Energy Balance

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Module 9001

Energy Balance
Paul Ashall, 2008

Paul Ashall, 2008


with energy changes and

energy flow in a chemical process.
Conservation of energy first law of
thermodynamics i.e. accumulation of
energy in a system = energy input
energy output

Paul Ashall, 2008

Forms of energy

Potential energy (mgh)

Kinetic energy (1/2 mv2)
Thermal energy heat (Q) supplied to or removed
from a process
Work energy e.g. work done by a pump (W) to
transport fluids
Internal energy (U) of molecules

m mass (kg)
g gravitational constant, 9.81 ms-2
v velocity, ms-1
Paul Ashall, 2008

Energy balance

mass in

mass out



Paul Ashall, 2008

IUPAC convention
- heat transferred to a system is +ve and
heat transferred from a system is ve
- work done on a system is+ve and work
done by a system is -ve

Paul Ashall, 2008

Steady state/non-steady state


steady state accumulation/depletion of energy in


Paul Ashall, 2008


Heat required for a process

Rate of heat removal from a process
Heat transfer/design of heat exchangers
Process design to determine energy requirements of a
Pump power requirements (mechanical energy balance)
Pattern of energy usage in operation
Process control
Process design & development

Paul Ashall, 2008

Enthalpy balance

k.e., W terms = 0
Q = H2 H1 or Q = H
, where H2 is the total enthalpy of output
streams and H1is the total enthalpy of
input streams, Q is the difference in
total enthalpy i.e. the enthalpy (heat)
transferred to or from the system
Paul Ashall, 2008


ve (H1>H2), heat removed from

Q +ve (H2>H1), heat supplied to

Paul Ashall, 2008

Example steam boiler

Two input streams: stream 1- 120 kg/min.
water, 30 deg cent., H = 125.7 kJ/kg;
stream 2 175 kg/min, 65 deg cent, H=
272 kJ/kg
One output stream: 295 kg/min. saturated
steam(17 atm., 204 deg cent.), H =
2793.4 kJ/kg
Paul Ashall, 2008

Ignore k.e. and p.e. terms relative to enthalpy
changes for processes involving phase
changes, chemical reactions, large
temperature changes etc
Q = H (enthalpy balance)
Basis for calculation 1 min.
Steady state
Q = Hout Hin
Q = [295 x 2793.4] [(120 x 125.7) + (175 x 272)]

Q = + 7.67 x 105 kJ/min

Paul Ashall, 2008

Steam tables

values (H kJ/kg) at various P,

Paul Ashall, 2008

Enthalpy changes

of T at constant P
Change of P at constant T
Change of phase
Chemical reaction
Paul Ashall, 2008

Latent heats (phase changes)


(L to V)
Melting (S to L)
Sublimation (S to V)

Paul Ashall, 2008

Mechanical energy balance

Consider mechanical energy terms only
Application to flow of liquids
P + v2 + g h +F = W

where W is work done on system by a pump
and F is frictional energy loss in system (J/kg)
P = P2 P1; v2 = v22 v12; h = h2 h1

Bernoulli equation (F=0, W=0)

Paul Ashall, 2008

Example - Bernoulli eqtn.

Water flows between two points 1,2. The
volumetric flow rate is 20 litres/min.
Point 2 is 50 m higher than point 1. The
pipe internal diameters are 0.5 cm at
point 1 and 1 cm at point 2. The
pressure at point 2 is 1 atm..
Calculate the pressure at point 2.
Paul Ashall, 2008

P/ + v2/2 + gh +F = W
P = P2 P1 (Pa)
v2 = v22 v12
h = h2 - h1 (m)
F= frictional energy loss (mechanical energy
loss to system) (J/kg)
W = work done on system by pump (J/kg)
= 1000 kg/m3
Paul Ashall, 2008

Volumetric flow is 20/(1000.60) m3/s
= 0.000333 m3/s
v1 = 0.000333/((0.0025)2) = 16.97 m/s
v2 = 0.000333/ ((0.005)2) = 4.24 m/s
(101325 - P1)/1000 + [(4.24)2 (16.97)2]/2 + 9.81.50 = 0
P1 = 456825 Pa (4.6 bar)

Paul Ashall, 2008

Sensible heat/enthalpy

Sensible heat heat/enthalpy that must be transferred

to raise or lower the temperature of a substance or
mixture of substances.
Heat capacities/specific heats (solids, liquids,
Heat capacity/specific heat at constant P, Cp(T) = dH/dT
or H = integral Cp(T)dT between limits T2 and T1
Use of mean heat capacities/specific heats over a
temperature range
Use of simple empirical equations to describe the
variation of Cp with T

Paul Ashall, 2008

e.g. Cp = a + bT + cT2 + dT3
,where a, b, c, d are coefficients
H = integralCpdT between limits T2, T1
H = [aT + bT2 + cT3 + dT4]
Calculate values for T = T2, T1 and subtract
Note: T may be in deg cent or K - check units for Cp!
Paul Ashall, 2008

Calculate the enthalpy required to heat a
stream of nitrogen gas flowing at 100
mole/min., through a gas heater from
20 to 100 deg. cent.
(use mean Cp value 29.1J mol-1 K-1 or Cp
= 29 + 0.22 x 10-2T + 0.572 x 10-5T2
2.87 x 10-9 T3, where T is in deg cent)
Paul Ashall, 2008

Heat capacity/specific heat data

Felder & Rousseau pp372/373 and Table B10

Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook
The properties of gases and liquids, R. Reid et al, 4th
edition, McGraw Hill, 1987
Estimating thermochemical properties of liquids part
7- heat capacity, P. Gold & G.Ogle, Chem. Eng.,
1969, p130
Coulson & Richardson Chem. Eng., Vol. 6, 3rd edition,
ch. 8, pp321-324
Paul Ashall, 2008

Example change of phase

A feed stream to a distillation unit contains an equimolar
mixture of benzene and toluene at 10 deg cent.The
vapour stream from the top of the column contains
68.4 mol % benzene at 50 deg cent. and the liquid
stream from the bottom of the column contains 40
mol% benzene at 50 deg cent.
[Need Cp (benzene, liquid), Cp (toluene, liquid), Cp
(benzene, vapour), Cp (toluene, vapour), latent heat
of vapourisation benzene, latent heat of vapourisation
Paul Ashall, 2008

Energy balances on systems

involving chemical reaction

Standard heat of formation (Hof) heat of

reaction when product is formed from its
elements in their standard states at 298 K, 1
atm. (kJ/mol)

aA + bB
cC + dD
-a-b +c +d (stoichiometric coefficients, i)
HofA, HofB, HofC, HofD (heats of formation)
HoR = c HofC + d HofD - a HofA - bHofB
Paul Ashall, 2008

Heat (enthalpy) of reaction


ve (exothermic reaction)


+ve (endothermic reaction)

Paul Ashall, 2008

Enthalpy balance equation reactor

Qp = Hproducts Hreactants + Qr
Qp heat transferred to or from process
Qr reaction heat ( HoR), where is
extent of reaction and is equal to [moles
component,i, out moles component i,
in]/ i
Paul Ashall, 2008



Note: enthalpy values must be calculated with reference to a
temperature of 25 deg cent Paul Ashall, 2008

Energy balance techniques

Complete mass balance/molar balance

Calculate all enthalpy changes between
process conditions and standard/reference
conditions for all components at start (input)
and finish (output).
Consider any additional enthalpy changes
Solve enthalpy balance equation

Paul Ashall, 2008

Energy balance techniques


temperature: Qp = 0

Paul Ashall, 2008


Paul Ashall, 2008


Properties of Gases and Liquids, R.

Elementary Principles of Chemical
Processes, R.M.Felder and

Paul Ashall, 2008

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