Introduction To Advertising: Tutorial 3

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Introduction to Advertising
Tutorial 3


1. Recap of lecture
2. Branding exercise fill in page 1
3. Branding exercise compare with
4. What are Perceptual Maps?
5. Perceptual Map exercise in groups of
Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam

Readings for THIS week: Branding

Wells, et al. chapters 3 & 4

Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam

Readings for NEXT week: Target Audience

Wells, et al. chapter 5

Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam

With a partner, recap the Branding Lecture

1. What is puffery?
2. What dimensions of branding can you remember?
3. Whats the difference between brand identity and brand
4. Will people show more or less brand loyalty if the brand
equity is high?
5. Is deceptive advertising ethical?

Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam

1- Puffery praises the product with subjective opinions, superlatives, or
exaggerations, vaguely and generally, stating no specific facts.
2- Dimensions of Branding: function, packaging, design, features, price,
efficacy / guarantees, add-ons, availability, delivery, advice, finance, aftercare
service / brand name, corporate image, quality perceptions, value perceptions,
reputation, organisation, other user recommendations.
3- Brand Identity (name, logo, symbols, design, packaging and performance)
encompasses the entire spectrum of consumers awareness, knowledge and image
of a brand as well as the company behind it. It is the sum of all points of encounter
or contact that consumers have with the brand. Brands can command a higher
price than an unbranded equivalent.
Brand Equity is used to describe both the value of the brand and the brand's
component values. It's value may be a monetary value (which may be discounted
to a net present value), an increase in a rate of return or any number of softer
market research measures such as awareness or consideration. Brand image:
associations that come to the consumers mind when contemplating a particular
4- Brand loyalty is directly linked with brand equity. Brand loyalty is the
consumer's commitment to repurchase the products of a specific brand while brand
equity refers to the marketing effects because of the brand name attached to a
product. Thus, high brand equity, results in more brand loyalty.
Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam

Brand name product I would like to own:

What brand attributes or benefits make this
thing particularly appealing to you? Why do
you want it?
Consider the positive things people would
say or think about you if you had this
product to wear or own or use.
Consider the negative things people would
say or think about you if you had this
product to wear or own or use.
Who is the major competitor for this brand?
What does your brand have that is different
or unique compared to this competitor?
Where have you seen advertising for this
brand? How do you know about it? Have
you visited a store to look at it yet? Has a
friend got one?
How can other people tell what brand it is
you are wearing or using? Is this
important? Why or why not?
Does being able to see the brand name or
logo clearly say something about the
person owning or using the brand?
Why do you think teenagers and young
adults spend so much time obsessing over
brand name products?

Some brands of water




Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam


Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam

Maslows hierarchy of needs

Brand positioning dimensions

Product functional features/attributes

Status benefits

Emotional benefits

Recommended reading

RMIT University 2009

RMIT International University Vietnam


Axis. What would you put at the end of each arrow?

Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam


Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam


Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam


Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam


Perceptual Map
2 airlines

Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam


Perceptual Map
car brands

Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam


Perceptual Map
clothing brands

Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam


Some brands of chocolate snacks

Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam



Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam


Chocolate Brands consumer perceptions

Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam


Perceptual Map questions

1. Do you think the gaps on the perceptual map represent

an opportunity? Why or why not?
2. Identify then plot two other potential products for
Nestle to round out the product range for supermarkets.
Explain your reasons.
3. Identify then plot a new product for Cadbury. Explain
your reasons.
4. How would you position each brand? What would you
call it?

Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam


And just for fun

check this site for ideas of
products that could be developed.
RMIT International University Vietnam


How are you doing with your IMC assignment?

Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam


Readings for NEXT week: Target Audience

Check Blackboard weekly!

Wells, et al. chapter 5

Intro to Advertising

RMIT International University Vietnam


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