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How I Met

Presented to you by:
Lim Zhi Ying
Olivia Bong
Kavita Sinnaiah
Viveka Santhamogan

Story Build-up chart





John was walking home from work one evening
when someone ran into him, causing him to fall
into the snow on the ground. When John looked
up, he saw that the person looked exactly like him.
John felt very afraid. He decided to follow the
person but was unable to track him down as he
seemed to have disappeared. John also realized
that the person did not leave any footprints in the
snow. He did not know what to do.

If you were John Taylor, would you

have followed the mysterious person
who looks exactly like you? Explain the
reasons for your answer.

Rising Action
John began having dreams about that evening. This resulted in him
losing concentration at work, staying out late and having arguments
with his wife, Andrea. Finally, John decided to tell Andrea about the
incident. At first, she was supportive. However, once their daughter,
Kati, was born, Andrea was constantly angry at him for paying more
attention to his doppelganger than to his family. John had no choice
but to find out more about his doppelganger on his own.

John discovered that not only did he look like his doppelganger, they
also shared the same name. Even the names of their wives and
children were the same. John felt uncomfortable with these
similarities, especially when he learnt his doppelganger's wife and
child were killed in a cellar that was destroyed during the war.

How did John find out more about his

Why do you think John wants to find
out more about his doppelganger?

A similar incident that had happened to the
doppelganger and his family years ago occurred
exactly on the same date. When John heard a
very loud noise that sounded like an explosion,
he realized that Andrea and Kati were at the
same cafe where his doppelganger's wife and
daughter were killed. He rushed over and saw
that the place had been destroyed again.

Why were Andrea and Kati at Zsolts

caf at the time?

Falling Action
John tried to get into the ruins of the destroyed
cafe to find and rescue his wife and daughter but
a fireman prevented him from going in. The place
was full of gas and was too dangerous. John was
told to go home as there was nothing else he
could do to help. He was heartbroken. He realized
that he should have paid more attention to the
message his doppelganger was trying to tell him.

What do you think was the cause of

the explosion?

As was walking home, he saw his
doppelganger again. His doppelganger
pointed to two figures at a distance. John
was overjoyed to see that his wife and
daughter were alive! Andrea told John
that his doppelganger has saved them by
preventing them from entering the cafe.

If the doppelganger had failed to save

Andrea and Kati, what do you think
would be the ending of the story?


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