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1. HUSNAYATI (151.145.032)
2. KURNIAWATI (151.145.0)
3. MALA YUNI.U (151.145.0)


Flowers are a tool in plant breeding Angiospermae. Flowers called
perfect flowers when it has instrument male (stamens) and tool
female (pistil) together in one organ. Flowers were called effeminate
or hermaphrodite flowers.

An interest rate is said to be complete if it contains all the main parts

of flowers consisting of four parts of interest (from outside to inside)
are as follows:
1. The petals or calyx;
2. Crown flower or corolla is usually thin and can be colored to

attract insects that help the process of pollination;

3. The genitals of male or androecium (from Greek andros Oikia:
man's house) in the form of stamens;
4. female genitalia or gynoecium
mbuhan hari sedang (Intermediate plants).
Tumbuhan yang berbunga jika terkena penyinaran kira-kira 12
jam sehari. Tumbuhan hari sedang contohnya kacang dan tebu.

Modifications botanical flowers are used to make connections

between plants with one another. For example, the two subclasses of
flowering plants are distinguished from the number of flower organs:
dicotyledonous plants generally have 4 or 5 organs (or a multiple of 4
or 5) while monocot plants have three organ or multiples thereof.

Anatomical Structure of Interest

Flowers Anatomy structure consists of several sections, among

Organ Order Flowers
In certain closed groups of seed plants that are considered
more primitive, limited growth is less tangible than the more
advanced tribes.
Vascular System
Vascular system are relatively unspecialized flowers with fruit
will ride comparable to those of the vegetative shoots, which
bundles vascular organ turned to the lateral axis of the file
system. In the interest hipogen by pooling parts of the flower
less, the vascular system is more clear that there is a vascular
track. Vascular system epigen flower show additional complexity
with respect to the basic position ginoesium.

3. Leaves Petals and Leaves Headers

4. Stamens

5. Wall Chief Sari
Lining the walls of anthers vary in amount and are built through
a series of cleavage parallel to the edge of space sari.
6. Leaves Fruit
Fruit leaves may wither or not attaches to the fruit leaves the
other and each leaf pieces into constituent of the ovary, a pistil
composed of a single leaf pieces are called the pistil (ginoesium)
apokarp, while the pistil is composed of the union of more than
one leaf fruit called senokarp.
7. The stalk pistil and Chief pistil
Stalk pistil and the stigma of having the privilege of structurally
and physiologically allow pollen germination and growth of reed
pollen from anthers to the ovule.


In most flowers, file vessels that go to every organ diverging from the
central cylindrical vessel, at the level of different flower.
Vessel network is divided into two, namely:
1. Sepal and petal
Both sepals and petals resemble leaves. Sepals usually
green and photosynthetic, while hair and stomata are often
found in the sepals and petals.
2. gynoecium

Symbolism has been used:
Ca = Calix (sepusar sepals; for example CA5 = 5 sepals)? Co = korola
(sepusar petals; eg, Co3 (x) = number petals in number womb
three)? Z = added to the interest zigomorfi (eg CoZ6 = zigomorfi with
6 petals) ? A = androesium (sepusar stamens; for example A =
many stamens)? G = gynoecium (carpels, eg G1 = bermonokarpel)?
x - to represent the "numbers may change"? - to represent
"many"? formula flowers will appear as follows:? Ca5Co5A10 - G1

At first, the name meant Angiospermae by Paul Hermann (1690) for
all flowering plants with seeds that are encased in a capsule of, and
opposed to the gymnosperms flowering plant with fruit achene or
berkarpela split. In a sense, the whole fruit or parts thereof
considered as seeds and "open". The second term was used by
Carolus Linnaeus with the same sense it is used as the names of the
class didynamia.




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