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Diffusion process

Diffusion process is concerned with how innovations spread and

how they are assimilated within a market
How the acceptance of an innovation is spread by
communication to members
Marketer needs to understand the diffusion process so the spread
of the new item can be managed to get the optimum benefit
Diffusion concept starts with the innovation
Consumers perception of the innovation and new features
has to be positive

Categories of innovation
Continuous innovation
Dynamically continuous innovation
Discontinuous innovation

Different kind of adopters

Early adopters
Early majority
Late majority

Characteristics that influence

Relative advantage

The acceptance and continued use of a product or brand

by an individual is referred to as adoption
Rate of diffusion depends on the following characteristics
1. Awareness
2. Comprehension
3. Attitude
4. Legitimisation
5. Trial
6. Adoption

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