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Ups and Downs



Actual Scenario

Stages of Dating

Stage One: Gushy

We have so many things in common.


Artificial both on best behavior

Same likes: music, cars, people, food
Everything is funny
Lots of talking to each other on the phone.

Whether to express affection or not.
How to say goodnight.
Prefer group association to being alone.

Stages of Dating
Stage Two: Playing Games
Have hearts crossed out all over their notebooks.
Have swollen eyes from crying on the average of
three times a day.

Very possessive and jealous
Comes late for dates or not ready.
Personality traits valued more than just an interest in
the opposite sex.
A time of extremes: tears, happiness
Power struggle where to eat, what show to go see.

Stages of Dating
Stage Three: Goal-Directed
They are glad to see each other do things with other
They trust one another.
They want each other to be happy.
They are interested in seeing each other fulfill goals.
They are more interested in each others long-term
happiness than in their own short-term pleasure.
May be engaged or near engagement.
Begin to notice things in each other: picky about
food, stays up late, spend-thrift, etc.

Love Curves

Divide class into two groups, girls and guys.
As a group, decide on a response for each question.
What do you think when he/she

flirts with you?

says no to a kiss when you are saying good-night.
is wearing sexy smelling perfume or after-shave?
is wearing sexy clothing.
uses fowl or off-color language.
uses suggestive body language.
lets you touch private body parts.
like to party and drink beer.
says, I love you.
has a poor reputation, but asks you for a date.

Do girls and guys interpret

signals the same?
How are kissing and petting associated?
How are making out and making love
Is drinking alcohol and sexual activity
Are drugs and alcohol associated?

How to Say No
Just say no.
Id rather not.

Ignore the comment.

Appear not to hear, or act
too busy.

Make an excuse.
Im tired.

Change the subject.

Isnt it time for dinner.

Turn the idea into a joke.

How could you suggest
such a thing when you
know Im on a diet.

Act surprised.
Youve got to be kidding!

Express your feelings for

Sorry, but I like you to
much to do that.

Suggest a different plan.

Lets go to my house and
make a pizza.

Return the challenge.

If you really liked me,
youd never ask me to do



Affection Questionnaire
Fill out and turn in today!
No name on it.
We will be discussing this
next time.

Dating Behavior Quiz
State Reviews #2 & #3

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