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َQuality Management

System Training

ECCO Contact Center

 Name
 Position
 Experiences
 Main Duties and responsibilities
Course Overview

Agenda Review
Quality Definition
What is Quality ?
What Do you Think
So Many Definitions ?
 Matching with Product Usability -------- Goran
 Total Product or service specifications which
make this product or service cover the
requirements ----------- ISO
 Looking for Customer’s current and future
needs ------------ Deming
 Covering the requirements --------- Crosby
COPC defines Quality as :

doing things accurately at the first attempt (e.g.,

giving the correct answer to an inquiry,
inputting an order correctly, and shipping the
correct product to the correct address).
Why Quality is Important
in the Contact Center ?
What Do you Think ?
Why Quality is Important in the
Contact Center ? “Cont’d”
 Customer Satisfaction
 Customer Experience

 Competition

 Production

 Increasing Profit

 Decreasing Costs

 Staff Improvement
What Is a Quality Contact?
 Customer is satisfied
 All data entry is correct
 Contact is necessary in the first place
 Agent provides correct response
 Customer receives correct information
 Agents captures all needed/useful information
 Customer doesn’t get rushed
 Customer has confidence contact was effective
What Is a Quality Contact?
 Call center’s mission is accomplished
 Unsolicited marketplace feedback is detected and
 Customer doesn’t feel it necessary to check-up, verify
or repeat
 People “down the line” can correctly interpret the order
 Agents has “Pride in Workmanship”
 Customer does not get a busy signal when using
telephone or “no response” from Web site.
 Customer is not placed in queue for too long
Quality Principles
Main Principles of Quality
 Customer Driven Organization
 Leadership

 Involvement of People

 Process Approach

 System Approach to Management

 Continual Improvement

 Factual Approach to Decision Making

 Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships



 What do you read from this Chart
Constrains when implementing
 Management do not commit
 Missing right planning for future

 Waiting for problems to be happened first

then to fix it instead of preventing the causes
 Change resistance

 Staff weak involvement

 Wrong measurements tools

 Wrong targets
Costs When Quality Is Lacking
 Escalation of contacts and complaints to
higher management (Effect: wasted time =
Wasted Money).
 Repeat contact from customers (Effect:
Customer satisfaction impact & Cost of re-
work or repeated transactions)
 Cancellations (Effect: Top line loss in
revenue, skewed inventory status…etc.)
 Negative publicity from angry customers
(Effect: Reputation Damage)
ISO 9001:2000

COPC 4.0
Is it important ? Why
 What Do you think ?
What is ISO 9001:2000 ?
ISO 9001:2000 is the most commonly used
International Standard that provides a
framework for an effective Quality
Management System. This International
Standard specifies requirements for a quality
management system where a company
needs to demonstrate its ability to
consistently provide product that meets
customer requirements and satisfaction
ISO 9001 Requirements
Identify your Key Processes:
• The processes that affect product or service quality.

• These processes are included in the QMS.

• This includes most of the processes in your organization.

Use "Process Management Approach":

• A process management approach is managing your

organization as a system of interlinked processes.

• The output of one process is the input for the next process.
ISO 9001:2000 Standard
 Quality Management system

 Management Responsibilities

 Resource Management

 Product Realization

 5 Measurement, Analysis and Improvement

Typical Certification Process
 1- Initial visit
 2- Documentation review
 3- Certification audit
 4- Periodic audits
Each issued certificate has a three-year life period.
Upon certification, a periodic audit is scheduled for
regular audits over the three-year period. At least
one periodic audit per year is required.
 5- Re-certification audit
After the three years are up, your certification will be
extended through a re-certification audit.
Improving Service, Quality, Revenue, Customer Satisfaction, and
Profitability, and decreasing Cost
 Service is the speed in which things are done from
the customer’s perspective.
Example for service : service levels (SLA & Abandon
 Quality is doing things accurately at the first attempt
Example for Quality : Fetal Error and Non fetal error
 Cost typically focuses on efficiency and the cost per
unit incurred by the CSP to provide a product or
Example for Cost : (AHT, Utilization, Cost per
 Satisfaction : (Client Sat & Customer Sat)

2.0 Processes
Driver Goal
2.1 Implementing New Products,
1.0 Leadership Services, Programs, Clients, 4.0 Performance
and Requirements
and Planning
2.2 Process Control
2.3 Problem Solving Process
1.1 Statement of Direction 2.4 Transaction Monitoring 4.1 Client Satisfaction and
1.2 Management System 2.5 Forecasting, Staffing and Dissatisfaction
Review Scheduling 4.2 End-User Satisfaction
1.G.A Planning and 2.6 CUIKA and Dissatisfaction
Reviewing Business 2.7 End-User Privacy 4.3 Service and Revenue
Performance 2.G.A Managing Transactions at Performance
4.4 Quality Performance
the Interval Level
4.5 Process-Level
2.G.B Managing Key Suppliers
2.G.C Process Audits 4.6 Staff Attrition and
2.G.D Data Security Absenteeism
2.G.E Contingency Planning 4.7 Achieving Results
2.G.F Data and Information 4.G.A Asset Efficiency
Availability and Update 4.G.B Cost of Poor Quality

3.0 People

3.1 Defining Jobs, Recruiting and

3.2 Training and Development
3.3 Verifying Skills and
3.4 Staff Performance
3.G.A Managing Staff Feedback
 TheItems marked in yellow are the Gold
Process Approach

Process Definition
 Process Definition lists what happens between the
start and end points. It includes all the activities
performed by each department, group, or person
who are involved in the process. Activities are the
major "works" that transform an input into an output.
A process rarely has more than six major activities.
 For example, a simple sales process might include,
Introduce Services, Identify Customer Needs,
Suggest Solutions, Articulate Benefits, Negotiate a
Proposal, and Close the Sale.
Process Definition “Cont’d”
 Many processes do not stay in one
department, but may span across several
departments. For example, a new candidate
gets selected by the Recruiting Department,
is interviewed by contact center operation
team, and is then hired by Human
NB: the following Flow chart shows how the
process can span across several Depts.
Process A

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

Dept 1
Dept 2
Dept 3
Dept 4
Steps to have a process
 Identify all the KCRPs (key customer related
 Identify all the KSPs (Key support Processes)
 Identify all the processes that will be done by
external part, in this case it is only required to
identify the measures and controls by which we can
control these processes
 Update these processes with any new process
 Document all the above processes
Steps to have a process
Approach “Cont’d”
 Identifyall process elements
 Keep all documented processes under
 Measurements

 Process Audit

 Corrective Actions

 Analyze Process Results

 Process Improvement
Process Elements

Process Elements
 Document Control Section: it contains
2. The process issue date
3. Document Status
4. Process Owner
5. Process Manager
6. Distribution list
7. Coding System
Process Elements “Cont’d”
 Change History : it contains
2. Process Issue number
3. Process Issue Date
4. Change Description
Process Elements “Cont’d”
 Process Objectives and goals :
In this section the process objective should be
clearly identified and documented in order
to clarify it to all users and in order to be
easy measured.
Process Elements “Cont’d”
 Scope : it contains
2. What is the first step?
3. What is the last step
4. What is the previous process
5. What is the next step
Process Elements “Cont’d”
 Responsibilities : it contains
2. Roles
3. Responsibilities
4. Dead lines if any
5. Reporting
Process Elements “Cont’d”
 Outputs : it contains
2. What are the process outputs?
3. Who are the customers?
4. Way of delivery ?
Process Elements “Cont’d”
 Inputs : it contains
2. What are the process Inputs?
3. Who are the suppliers?
4. Way of receipt ?
Process Elements “Cont’d”
 Trigger :
In this section the step that officially initiate the
process should be identified.
Process Elements “Cont’d”
 Steps :
General Steps of the process from the high
Process Elements “Cont’d”
 Work instructions :
Detailed steps of the process, all details and
small steps should be written in this section
Ex: Call Scenarios, Attachments, Dead lines,
SLAs, responsibilities, ……….
This section should be documented in a very
easy way as a flow in order to enable the
doer to understand it and implement it easily
Process Elements “Cont’d”
 Constrains :
In this section all constrains that happening or
may happen before or during or after the
process should be clearly identified.
Process Elements “Cont’d”
 Measurements and Process Parameters:
In this section all Process Measurements and
Parameters should be identified.
Ex: SLAs, Metrics……..
Process Elements “Cont’d”
 Flow chart:
In section Process Flow should be Mapped on
three levels :
3. Overview

4. Chain Diagram

5. Detailed Process Flow

Process Elements “Cont’d”
 Doers Skills:
In this section, all process doers’ skills should
be clearly identified or we can refer back to
the HR job description.
Home work
 Usingthe Above Process elements, kindly
design a process for making a cup of tea.
Day one Review
َHow to Design a

Designing a Process
 Information Gathering
 Collecting all Stake Holders Requirements
which will have an effect on the process
 Document these requirements

 Verify it From the client if needed

 Products and service training

 Have the full picture now ?

Designing a Process “Cont’d”
 Create the Process Document
 In case of call center process ,Design the call Scenarios (Work
 Design the work flow
 Create Application Requirements if needed
 Approve the process document and work flow and call scenarios
from the process owner and adjust any feedbacks
 Create the Monitoring Criteria according to the process and call
scenarios, and identify the fatal and non fatal errors
 Communicate the process
 Training on the process
 In case of a new account, all agents should be certified before
they login
Call scenarios

What do you think a call scenario

looks like
Call Scenarios Elements
1- Step Description :
 Depends on logic and analysis,
 should be detailed,
 easy to understand,
 not scripted,
 may refer to another document or another scenarios
or another process….,
 Consider all possible “if” conditions,
 should include all actions on system in details.
 Should have a flow
Call Scenarios Elements “
 Reference Number :

The serial number of the each attribute in the

monitoring sheet. In order to enable the
scenarios users to know which step reflect in
which attribute in the monitoring sheet.
Call Scenarios Elements “
 Error Type :

Type of error should be identified as Fetal or

non Fetal error, so each step should
identified as fetal or non fetal, so in case the
agent did not do a certain step he will know
which type of errors he did.
Call Scenario Group Exercise
 Choose one of your current accounts and in
two groups create a call scenario for a certain
type of calls.

Duration : 20 min
Work Flows

Work Flow
 is a picture of the separate steps of a process
in sequential order.
 MS Visio is the most famous tool for flow
chart drawing.
Work Flow “Cont’d”
 Elements that may be included are: sequence of
actions, materials or services entering or leaving the
process (inputs and outputs), decisions that must be
made, people who become involved, time involved
at each step and/or process measurements.
 The process described can be anything: a
manufacturing process, an administrative or service
process, a project plan. This is a generic tool that
can be adapted for a wide variety of purposes.
Work Flow “Cont’d”
When To use it:
 To develop understanding of how a process is done.

 To study a process for improvement.

 To communicate to others how a process is done.

 When better communication is needed between

people involved with the same process.
 To document a process.

 When planning a project.

Work Flow “Cont’d”
Commonly Used Symbols in Detailed Flowcharts

One step in the process; the step is written inside the box.

Direction of flow from one step or decision to another.

Decision based on a question. The question is written in the diamond.

More than one arrow goes out of the diamond, each one showing the
direction the process takes for a given answer to the question. (Often
the answers are “ yes” and “ no.”)
Link to another page or another flowchart. The same symbol on
the other page indicates that the flow continues there.
Input or output


Alternate symbols for start and end points

Work Flow Types
 Overview

 DetailedWork flow
 Chain Diagram
Overview work flow

High-Level Flowchart for an Order-Filling Process

Detailed Work Flow
Process A

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

Dept 1
Dept 2
Dept 3
Dept 4
Chain Diagram

Process Process X Next
Work Flow Exercise
 Using the flow chart symbols, kindly draw the
detailed work flow for the scenario you have
already created in the previous exercise.

 Duration 20 min
Process measurements
Process measurements
 COPC Exhibit “A” study
Communicating the process
 To Whom?
 How ?

 Managing Updates

 Information Availability Process

Process Results
Final Inspection on Dinner Plate Fab

50 0.9


40 0.7
# Observations






0 0

Chip Scratch Broken Discolor Warp Pattern

Quality Report
 Analysis on the Errors level
 Analysis on the Agent level

 Analysis on the supervisor level

 By Categories

 By Quarter

 By Month

 By shift
Process Audit
Process Audit
 For certified ISO 9001 companies and audit
every 6 month should be conducted
 For any new account, an audit after one
month of the operation should be conducted
according to the COPC standard.
 The findings of the audit should be reported
to the process owner for corrective actions.
 QA is responsible to make sure all the finings
are corrected.
Process Control
Process Control
 Monitoring

 Audits

 Document Control
 Approvals (Client & Owner)

 Immediate Action required in case of Fetal

 Controls over the process from the account
Home work Exercise
 Choose one of your current accounts and
create a call scenario for a certain type of
calls. Then draw an overview work flow and
detailed work flow and chain diagram for this
Day Two Review

Coach do not Catch

What is Monitoring ?
The process of observing any contact that
takes place between the customer and the
contact centre to ensure that :
 The correct solution is provided

 The customer’s issue is resolved

 The customer is dealt with in a manner that is

acceptable to the client and your company
What is Monitoring ? “Cont’d”
 Contacts are observed based on sampling
Not all contacts will be observed but it is assumed the ones that are
represent the common approach
 Contact are observed factually
The process is designed to see what is going on, NOT to document
what should be going on
 Contacts are observed objectively

Although a team leader will observe and base the judgment on their
own opinion there should be a clear set of rules to enforce
objectivity wherever possible
 Contacts are observed fully

All aspects of the contact will be observed. E.g. for calls you would
listen to the call, but also watch the interaction with the systems,
and the interaction with other people on the floor
Why Monitoring ?

7 Core reasons for monitoring contacts

Why Monitoring ? “Cont’d”

 What does the customer want? Are we doing

Why Monitoring ? “Cont’d”

 Is something happening on the lines we don’t

know about?
Why Monitoring ? “Cont’d”

 Is that new process working? Are they

following the current one?
Why Monitoring ? “Cont’d”

 Is the new hire training covering what it

needs to?
Why Monitoring ? “Cont’d”

 Do they need your help with something?

Why Monitoring ? “Cont’d”

 Has someone developed a really good

Why Monitoring ? “Cont’d”

 Why are they are taking so long on calls?

How to Approach Monitoring ?
1. Monitoring Process
2. Form
3. The result Analysis
1- Monitoring Process

Reporting Monitoring Process

Results Calibration

Sampling &
1- Sampling and scheduling
 How to calculate sample size ?
 How to schedule ?
2- Calibration
 Monitoring team Calibration (Overall,
 Team Leaders Calibration (Overall,
 Calibration with Client and end user sat. and
3- Monitoring
 Remote Monitoring
 Side by side Monitoring

 Team Leaders Coaching

 Scoring

 results
4- Managing Feedbacks
 Way of communications
 Way of response

 Investigation

 Score adjusting

 Response

 Coaching
5- Reporting Results
 Quality Report
 Calibration Report

 Immediate action report

2- Monitoring Form
 Identifying
the Attributes
 Error Type Identification (Fetal & Non Fetal)

 Scores
3- Results Analysis
 Analysis on the Errors level
 Analysis on the Agent level

 Analysis on the supervisor level

 By Categories

 By Quarter

 By Month

 By shift
 According to the given Attributes sheet, in
groups please identify the attribute Type
(Fetal or non Fetal).
New Hires Certifications
 Certification Process
 Reporting

 Analysis

Voice Of Customer
 End User Satisfaction
 End user dissatisfaction
 End user Suggestions
 End user Complaints Management
 Client Satisfaction
 Client dissatisfaction
 Client Suggestions
 Client complaint Management
 Analysis
 Complaint Log sheet

 Surveys
 Thanks So much for the Hospitality and for
your time 

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