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Monitoring Servers

Lesson 11

Skills Matrix
Technology Skill

Objective Domain

Objective #

Using the Reliability and Monitor servers for

Performance Console
evaluation and


Using Auditing


Monitor and maintain

security and policies

Software Logs
It is common practice for software
products to save information about their
ongoing activities to chronological lists
called logs.
By examining the logs, administrators can
track the activity of the software,
document errors, and extract analytical
Logs are traditionally text files, which
administrators open in an editor
application, but the Windows operating
systems have long used a graphical

Event Viewer
The operating system component that
generates the Windows logs is called
Windows Eventing.
The primary function of the Windows
Eventing engine, as always, is to record
information about system activities as
they occur and package that information
in individual units called events.
The application you use to view the events
is called Event Viewer.
In Windows Server 2008, Event Viewer
takes the form of a Microsoft Management
Console (MMC) snap-in.

Event Viewer
The Event Viewer snap-in appears in
Windows Server 2008 as a separate
console, accessible from the
Administrative Tools program group,
and as part of other consoles,
including Server Manager (under the
Diagnostics node), and Computer
Management (under System Tools).
As with all snap-ins, you can also add
Event Viewer to a custom MMC

Event Viewer

Custom View in the Event Viewer


Windows Logs
When you expand the Windows Logs
folder in the Event Viewer console,
you see the following logs:
Forwarded Events

Windows Event Logs

Information An event that describes a change
in the state of a component or process as part of
a normal operation.
Error An event that warns of a problem that is
not likely to affect the performance of the
component or process where the problem
occurred, but that could affect the performance of
other components or processes on the system.
Warning An event that warns of a service
degradation or an occurrence that can potentially
cause a service degradation in the near future,
unless you take steps to prevent it.
Critical An event warning that an incident
resulting in a catastrophic loss of functionality or
data in a component or process has occurred.

Event Properties Dialog Box

Viewing Applications and Services Logs

When you expand the Applications
and Services Logs folder in the
console, you find additional logs for
the various applications and services
installed on the computer.
Many of the roles and features that
you can add to a Windows Server
2008 computer include their own
logs that appear in this folder.

Types of Logs
The four types of logs that can appear in
this folder are as follows:
Admin Contains events targeted at end
users or administrators that indicate a
problem and offer a possible solution.
Operational Contains events that signify
a change in the application or service, such
as the addition or removal of a printer.
Analytic Contains a high volume of
events tracking application operation
Debug Contains events used by software
developers for troubleshooting purposes.

Types of Logs
By default, only the Admin and
Operational logs are visible in the
Event Viewer console, because these
are the logs that can be useful to the
average administrator.
The Analytic and Debug logs are
disabled and hidden, because they
typically contain large amounts of
information that is of interest only to
developers and technicians. To
display and enable these log types.

The Analytic and Debug Log Folders

The Properties Sheet for an Analytic


Additional Logs
The Event Viewer console comes
preconfigured with a large collection
of additional logs for Windows Server
When you expand the Microsoft and
Windows folders in the Applications
and Services Logs folder, you see a
long list of Windows components.
Each of these components has a
pathway, called a channel, to its

Windows Component Logs

Custom Views
Another means of locating and
isolating information about specific
events is to create custom views.
A custom view is essentially a filtered
version of a particular log, configured
to display only certain events.
The Event Viewer console now has a
Custom Views folder, in which you
can create filtered views and save
them for later use.

Custom Views

Reliability and Performance Console

A computers performance level is
constantly changing as it performs
different combinations of tasks.
Monitoring the performance of the
various components over a period of
time is the only way to get a true
picture of the systems capabilities.

Reliability and Performance Snap-in

While the Event Viewer snap-in enables
you to review system events that have
already occurred, the Reliability and
Performance snap-in enables you to
view system information on a continuous,
real-time basis.
Like Event Viewer, Reliability and
Performance is an MMC snap-in that you
can launch as a separate console from the
Administrative Tools program group; view
from within another console, such as
Server Manager or Computer

Resource Overview
When you launch the Reliability and
Performance Monitor console, you see the
Resource Overview screen.
This screen contains four real-time line
graphs that display information about four
of the servers main hardware
Each of the four components also has a
separate, expandable section below the
graphs, displaying more detailed
information in text form, such as the
resources being utilized by individual

Resource Overview

Resource Overview

Resource Overview

Performance Monitor
Performance Monitor is another
tool within the Reliability and
Performance Monitor console that
displays system performance
statistics in real time.
The difference between Performance
Monitor and Resource Overview is
that Performance Monitor can display
hundreds of different statistics
(called performance counters) and
that you can create a customized
graph containing any statistics you

The Default Performance Monitor


The Performance Monitor Histogram


Performance Monitor Report View

Adding Counters
In the Add Counters dialog box, you
have to specify the following four
pieces of information to add a
counter to the display:
Performance object
Performance counter

The Add Counters Dialog Box

Reliability Monitor
Reliability Monitor is a new
addition to Windows Server 2008
that automatically tracks events that
can have a negative effect on system
stability and uses them to calculate a
stability index.

The Reliability Monitor Display

A bottleneck occurs when a
component is not providing an
acceptable level of performance
compared with the other components
in the system.
Bottlenecks can appear for a variety
of reasons including:
Increased server load
Hardware failure
Changed server role

Monitoring Processor Performance

Processor: % Processor time
Specifies the percentage of time that
the processor is busy.
This value should be as low as
possible, with anything remaining
below 85 percent most of the time
being acceptable.
If this value is consistently too high,
you should attempt to determine
which process is using too much
processor time, upgrade the
processor, or add another processor,

Monitoring Processor Performance

System: Processor Queue Length
Specifies the number of program
threads waiting to be executed by the
This value should be as low as
possible, with values less than 10
being acceptable.
If the value is too high, upgrade the
processor or add another processor.

Monitoring Processor Performance

Server Work Queues: Queue
Specifies the number of requests
waiting to use a particular processor.
This value should be as low as
possible, with values less than 4
being acceptable.
If the value is too high, upgrade the
processor or add another processor.

Monitoring Processor Performance

Processor: Interrupts/sec

Specifies the number of hardware

interrupts the processor is servicing each
The value of this counter can vary greatly
and is significant only in relation to an
established baseline.
A hardware device that is generating too
many interrupts can monopolize the
processor, preventing it from performing
other tasks.
If the value increases precipitously,
examine the various other hardware
components in the system to determine
which one is generating too many

Monitoring Memory Performance

A memory leak is the result of a program
allocating memory for use but not freeing up
that memory when it is finished using it.
Over time, the computers free memory can be
totally consumed, degrading performance and
ultimately halting the system.
Memory leaks can be fast, causing an almost
immediate degradation in overall server
performance, but they can also be slow and
difficult to detect, gradually degrading system
performance over a period of days or weeks.
In most cases, memory leaks are caused by
third-party applications, but operating system
leaks are not unprecedented.

Monitoring Memory Performance

Memory: Page Faults/Sec

Specifies the number of times per second

that the code or data needed for
processing is not found in memory.
This value should be as low as possible,
with values below 5 being acceptable.
If this value is too high, you should
determine whether the system is
experiencing an inordinate number of hard
faults by examining the Memory: Pages/Sec
If the number of hard page faults is
excessive, you should either determine
what process is causing the excessive
paging or install more random access

Monitoring Memory Performance

Memory: Pages/Sec
Specifies the number of times per
second that required information was
not in RAM and had to be accessed
from disk or had to be written to disk
to make room in RAM.
This value should be as low as
possible, with values from 0 to 20
being acceptable.
If the value is too high, you should
either determine what process is
causing the excessive paging or

Monitoring Memory Performance

Memory: Available Mbytes
Specifies the amount of available
physical memory in megabytes.
This value should be as high as
possible and should not fall below 5
percent of the systems total physical
memory, as this might be an
indication of a memory leak.
If the value is too low, consider
installing additional RAM in the

Monitoring Memory Performance

Memory: Committed Bytes
Specifies the amount of virtual
memory that has space reserved on
the disk paging files.
This value should be as low as
possible and should always be less
than the amount of physical RAM in
the computer.
If the value is too high, this could be
an indication of a memory leak or the
need for additional RAM in the

Monitoring Memory Performance

Memory: Pool Non-paged Bytes
Specifies the size of an area in
memory used by the operating
system for objects that cannot be
written to disk.
This value should be a stable number
that does not grow without a
corresponding growth in server
If the value increases over time, this
could be an indication of a memory

Monitoring Disk Performance

PhysicalDisk: Disk Bytes/sec
Specifies the average number of
bytes transferred to or from the disk
each second.
This value should be equivalent to the
levels established in the original
baseline readings or higher.
A decrease in this value could
indicate a malfunctioning disk that
could eventually fail.
If this is the case, consider upgrading
the storage subsystem.

Monitoring Disk Performance

PhysicalDisk: Avg. Disk
Specifies the average number of
bytes transferred during read and
write operations.
This value should be equivalent to the
levels established in the original
baseline readings or higher.
A decrease in this value indicates a
malfunctioning disk that could
eventually fail. If this is the case,

Monitoring Disk Performance

PhysicalDisk: Current Disk Queue
Specifies the number of pending disk read
or write requests.
This value should be as low as possible,
with values less than 2 being acceptable
per disk spindle.
High values for this counter can indicate
that the drive is malfunctioning or that it is
incapable of keeping up with the activities
demanded of it.
If this is the case, consider upgrading the

Monitoring Disk Performance

PhysicalDisk: % Disk Time

Specifies the percentage of time that the

disk drive is busy reading or writing.
This value should be as low as possible,
with values less than 80 percent being
High values for this counter can indicate
that the drive is malfunctioning, that it is
incapable of keeping up with the activities
demanded of it, or that a memory problem
is causing excess disk paging.
Check for memory leaks or related
problems and, if none are found, consider
upgrading the storage subsystem.

Monitoring Disk Performance

LogicalDisk: % Free Space
Specifies the percentage of free
space on the disk.
This value should be as high as
possible, with values greater than 20
percent being acceptable.
If the value is too low, consider
adding more disk space.

Monitoring Disk Performance

Most storage subsystem problems, when
not caused by malfunctioning hardware,
are resolvable by upgrading the storage
These upgrades can include any of the
following measures:
Install faster hard disk drives.
Install additional hard disk drives and split
your data among them, reducing the I/O
burden on each drive.
Replace standalone drives with a RAID
(Redundant Array of Independent Disks)

Monitoring Network Performance

Network Interface: Bytes
Specifies the number of bytes sent
and received per second by the
selected network interface adapter.
This value should be equivalent to the
levels established in the original
baseline readings or higher.
A decrease in this value could
indicate malfunctioning network
hardware or other network problems.

Monitoring Network Performance

Network Interface: Output Queue
Specifies the number of packets
waiting to be transmitted by the
network interface adapter.
This value should be as low as
possible, and preferably zero,
although values of two or less are
If the value is too high, the network
interface adapter could be

Monitoring Network Performance

Server: Bytes Total/Sec
Specifies the total number of bytes
sent and received by the server over
all of its network interfaces.
This value should be no more than 50
percent of the total bandwidth
capacity of the network interfaces in
the server.
If the value is too high, consider
migrating some applications to other
servers or upgrading to a faster

A Baseline
As mentioned earlier, performance
bottlenecks can develop over a long
period of time, and it can often be difficult
to detect them by observing a servers
performance levels at one particular point
in time.
A baseline is simply a set of readings,
captured under normal operating
conditions, which you can save and
compare to readings taken at a later time.
By comparing the baseline readings to the
servers current readings at regular
intervals, you can discern trends that

Data Collector Set

To capture counter statistics in the
Reliability and Performance Monitor
console for later review, you must create a
data collector set.
A data collector set is a means of
gathering, compiling, and storing
information from various sources,
including performance counters, event
traces, and the Windows registry.
At its simplest, data collector sets can
function as the equivalent of performance
logs in earlier Windows versions.
You select the counters you want to
monitor, and the console records their
information for later evaluation.

Creating a New Data Collector Set

What Type of Data You Want to Include

Which Performance You Would Like to


Where You Would Like the Data To Be Saved

Create the Data Collector Set

The Properties Sheet for a Data

Collector Set

The Performance Monitor Information

Collected Using a Data Collector Set

Auditing is the process by which
administrators can track specific securityrelated events on a Windows Server 2008
To audit security events, you must enable
specific Group Policy settings for a
Once you activate these settings, the
system tracks the specified activities and
records them as events in the Security log,
which you can access using the Event
Viewer snap-in.

The Audit Policies Container in a Group

Policy Object

The Properties Sheet for an Audit


Group Policy Objects

The primary function of the Windows
Eventing engine, as always, is to
record information about system
activities as they occur and package
that information in individual units
called events.
The application you use to view the
events is called Event Viewer.

When you expand the Windows Logs
folder in the Event Viewer console,
you see the following logs:
Application, Security, Setup, System,
and Forwarded Events.
The Windows event logs contain
different types of events, as follows:
Information, Error, Warning, and

There are four types of logs that can
appear in the Applications and
Services Logs folder, as follows:
Admin, Operational, Analytic, and
When you launch the Reliability and
Performance Monitor console, you
see the Resource Overview screen,
which contains four real-time line
graphs that display information
about four of the servers main
hardware components.

While the Event Viewer snap-in
enables you to review system events
that have already occurred, the
Reliability and Performance snap-in
enables you to view system
information on a continuous, realtime basis.

Performance Monitor is a tool within
the Reliability and Performance
Monitor console that displays system
performance statistics in real time.
The difference between Performance
Monitor and Resource Overview is
that Performance Monitor can display
hundreds of different statistics
(called performance counters) and
you can create a customized graph
containing any statistics you choose.

Reliability Monitor is a new addition
to Windows Server 2008 that
automatically tracks events that can
have a negative effect on system
stability and uses them to calculate a
stability index.

A bottleneck is a component that is
not providing an acceptable level of
performance compared with the
other components in the system.
Auditing is the process by which
administrators can track specific
security-related events on a Windows
Server 2008 computer.

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