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Daniel - charismatic leader with a self

Vision and articulation:
He had a clear vision of robbing the casino which
he articulates very clearly along with the
execution plan

Sensitivity to followers need:

Approaches the various characters in movie
through emotional appeal instead of imposing his
Daniel was able to find out dissatisfaction and
need for change in each and every persons life
and use it for his own benefit

Personal Risk :
Risk is high for Daniel ocean since he already
has a bad image in front of Terry Benedict.
Also, in last scene we see the Terry benedicts
guy following Daniel Ocean.

Unconventional behavior:
Both Daniel and Rusty Ryan use tactics such
as deception ,manipulation, rational
persuasion and personal appeal to influence
team members

Dark side of charismatic leadership:

Daniels charisma allows him to convince
others rob the bank without others
questioning his ultimate motive

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