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Japanese Asset Price Bubble

Presented By:
Unnat Churi (M15009)
Yashodhan Deshmukh (M150
Ashutosh Dhale (M15011)
Ashay Dhuri (M15012)

Japanese industries destroyed due to WWII
Post WWII policies & tariffs encouraged savings by

the population
Plaza Accord (Depreciation of US $ against )

Trade surplus
Yen ( ) appreciates
Domestic companies found it easy to obtain money

Japanese products became cheaper to manufacture


The Bubble
Tokyo Stock Exchange Nikkei tripled from 1985 to

1989 and hits record high of 38,957.44 in fourth

quarter 1989

Source: Japan real estate institute

The Bubble
Unbelievable increase in real estate prices.

Source: Japan real estate institute

The Bubble
Real estate prices in Tokyo became about 350

times the value of comparable land in Manhattan

Value of Tokyo Imperial palace was rumored to be
equal to entire state of California in same year
Strong Balance sheets of corporate organizations
Exaggerated spending

Bubble Burst
BOJ realized the bubble and responded by

tightening monetary policy

From 1989 to 1990 discount rates are increased
five times to cap at 6%
Nikkei collapsed from 39000 in 1989 to 15000 in
This crash triggered the burst of real estate bubble

Bubble Burst
Fall in Real Estate prices.

e.g Price of an apartment in Tokyo

1990: $ 800000
2000: $ 500000

Bubble Burst

$ 640 million of Bad loans in year 2000

35 Financial institutions went Bankrupt

Reduction in household income
Increase in unemployment from 2% in 1992 to

4.7 % in 2000
Manufacturers lost their competitive edge due to
Rise of Zombie firms

The Lost Decades

Time period from 1991-2010
GDP fell from $ 5.33 trillion to $ 4.36 trillion over

period of 1995-2007
Competition to Japanese firms from Korean and
Chinese firms
Wages of workers fell by 13% from 1997.

Recent Times
Nikkei trading at 18322 as on 7th October 2015
Japans GDP is 4.6 trillion $
Unemployment rate of 3.6%
Real estate prices 20% of the prices during peak


Japan's Bubble Economy by

The Japanese Tragedy The Economist Blog.

Japan Real estate institute

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