aim
in view: the happy, comfortable life of a man
on earth.

Capitalism is the economic system in use in

the Philippines, the United States, England,
other non-Communist European countries,
Australia, South Africa, Nationalist China,
Japan, and other Asean countries.

Right To Private

Its outstanding characteristics are:


Private ownership of production goods

Free enterprise and competition
The wage system
Control through price
Private profits

Right To Private

The Individual Character of Private Property

The right to own private ownership is a
natural right of man. He needs it:
1. To live - Man today cannot live without money
and the things money can buy.
2. To save for the future The need for security in
ones old age is universally recognized.
3. To marry and raise a family - Love alone is not
sufficient in marriage.
4. To develop his talents He needs money to

Right To Private

5. To receive just compensation for

his work the fruitfulness of
work is said to be the principal
source of the right of private
6. To retain his identity as an
individual - Man needs private
property to distinguish him from
the mass.

Right To Private

Some Ways of Acquiring Property


First Occupancy
Finding of lost articles

Right To Private

Offences Against the Right of Ownership

1. Theft is taking anothers property in
2. Robbery- is doing the same by force,
such as with the use of knives and guns.
3. Fraud - is taking by deceit. It is
synonymous with swindle and cheat.

Right To Private

The Buyer-Seller Relationship

This should be governed by justice. Some guidelines
for each are suggested here:
For the buyer:
1. He should pay for the merchandise he gets.
2. He should pay the agreed amount.
3. If he does not pay on the spot, then he should do so at
the agreed time.
4. He must pay good money, not counterfeit.
5. He must return any extra change the seller gives him.
6. He must examine the goods he buys before leaving the
seller, or if he discovers any mistake or flaw in the goods
later, he should inform the seller as soon as possible.

Right To Private

For the seller:

1. He must inform the buyer of the pertinent condition

of his goods, such as substantial imperfections.
2. He must not cheat by way of weight or measure or
quantity of the goods.
3. He should ask for a just price, one that should give
him a fair margin of profit.
4. He should not engage in black marketing, unjust
manipulation of prices, hoarding, and smuggling.
5. He should not short-change the buyer.
6. He must not deviate from any agreement with the
customer, whether this be written or orally given.

Right To Private

7. He must not try to take advantage of the

customer by the latters inadvertence in
checking the receipts by demanding the
repayment of an item already paid for.
8. He must issue receipts to all purchased goods.
This is an order of the BIR.
9. He ought to keep in mind that at all times
honesty is still the best policy.

Right To Private

The Living Wage

The living wage is equated
with family wage. These
terms simply mean
remuneration sufficient for a
man and his family to live on.

Right To Private

Labor Unions
A labor union is an
organization of workers or
employees for their economic

Right To Private

A strike is a stopping of work,
a device used by the labor
union to get its demands.

Right To Private

The Philippine Scene

All administrators, from the time of President
Quezon, have been concerned with social
justice, especially as it touches the landlordtenant relationships and the welfare of
migrant workers, like the sacadas in the south.
The more specific problems facing us are:





Right To Private

Economic Crises - These days, since August 21, 1983, the

country is going through an economic crisis. So many are
Land Reform Our agricultural (landlord-tenant), problems,
especially in Central Luzon, had often been cited as the main
cause of the NPA resurgence and great discontent among the
Unequal Distribution of Wealth Almost any part of Metro
Manila is proof of unequal distribution of wealth.
Peace and Order With Martial Law, the problems of peace
and order had been reduced, but not totally eliminated.
Metro-Manila Problems Mrs. Imelda Marcos, in her
acceptance speech as Governor of the Metropolitan Manila
Commission, acknowledged the problems of the area as
many and of incredible magnitude.
The Teachers and the Government For the past several

The End

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