Dance Terminologies That Are Common To Philippine Folkdance

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1. Abrasete
Girl at the right side, holds the right arm of p
artner with her left hand,free hands down at s
ides. The term is a spanish origin and is used i
n Rigodon and in other dance.
2. Arms in lateral position
Both arms at one side, either sideward right o
r left. This may be done at shoulder, chest or
waist level.

3. Arms in reverse T position

Arms are horizontally sideward, elbows bent
at right angles, forearms parallel to head, pal
ms foward or facing inward, fists loosely clos

4. Bilao
To turn palms of hands up and down alternat
ively, hands at waist level in front, elbows cl
ose to waist.

5. Brush
Weight on one foot,hit the floor with the ball
or heel of the other foot after which that foot
is lifted from the floor to any direction.
6. Cabeceras
When dancers are in a square formation,the
couples occupying the width of the hall are c
alled cabeceras or head couples. This is of S
panish origin.

7. Clockwise
Like the motion of the hands of a clock. It sh
oulders toward the center of an imaginary cir
cle. When facing center, the movement is tow
ard the left.
8. Costados
When dancers are in square formation, the c
ouples occupying the length of the hall are ca
lled costados or side pairs.

9. Counterclockwise
The reverse direction of clockwise. L shoulder
is toward the center of an imaginary circle. W
hen facing center, the movement is toward th
e right.
10. Crossed Arms
Partners are facing each other or standing sid
e by side. The girl is at the right of the boy. Th
ey join their L and R hands together, either R
over L or L over right.

To displace quickly one foot with the other thus co
mpletely taking off the weight of the body from th
e displaced foot.
12. Do-si-do (Dos-A-Dos)
The vis-a-vis (opposites), both advance forward, pa
ss each other's right or left side, step across to the
right or left, move backward without turning arou
nd pass each other's left or right side to proper pl
aces. This is a foreign origin and is used in many P
hilippine dances.

To pull one foot along the floor close to the other
which has the weight of the body. The weight ma
y or may not be transferred.
14. Free Foot
The foot not bearing the weight of the body

15. Free Hand

The hand not placed anywhere or not
doing anything.
16. Hands on waist
Hands are on the waist line. Kunckles i
n, fingers pointing rear.

17. Hayon-hayon
To place one forearm in front and the other at the
back of the waist. This is a Visayan term.
18. Hop
A spring from one foot landing on the same foot i
n place or in any direction.

19. Inside Foot

The foot nearest one's partner, when partners sta
nd side by side.
20. Inside Hand
The hand nearest one's partner, when patners sta
nd side by side.

21. Kumintang
Moving the hand from the wrist either in a clockw
ise or counterclockwise direction. This is an Iloca
no term
22. Outside foot
The foot away from one's partner, when partners
stand side by side.

23. Outside Hand

The hand away from one's partner, when p

artners stand side by side.
24. Place
To put foot in a certain or desired position
without putting weight on it.The sole of the
foot rests on the floor.

25. Pivot
To turn with the ball heel, or whole foot, on a fixe
d place or point.
26. Point
Touch the floor lightly with the toes of one foot, w
eight of the body on the other foot.

Partners bow to each other, to the audience oppo
site dancers, or to the neighbors with feet togethe
r. This term is a Spanish origin and is used in almo
st all Philippine dances.
28. Set
A dance formation like a square or a unit formatio
n composed of two or more pairs.

29. Stamp
To bring down the foot forcibly and noisily on the f
loor with or without transfer of weight.
30. Step
To advance or recede by raising or moving one foo
t to another resting place. There is a complete tra
nsfer of weight from one foot to another.

31. Supporting Foot

The foot that bears the weight of the body.
32. Tap
To tap slightly with the ball or toe of the feet of th
e free foot, flexing the ankle joint keeping weight
of the body on the other foot.

33. Whirl
To make fast turns by executing small steps in pla
ce to right or left.

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