Shin Tao Life Science

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ChinTao Life Science

By Dr. Arne Langaskens

ChinTao Life Science

At the beginning of the 21st century we find ourselves at an

intersection between the past and the future. Science and
technology are challenging traditional knowledge and practices
across the whole realm of human endeavors. These developments
have doubtlessly brought us great advancements, but it is
becoming equally apparent that they also have their costs.
Environmental, dietary and lifestyle changes have created a major
discrepancy between that which ensures healthy longevity and
that which most people experience. The human body is a most
complex organism which is dramatically affected by the myriad
factors which it encounters, and as we move further and further
from our natural state these are having increasingly deleterious
effects. A precarious balancing of the various facets of existence is
necessary to prevent the diseases and dilapidation of the quality of
life which are prevalent in modern societies.

ChinTao Life Science

Chintao Life Science is the maintenance of health through the study

of and the practice of restoring equilibrium through knowledge. It
recommends harmonious living and a preventative, integrative, and
holistic medicine, drawing from both empirical traditional sources
and investigative modern science. The human body is not
conceived of as a grouping of separate systems and organs, but
rather as one complete and interconnected system. Chintao Life
Science also requires acknowledgement of the individual nature of
every case, with the same disease often requiring different
treatments for different people. Every person exhibits distinctive
characteristics, particular strengths and unique susceptibilities
while living in entirely peculiar conditions which mandate that
diagnosis and treatment be completely personalized. The Chintao
Life Science philosophy also stresses that the quality of the therapy
is consistently of the highest order while being executed in the
timeliest manner.

ChinTao Life Science

Counteracting the negative effects of the total environment on health

is the most difficult of tasks as it incorporates an understanding of the
individuals condition and knowledge of the particular environmental
forces acting on him or her. Environmental influences can come from
things as common and natural as weather and climate, but the most
dangerous are in fact the man-made pollutants (including but not
limited to containments in the air and water, radiation of various
sorts, and hygienic considerations due to population density). The
effects of pollution on disease and longevity are undeniable but they
are equally uncontrollable for most individuals. Unfortunately short of
moving there is little one can do to directly affect this major factor in
overall equilibrium. Problems caused can therefore only be addressed
by attempting to compensate for any negative effects by
strengthening the bodys defenses through a preventive dietary and
herbal intake that acts to reduce susceptibility to illness bearing in
mind the particulars of each case.

ChinTao Life Science

Changes in diet and lifestyle are easier to attain as they are

for the most part only dependant upon the desire and
ability of the individual to alter bad habits once they are
identified. There is a preponderance of evidence that diet
and lifestyle are major factors in the development of many
diseases, and growing evidence that simple changes in
food consumption and physical activity can reduce the
incidence and degree of malignancy of a variety of major
medical conditions. Identifying the nutritional deficiencies
and lifestyle habits in individuals that can cause
cardiovascular disease, cancer and a variety of other
illnesses is crucial for the prevention of disease formation,
and as such is central to the Chintao Life Sciences endeavo

ChinTao Life Science

It is very important that when it is necessary every appropriate medical

treatment should be undertaken. Thorough understanding of the full process
of disease makes it clear that this entails preventative measures well before
the apparition of any symptoms, and indeed should commence when still
completely healthy through proper diet and mindful living. In cases that merit
it more aggressive preventive measures involving appropriate herbal tonics
should also be used to maintain equilibrium and strengthen the immune
system. If a disease has developed, then a therapy that integrates modern
medical procedures with the holistic approach of Chintao Life Science is the
most effective of treatment plans as it attacks the whole disease
simultaneously, from the underlying causes to the apparent symptoms. This
is especially important as many modern treatments are most effective, with
fewer side effects, when the patient is in a state of optimal nutritional and
systemic balance. In terminal cases, once the disease has progressed beyond
the treatment capacity of modern medicine, Chintao Life Science can help to
extend survival time and improve quality of life by reinvigorating the body and
restoring its natural equilibrium.
Arne Langaskens , Founder Chintao Life Science

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