Human Behaviour in Organization - Learning & Development

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Human Behaviour In Organization

Learning & Development

Presented by:Ashutosh Singh
Bhagyashree Chavan
Chinmay Deshpande
Elvya Lopes
Mukesh Choudhary Verghese Abraham
Robin Rajan Shampa Adhikari
Sony Yadav Sunil Malgunkar
Sunita Dutta Swaraj Bhattacharya
Menon Divya Gopakumar Sanket Nair

What is Learning & Development?

Learning & Development [L&D] is a continuous process in an

organization to achieve its organizational goals by improving the skills

and knowledge of the employees.

The purpose of learning and development programmes is to

improve employee capabilities and organizational capability.

Importance of Learning and Development [L&D]

L&D is an integral part of the whole management process.

Helps to meet the changing job requirements of the

It is a practical and vital necessity.
Creating an efficient and effective organization
Improving employee performance
Updating employee skills
It is widely accepted problem-solving device.
It molds the employees attitudes and helps them to achieve a
better co-operation with the company and a greater loyalty to
It helps in reducing dissatisfaction, complaints, grievances

Learning is a Shared

Learning and Development Strategy

Learning and Development Strategy

Learning and Development Strategy

Techniques for Determining the Learning & Development Needs

Management Request
Group Conference
Questionnaire surveys
Tests or examinations
Personnel records
Merit or Performance ratings
Job or activity analysis
Long-range organizational planning

Learning & Development Policy

Every organization should have a well established L&D Policy

which represents the top managements commitment to the

development of its employees
It comprises of roles and procedures governing the standards
and scope of training

Learning & Development Objectives

Well specified objectives define the content of the L&D

programmes by providing clear statements of what has to be

1. It should define the behaviour that will be accepted as
evidence that the employee has mastered the objective
2. It should specify the important conditions under which the
performance is expected to occur.
3. It should specify a level of performance that will be
considered acceptable.

Methods and Aids

On-the-Job Training


Methods and Aids

Self Managed Learning :-

E- Learning
Further Education

[ Part Time PGDM , E-MBA ]

Methods and Aids

Deployment :-

Temporary assignment's / Special Projects

Methods and Aids

Group Learning :-

Cross Functional

Communities of
Role Play

Methods and Aids

Tutor-led interventions :-

Training courses


Learning Methods Retention Rates

Objectives of Course Evaluation

To access the suitability of the aims and objectives of the course

To identify whether the course is meeting these aims and objectives
To consider the suitability of course content and structure
To enable the participants to measure their development and progress
To judge the relevance and usefulness of materials used in the course
To access the adequacy of the organizational and administrative
To encourage the change and adaptation of materials and methods as a
routine part of the learning process
To develop models of good training practice

Kirkpatrick Approach

Learning and Development Process

Learning and Development Budget

A training budget has to be prepared for each internal courses
and it includes:

Cost of facilities like training room, food, transport, guest faculty, and
teaching material.

Wages and salary of employees who participate in training and remain

absent from their regular jobs.

The trainer should plan his training activities in advance so

that normal work is not disturbed.

In in-house training a large amount of work has to be done
regarding course design, preparation of teaching material,
administrative arrangements, etc.

Learning and Development Budget

In case of external courses organizational factors like releasing

the participant from job, finding his temporary replacement,

etc. have to be considered.
Training methods are a means of achieving the desired
Each method is suitable for a particular situation.
The choice of teaching method depends on many factors like
competence of instructors, importance to the participants,
program design, etc.

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