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Cultural Issues in Health Related to elders Within

Muslims and African Americans

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Getting old involve a change in lifestyle for most people from various cultures and ethnic
Older adults, ranging from 60 years old, make significant contributions to society as family
members, active participants in the workforce and volunteers (The state of aging and health
in America 2007).
While most have good physical and mental health, numerous older adults are at risk of
developing mental complications, as well as other health conditions such as osteoarthritis,
diabetes and hearing loss.
Moreover, as individuals get older, they are more probably to experience many conditions
at the same time.
There is an assumption that physical and mental health problems are a normal characteristic
of ageing, though it does not apply to all individuals (Bensaid and Grine, 2014).

It is important to note that mental health has a great impact on physical health and vice versa.
For instance, elderly persons with physical health issues such as diabetes have higher
possibility of developing depression than those who are medically well.
On the other hand, untreated depression in an elderly person with heart complication can
negatively influence the consequence of the physical disease.
Efficient general social and health care is significant for facilitating the health of older people,
preventing disease and managing chronic diseases. It is noteworthy to concentrate on the
lasting care of elderly persons with physical and mental health issues, as well as to offer
caregivers with training, assistance and education (Berkman and D'Ambruoso, 2006).
This particular paper focuses on physical and mental health issues of elderly persons from
diverse cultures and ethnic backgrounds. In this case, the discussion will include important
cultural issues in health related to elders within Muslims and African Americans.

Physical and mental health issues of elderly persons vary in diverse cultural and ethnic
backgrounds depending on various beliefs.
Taking consideration of Muslims and African Americans, health care for elderly persons
is crucial.
Over the last decades there has been numerous studies attesting high prevalence of
health disorders in the minority elderly population.
Even though the population of elderly persons from minority groups constitute 5 percent
of the United States population, their use of health services falls far below expectations.
It is estimated that 15 to 30 percent of these elders are in need of physical and mental
health care for nervousness, schizophrenia, heart problems, psychosomatic disorders and
changes to aging (Faller et al 2015).

As well, it is discouraging that the rate of suicide for these elderly persons is almost 15
percent, the highest of all age groups from minorities in the United States.
Given such statistics, there is need to examine why thousands of elderly persons from
minority groups such as African American and Muslims, are deprived of adequate
physical and mental health care.
In fact, there is a huge difference between cultural issues in health related to elders
within Muslims and African Americans.
Each of these ethnic backgrounds have certain beliefs related to physical and mental
health of elderly persons.

Literature addressing health care issues among minority populations rarely offers data specific
of elderly persons to Muslim.
Even though Muslim ethnic sub-cultures and beliefs are different, they are often observed as a
monolithic group, negatively categorized and exposed to substantial structural and
interpersonal discrimination.
Muslims elderly people like so many others, they believe in a creator. Dietary issues are
significant for Muslim elderly individuals, because traditionally stable diet always promote
both physical and mental health (The state of aging and health in America 2007).
Hospitalized elderly persons may prefer to eat meals prepared by their families so that they can
maintain dietary standards.
During daytime hours of Ramadhan, Muslims may also resist eating or taking medications, as
they consider this moment as sacred.

However, for elderly and sick persons, they may be excused from fasting during Ramadhan, as some
exemptions are made for weak people.
In fact, to facilitate health, elderly people of Muslim origin may subscribe to folk therapies and beliefs.
Mental illness among elderly persons is one of the major feared medical conditions among Muslims.
They believe that a person end up being mad due to lack of faith in God or possession by evil.
Most individuals with mental health issues seek the help of a religious intermediary and may neglect
medical care.
The major reason why most families consider using religious intermediary is because of a feeling that it
bring shame on them and the family status.
They rely on God to heal elderly persons with mental complications.
Among elderly persons of Muslim families, mental health issues may be considered a secret to be
covered up, or denied.

Preventive medical care may be perceived less significant than treatment of acute symptoms of injury
and illness (Berkman and D'Ambruoso, 2006).
In this case, believing in a higher power of Allah when having problems is the most priority to
However, others believe that combining proper treatment with praying to get to the source of the illness
will make the patient get well quickly.
Elderly persons may expect prescription drugs to handle their signs, but once the signs minimize, they
may not be allowed to take their prescribed drugs. During diagnosis, patients are basically informed
only the encouraged news about their diagnosis process.
There is certainly a need for physical and mental health services specifically to address the needs of
Muslims (Faller et al 2015).
Most Muslim communities do not have equipped personnel to handle subtle health issues for elderly
persons and some therapists are not qualified.

African Americans
African Americans are no different from Muslim when it comes to prevalence of physical and health issues.
However, there are various concerns in this minority group regarding the care of elderly persons.
African Americans are becoming progressively health cognizant, seeking treatments and health screenings,
even though health literature in this group tends to differ by generation (Faller et al 2015.
A large number of elderly people from African American origin believe that a good state of body is at Gods
Elderly African Americans may be doubtful of clinic professionals, having a belief that their health is
personal and up to Gods will. In this case, they may be reluctant to share their personal health issues with
third parties other than their families.
A family-based approach is recommended for showing serious physical and medical issues, seeking
consents, and explaining other serious conditions (The state of aging and health in America 2007).
Because of significance of family in African American origin, once an elderly person is sick or suffering
from any complication, every family member is informed.

In this particular ethic background, most people do not understand what a mental health complication
is and do not talk about this issue.
This kind of misunderstanding makes numerous people to believe that a mental health condition to
elderly persons is a personal weakness or some kind of punishment from God.
Similar to Muslims, African Americans may not discuss mental health issues and may be reluctant to
seek medical assistance because of the stigma and shame linked with it.
Research have shown that many African Americans depend on faith, social and family communities
during physical and mental health cases on elderly people, instead of seeking medical care assistance
from professionals even when medical treatment is necessary (Bensaid and Grine, 2014).
In fact, African American family caregiving of dependent elderly people is carried out within a
collectivistic structure made up of diverse individuals with differing levels of involvement in
everyday caregiving activities.

Assessment Tools
There are different assessment tools used to measure or examine the physical and health issues among
diverse sets of people.
Little is seen on cultural assessment regarding public health care. Since this study is based on elderly
persons, there should be open-ended, non-leading and non-judgement questions that offer them a
chance to bring forward what is significant to them.
Regardless of the ethnic backgrounds, spirituality and culture is not static and may be influenced by the
progress of the health disorder.
There is need to consider the personal faith custom, practices and beliefs, attitudes on healing and faith,
comfort and experiences before carrying out the assessment.
These consideration provide a means to comprehend and support the participants in their experience of
illness and health.
Numerous tools are used by physicians to conduct cultural assessments (Ferrell et al 2015). In this
particular study, FICA Spiritual History Tool and HOPE questions can be used.

FICA Spiritual History Tool is designed to help professionals ask patients about their spiritual belief
and its likely effect on health care (Ferrell et al 2015). Primarily, FICA tool could be used to ask
elderly persons from Muslims and African American about their faith and belief, if they have any,
regarding health care and illness.
Then the next step will be asking them the significance of beliefs in their life and the way these
beliefs influence their perception to the illness.
In addition, this tool will help know the patients community of faith and lastly ask them how they
wish the physician to address spirituality in their case.
On the other hand, HOPE questions tool will help generate general concepts to specific applications
by asking about persons sources of hope and meaning, whether these elderly persons are associated
to a specific religion in the community, what they mostly believe regarding their health condition, as
well as what impact their beliefs may have on medical care and their daily choices.

Culture is vital in evaluating elderly peoples health from diverse ethnic backgrounds.
Understanding patients norms and beliefs can allow physicians to quickly ensure
effective communication.
The change of health care is a significant objective, not only for African Americans and
Muslim elderly persons, but also for people in all ethnic backgrounds.
Efforts to minimize health disparities must be all-inclusive, supporting the emotional,
spiritual and physical health of elderly people.
It is also significant to enhance connections with community members and recognize the
cultural norms of a community.
However, health care study requires to concentrate on specific experiences and health
consequences of elderly people, especially in the modern social and political context.

Bensaid, B. & Grine, F. (2014). Old Age and Elderly Care: An Islamic Perspective.

Cultura International Journal Of Philosophy Of Culture And Axiology, 11(1), 141-163. http
Berkman, B., & D'Ambruoso, S. (2006). Handbook of social work in health and aging.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Faller, J., Teston, E., & Marcon, S. (2015). Old age from the perspective of elderly
individuals of different nationalities. Texto Contexto - Enferm., 24(1), 128-137. http
In Ferrell, B., & Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association,. (2015). Spiritual, religious, and
cultural aspects of care.
The state of aging and health in America 2007. (2007). Aging Health, 3(2), 139-141.

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