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Hazard Psychosocial In

Construction Industry

Created by :

Efrilda Furnariandika (0514040106)


Husnina Nur Marjani (0514040112)


Yekti Arum N



and Identification of psychosocial in construction industry:

Job content

The lack of variation maybe in short duty cycle The ability of workers
might be higher than the tasks assigned to them, the uncertainty of
the status of a job, a job that routinely have to interact with a variety
of human characters. All of them can trigger stress, bullying, and

When the foreman doesnt do his or her job to control the workers. It

Lack of control

might be cause several thing that can trigger conflict, bullying and
violence between the workers


Schedule can affect to the psychology of the workers because the

Shift of working, the work schedules is not flexible for the workers,
uncertain working hours, long working hours. The impact of
unconditionally schedule above is can trigger stress.

Environmental and

Inadequate availability of equipment, lack of suitable equipment, or


equipment maintenance is inadequate, the state crowded work

environment, poor lighting, excessive noise. Both of the statement
can cause stress while working

Cultural and

Poor communication, lack of support for


problem-solving and self-development could


affect to the workers psychology. If theres

no control for that problem, it can cause
bullying, violence, stress, and others.


Social or physical isolation, poor relationships with

Relationships in

foreman, interpersonal conflict, lack of social support,

the workplace

bullying, harassment is most important thing that must

be considered because it can affect to the productivity
of the worker. Whereas it could be caused violence,
jealousy among the worker, and bullying.

Role in the

Role in the organization might cause the gap

between the workers

Bullying can be happening because of several
reason one of them is inter personal
relationship, cultural, role in the organization,
and organizational function. It not only can
decrease the productivity of the workers but it
can also affect to the workers health. Bullying
can make the workers feel depressed,
unconfident, uncomfortable with their
workplace, and stress.


1. The company should held a training about psychology in work

like ESQ
2. The foreman have to oversee the workers especially the
characters of the worker.
3. The foremen must consider a sure sign of oppression that shows
more than a simple misunderstanding or disagreement
4. The workers need to hold a gathering event to improve intimacy
and harmony among the workers
5. The workers who suffered to bullying must report to the leader.
6. The company should have regulations for bullying and give the
punishment to the worker who do bullying


All of the hazard resources above can cause

stress and the worst impact of stress is heart
disease, stroke, accidents, and lower
productivity and lowering income and
corporate profits


The company should take the worker depend

on their ability
The workload should match with the
processing time
The workers should be working in ergonomic
position. Its mean that the facility or the
equipment must be designed according to
ergonomic principles
The worker should have shift of working to
avoid saturation while doing the job
The company need to hold an even like go to
the tourism object to refresh the workers mind

Violence can occur to the workers because of jealousy, working
pressure, bullying, crime, chaos, obstacles both in management
and operational work, Lower productivity and lowering income,
broke the image of the company, and corporate profit

The control in the case of violence is:
1. The company should held a training about psychology in work like ESQ
2. The foreman have to oversee the workers especially the characters of the
3. The workers need to hold a gathering event to improve intimacy and harmony
among the workers
4. The company or the safety officer should be assessing the security risks of
work, especially on violence on workers
5. The company have to provide a clear statement or clear rules that violence in
the workplace is not allowed and can be included in the criminal action, along
with information on how to report acts of violence in the workplace.

The company provide a statement about the program to prevent the risk of

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