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Digital Image Processing

Halmar Halide
Jur. Fisika FMIPA
Cristian Badea, Ph.D.
Prof. Nicolas Pallikarakis

an image is a representation likeness or

imitation of an object
a digital image is a numerical representation
of an object.
Image processing is concerned with taking
one array of pixels as input and producing
another array of pixels as output which in
some way represents an improvement to
the original array.

The most practical way of doing this is to divide

the image up into a collection of discrete (and
usually small) cells, which are known as pixels
(picture elements).
Most commonly, the image is divided up into a
rectangular grid of pixels, so that each pixel is
itself a small rectangle. Once this has been
done, each pixel is given a pixel value that
represents the color of that pixel.

Image Processing applications

remove noise
improve the contrast of the image
remove blurring caused by movement
of the camera during image acquisition
correct for geometrical distortions caused
by the lens

Image acquisition

World refers to reality

Optics allows light from world to focus onto sensor;
Sensor converts light to electrical energy
Signal is a representation of incident light as
continuous electrical energy
Digitizer converts continuous signal to discrete signal
Digital Rep. is the final representation of reality in
computer memory

the degree of discernible detail) of an image
is strongly dependent on both size N and
number of gray-levels G

Storing pixels:
each pixel as a single bit which means that the
computer can only take the values 0 and 1 or just
black and white.
each pixel as a byte that is 8 bits, In this form the
maximum pixel value is 255 (0 = black, 255 =
each pixel `value' is actually a vector of three
numbers RGB (Red, Green, Blue)

Effect of the bits/pixel

In order to understand the effect of the

bits/pixel let's compute the storage size for
a digital image with size N=512 and G=256
gray-levels :
N X NXG = 29 X 29 X 28= 226=2,097,152 bits
for N=512 or 262,144 bytes for N=256
At a bit rate of 28 kbps, an 8 bit/pixel image
(size128x128) will take 4 seconds to

Basic Transformations


to shrink or zoom the size of an image
(or part of an image).

Rotation of a point about
the Z coordinate axis by
an angle
Rotation of a point about
the X coordinate axis by
an angle

Image enhancement
Contrast Stretching: to enhance low contrast image

Edge detection
Sobel Operators: performs a 2-D spatial gradient
measurement on an image and so emphasizes regions
of high spatial frequency that correspond to edges

Low-pass filtering

Gaussian noise

Xu and Jia, 2010
Dept. Computer Sci. and Eng.
Chinese Univ. Hongkong


Takeda et al.,
Univ. California, Santa Cruz

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