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Pre Production- Unit


Surveys in media are
important so that the
media company can
get an idea about what
the audience is
interested in

Storyboards are used
to draft a media
video or concept and
to be able to give
brief details on that
particular media

Scripts are used in films to
show when a character is
talking, what they say and
any actions they need to do

Location in media is
extremely important
because it adds effect
in certain films, for
example, if a film is
based on a specific
genre like drama, it is
important to have the
dramatic shot filmed
on a rainy night

Photography in media
important when making
storyboards and the cover
of a movie needs to shout
out at the viewers so when
a person is choosing what
to view the picture

Call Sheets
Call sheets are used to
list the people working
on the film, for
example the producer,
writer and executive


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