Perspective Made Easy2015

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Perspective Made Easy

Drawing Course
Assignment 2
A Jacobson
1. Demonstrate
drawings skills by
the use of spatial
2. Draw in one and
two point
3. Demonstrate a
willingness to
improve art skills.

The History of Perspective

Many of the
early artworks
that mankind
created failed to
show any sense
of three
In this picture
you can see
overlapping of
people and
different sizes
How does it

The History of Perspective

Early artists did not
know how to depict
depth in their drawings
and paintings.
These artists tried to
show depth but were
Aspects of there work
looked awkward.

Painting by Giotto di Bondone around 1300

The History of Perspective

Do you know this painting?

The History of Perspective

It was not until the Renaissance
Period that artists developed a
system to show depth logically and

The Last Supper is a 15th century mural painting created by

Just Little About the Renaissance Period.

o Renaissance Period- (14501600)
o The word "Renaissance" is
defined as a "rebirth or a
o This period in time marked
the rebirth of humanism.
o The revival of culture.
o Importance of visual arts,
music, reading, writing,
philosophy, math and

Raphael, School of Athens, One-point linear


The four most Famous Artists of the

1. Leonardo da Vinci
2. Michelangelo
3. Raphael

Who Is credited
with the first
Discovery and Use
of Perspective?
like Alberti,
and Filippo
Brunelleschi are
credited with the linear
perspective solution.
Painters and other
artists adopted their
plans and started
using linear
perspective in their
work soon after.

How was Linear Perspective

Use mathematics & Science.
They had to study how
things really look.
What our eyes naturally do.
Then through close
observation they invented a
drawing system called
linear perspective.
Linear perspective allows
artists to trick the eye into
seeing depth on a flat

Lets learn how to see

Perspective and locate the
vocabulary today.

Perspective Vocabulary You Need

Know before you move on..
Perspective: Techniques for showing three dimensional
objects or scenes on a flat surface.

Horizon Line: The line created in an artwork by the

meeting of sky and ground.
Vanishing Point: The point in which converging lines
Orthogonal Line: Lines that connect to the vanishing
Perpendicular: Line that intersect to form a 90 degree
Parallel: Line that never intersect but run the same

The Rules of Perspective

All lines that run parallel and go away
from you will slant and converge at a
vanishing point. These are the
All orthogonals must be drawn lightly so you can
erase the areas that converge.
You must follow the steps to one point
You must follow the steps to two point
Always consider point of view- at eye level,
below eye level and above eye level.

How to create
One Point

The Horizon Line

The red line is the Horizon Line.

Orthogonals are the lines that slant toward the
horizon line. They converge at the vanishing
Establish your horizon, identify the vanishing point, then
all lines that go away from you will become orthogonals.
These angles slant to the vanishing point.

The Importance of the

Horizon Line

The Horizon Line is horizontal

It is the place where the ground and the sky
seem to meet
It goes from left to right and is parallel to
the bottom edge of the picture plane.

Represents the viewers


The Horizon line is the first thing you draw.

If you draw above the horizon line, the scene will look as if you
are looking up.
If you draw at the center of the horizon, it will appear your are
look straight at the object.
If you draw below the horizon line the you will appear to be
looking down on to the object.

To Review: If an object is above eye

level, above the Horizon Line, you
see the bottom of the box.

If it is below eye level or below

the Horizon Line - You will see

The Importance of the Vanishing

What is

The vanishing point is one of the most

important points to establish accurately
in order to draw the object accurately. If
lines dont converge to the vanishing

Locating the Vanishing Point

Can you see it?

Locate the Horizon Line, Vanishing Point and


Sometimes its not easy the horizon line or how

many things have orthogonals. EVERYTHING in this
drawing goes to one vanishing point.

Tools for perspective


Before you Begin a Perspective

You must always
use a ruler to draw

every straight line.

Use a triangle or t-square to make
perpendicular lines.
ALL LINES must be drawn very light lines
because most of them will be erased.

Rules to Drawing
Must have a horizon line
Must have a vanishing point

3. All vertical lines must be perpendicular to the horizon
4. All lines that go away from you must slant to a
vanishing point in which they become what we call
an orthogonals

The Importance drawing


Notice the box on the left. The

correction is made on the right. Slightly
crooked lines effect the entire look of
the drawing.

The Importance drawing


Notice the messed up windows .

To Review: If an object is above eye

level, above the Horizon Line, you
see the bottom of the box.

If it is below eye level or below

the Horizon Line - You will see

There are Three Kinds of


One Point

Two Point
Three Point

We will learn about One

Point and Two Point

One Point Perspective

Understanding One Point

Artists use onepoint perspective
to show objects
Most lines are
vertical, horizontal,
or orthogonal
Orthogonal are
drawn to a single
vanishing point.

How To Make a One Point

Perspective Drawing
Place a dot in the middle of the Horizon Line. This is your
vanishing point. In one-point perspective the Vanishing
Point, represented is always on the Horizon Line. As
things get closer to the Vanishing Point they get smaller
and smaller until they appear to vanish.

How to Make a One Point

Perspective Drawing
Draw a square or rectangle In your picture

How to Make a One Point

Perspective Drawing

Now connect three corners of your rectangle or

square to the vanishing point.

What are these slanted lines called?

How to Make a One Point

Perspective Drawing

Vertical lines make up the boxes sides that

are perpendicular to the horizon. The back
of the box is always parallel to the horizon.

How to Make a One Point

Perspective Drawing
Erase the orthogonals to complete
your form. You now have a 3-D form
in one-point perspective.

Drawing with Jacobson a

One Point Perspective of a

One Point Perspective Room

One Point Perspective Room

One Point Perspective Room

One Point Perspective Room

Two Point Perspective

What is Two Point

Perspective ?
Two point
uses two
points. You
use a two
when you
need to
draw an
object that
you see two

What is Two Point

Perspective ?
When viewing
things in TWO
we are
viewing the
object or
scene so that
we are
looking at one
corner, with
two sets of
parallel lines

Two Point Perspective

Two Point Perspective

Examples of Two Point


Two Point Perspective

Draw with me two point of a


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