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Suzanna Macedo - 2010

Seismograph tool used to measure and

locate earthquakes

Pen marks on paper

(usually pen stays still and paper moves)
Bigger zigzag = bigger earthquake

Arrival of P


Arrival of S

We use the amplitude (height of wave) to

measure magnitude (intensity) of earthquake


We use the time difference between P and

S waves to figure the distance to earthquake.

Must use three (3) stations and triangulate

to find epicenter.

Magnitude strength or intensity of earthquake

Richter scale measures the amount of
energy released by earthquake
Each magnitude is 10x stronger than one
before; no end to scale
SF 1906 = 8.3 RS; most Cobb quakes
arent over 4

seismic moment measures total movement

along a fault
SF 1906 = 8.3 RS but 7.9 SM
Loma Prieta (Oct 17, 1989) = 7.1 RS but 6.9 MS
Haiti (Jan 12, 2010) = 7.0 RS but 7.1 SM

Mercalli scale measures damage from

scale from I XII
barely feel

total destruction

Haiti (Jan 12, 2010)

Richter Scale = 7.0
Seismic Moment Scale = 7.1
Mercalli Scale = 9

largest ever recorded 1960 Chile 9.5 RS

in U.S.

1964 Alaska 9.2 RS, 9.5 SM

Killed 131 only 9 in EQ,
rest by tsunami (12 in
Crescent City)

in continental U.S. 1812 New Madrid

(Missouri) 8.7 RS

tsunami (harbor wave)

giant ocean wave generated by

earthquake or underwater landslide
VERY destructive

Dec 26, 04 Sumatra , following 9.0 earthquake

Killed 225,000!

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