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Communication System of an Organization

Making a difference

Business communication is nothing but, the communication
among the people in the organization for the purpose of
Communication is any communication used to make decisions,
planning, directing, to promote a product, service, or
organization with the objective of making sale and managing
and controlling the organization.

In business communication, message is conveyed through

various channels of communication including internet, print
(publications), radio, television, outdoor, and word of mouth.
In business, communication is considered core among

Life Blood Of

Communication is the lifeblood of an organization. If we could

somehow remove communication flows from an organization, we would
not have an organization.
It is needed for:
Exchanging information
Exchanging opinions
Making plans and proposals
Reaching agreement
Executing decisions
Sending and fulfilling orders
Conducting sales
Managing and controlling the organization.
When communication stops, organized activity ceases to exist. So,
Communication in an organization
is as vital as blood for life.

History of the Organization

Banglalink is the second largest mobile operator in
Bangladesh. Banglalink has now almost 14 million subscribers
all over the country. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of
Orascom Telecom.
At the end of 2006, Banglalink got renowned as the fastest
growing operator in the world of that year. Banglalink became
the first company to provide free incoming calls from BTTB for
both postpaid and prepaid connections.

History of the Organization

Banglalink entered the market with a promise of making
mobile phone affordable for people. This promise was kept
and Banglalink was the first operator to introduce a flat rate
for all calls (inside own network and to other operators) for
the convenience and ease of customers.
When Banglalink entered the Bangladesh telecom industry
in February 2005, the scenario changed overnight with
mobile telephony becoming an extremely useful and
affordable communication tool for people across all

Methods of Data Collection

Our data collection method was a bit complicated. As the elements
required for the report can be private or confidential, we had to face
difficulties to gather all data that are required for making this report. We
have tried almost all means of data collection.
Primary Data Collection:
Primary data are that which we collected directly from the organization.
These information arent in the websites or any book. We got primary
data from these following methods:
1. Telephone interviews
2. Face-to-face interviews

Methods of Data Collection

Types of Communication
Internal-operational communication

Internal-operational communication is that type of

communication which consists the communications that
directly relates to achieving the organizations work goal.

It also refers to the communications within the organization

and among the people working inside the organization.

Internal-operational communication goes in 2 ways:

1. Formal Communication
2. Informal Communication

Types of Communication
Internal-operational communication
Formal communication occurs in 2 ways:
1. Downward communication
2. Upward communication


Informal communication occurs in 4 ways:

Upward communication
Downward communication
Horizontal communication
Grapevine communication.

Formal Communication In Banglalink

Formal communication is the structured communication which is the most
important type of communication in an organization. Formal communications
are directly related with organizational goals, rules and regulations. Planning,
directing, decision making, controlling these major tasks are accomplished
through formal communication.
Formal communication occurs in 2 ways:-

1) Downward communication
2) Upward communication

On this Organogram the bold lines from CEO to Managers are the formal
line of communication. The employees on these formal lines have to
maintain a chain of command in upward or downward communication.
In Banglalink we found 2 types of formal communication, these are:1.Oral communication
2.Written communication.
Oral communications take place in staff meetings, group meetings,
department meetings, monthly or yearly conferences and seminars.
Written communications are accomplished by email, memorandums,
company newsletters, reports, official orders and notices ets.

Informal Communication in Banglalink

Informal Communication in Banglalink

Grapevine Communication
Grapevine communication is an important type of informal communication. It has
no default structure. Anyone of the organization can communicate with anyone. It
generally spreads through rumors and gossips.

Nearly all of the information within the grapevine is undocumented and is thereby
open to change and interpretation as it moves through the network. It often
travels faster than formal channels. The grapevine is very useful in
supplementing formal channels. It provides people with an outlet for their
imaginations and apprehensions as well. It also helps satisfy a natural desire to
know what is really going on.

External Communications
communication with the people out side the organization to
achieve the organizational goal. Communications of
organizational people with the customers, suppliers, Service
Company, government, investors are the External-Operational
Communication. External-Operational Communication in
Banglalink is mainly formal communication.

External Communications
External communication comprehends all information developed by the
company, which is related to its activity that is released in the press, for
public knowledge. Such information is crucial in order to promote the
companys image. Those activities are developed around the companys
image management and they are related to its thematic and concepts.

Image management
Image management is one of the company's most relevant concerns, not
only because of its own presentation, but also because it is considered to
be a success-factor.
In this context, and contrary to the rival companies, the organization
demonstrates a collective motivation in constantly synchronizing its
external image to the accessible products. Another way to divulge its
image is to provide the media with information on the company's
relevant events and areas of

External Communications
Legal affairs
All communications and dealings with Governmental and legal authorities related to
VAT, TAX and other legal issues are dealt by Legal affairs department. This is very
important part of external communication.
Customer care
Customers are the most important stakeholders of an organization. Considering
that Banglalink has a separate customer care department (CCD) for giving
complete support to the customers.
Public Relation
Banglalink has a public relation department to maintain effective communication
with the suppliers, dealers, owners & shareholders, auditors and other stake
Advertisement is one of the most important element of External
operational communication. Banglalink is very strong in this sector.

Diagram: External

The official website should be more enriched with all types of data that
stakeholders need.
At Customer care center, the customer care executives should have
more positive manner for providing support to customers.
Employees should be more aware of companys privacy policies, so
that they dont mix up restricted and unrestricted things.
Banglalink should sponsor more to promote itself.
Paper used for contract signing and other purposes, should be
designed more professionally.

Can hire professional and expert web developers to develop
Banglalinks official website.
Number of Customer care points can be increased.
In written communication, they can use non camouflaged and non
sexist words and the memorandum and office orders can be written in
easiest way so that they can be easily understandable to all.
Can sponsor sports and cultural events to improve organizations
image to customers.
Can publish not only the annual reports, but also some others
magazines or journal containing information that are needed to students
and other stakeholders.

Business letter of Banglalink

By preparing this Report on Communication Process of Banglalink, we
achieved very important knowledge about Communication systems
inside and outside of an organization. It also helped us to implement
this knowledge in our practical life. As we chose Banglalink as our
company to analyze their communication system, we can say at last
that Banglalink as the second largest telecom industry in Bangladesh
is obviously careful about its communication system. But, if the points
we suggested are followed by Banglalink, we hope their
communication system will be more effective and stronger.

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