Regulation of GMO: YESSICA RACHMADINA (1510424012) FITRA ALZAKIA ASYARI (1510424013)

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Regulation of GMO
The rapid development of biotechnology has c
reated the National Institutes of Health (NIH) i
ssued guidance on laboratory work in DNA tec
hnology in 1976 and revised in 1980 (Glick & P
asternak 1998). regulation then the GMO food
products regulated by the Food and Drug Ad
ministration (FDA). At the beginning of this G
MO product food regulations dwell on chymos
in, triptopan, and bovine somatrotropin (Glick
& Pasternak 1998). This time guide regarding
GMO-based food product prepared by the Nat

Based on Government Regulation No. 28 of 2004, genetically modified fo

od, or GMOs is a food or food product derived from plants or animals pro
duced through genetic engineering process. As other types of food which
is regulated by the government through legislation (the Act) and regulatio
ns (PP), GMO food is also regulated in article 14 of Regulation No. 28 of
2004 on Safety, Quality and Nutrition, as well as in article 35 PP 69 1999
on Food Label and Advertisement.

Genetically modified food safety inspection by the FDA and EPA covering
written material safety, product safety, food security Overall in the stage p
roduction (Chassy 2002). Specifically to assess food safety transgenic an
imal origin meat is whether there is a foreign gene, how the products of t
he foreign genes, whether there is a threat coming of the genes transferr
ed, and the physical condition and appearance of these animals (Basu et
al 1993).

Based on Article 14 of Regulation No. 28, 2004 consisting of five paragra

phs, can concluded that any person who produces food, raw materials, fo
od additives or other auxiliary materials which are GMO must check thes
e materials to the commission that handles food safety genetically engine
ered products. The examination include the following information genetic
s of these materials, a description of the donor organism, the description
of the modification genetics, characterization of genetic modification, and
food safety information. Requirements and procedures for the examinatio
n is also the authority of the commission addressing food safety genetical
ly engineered products to set one up. After that, based on its recommend
ations, the Head of the POM establish the safety of the GMO food.

Meanwhile, according to Article 35 of Regulation No. 69 in 1999, stated th

at on the label for genetically modified foods must be included writing FO
ormation on food genetic engineering to material which is genetically mo
dified food and also a special logo can be imprinted genetic engineering f
ood. From the contents of the third paragraph on PP 69 of 1999 on the la
bel and the rent, Indonesia is still in the neutral position and respect the ri
ghts of consumers to identify the components of food they consume, incl
uding food results genetical manipulation.

Differences in food regulation resulting from biotechnology in various part

s of the world affect how biotechnology products are acceptable, may det
ermine who is winning and losing in international trade (Hai'enga 1993). L
ack of integrity of international regulations needed to ensure the quality of
food and fair trading. According to Falk et al. (1992), the results of food re
gulations genetic engineering in Europe is more developed for food secur
ity and reduce the risk of environmental impact than in the United States.
Rapid development of biotechnology as the discovery of technology Indo
nesia supporters so they need to adjust to make regulations on food prod
ucts from GMO.

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