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The Group Work about

Review The Article

By : Amelia gultom , Jearni
,and Nidia

Whats in this Article?

In this article about :
The research about what audiovisual method that can
increase the skills of english, listening and speaking specially
The Location of this research is in Santo Yakobus Catholic
Elementary School Makassar,
The object from this research is The students Grade one in
Santo Yakobus Catholic Elementary School

What is the problem that want to

be solved?
Because of the increasing of globalization , we
important to study foreign languange, one of them is
english, In order to, we can get job easier , because
many companies priority applicant that can speak
english fluently , But many students feel difficult in
learning english , that problems maybe is caused the
learning system that used by teacher maybe less

What are the methods of Collecting Data in this


The data collecting method of this research is The Observation method

and testing method,with the data collecting technique is observation
technique and recording technique.
This research uses the experimental method as the analysis method by
forming two groups, those are the experiment group which gain
treatment and control group as the comparison group.

What is the result of this research?

The result of this research show the audiovisual learning system
can increase the students mark by flascard as the teaching
This shows that audiovisual method gives better influence than
conventional method used by the subject teacher.

What is the audiovisual learning system?

The audiovisual learning system is learning system that use audio
and visual activity like movie, picture, and the gestures body from
other activity.

Our Conclusions:
What do you think about the result of experiment ? succes or failure?

Yes , i do , the result of research that had been explained, show that the
audiovisual method give better effect, than used to do by teacher ,so that
can increase the students skills in listening and speaking specially,
Could the conclusion answers all the questions that were gived on
introduce side?
= yes , they could , because their conclusion show the solution in completing the
improvement of the englsh listening and speaking skills of sdk yakobus makassar,
by using audiovisual method, the students scores of english be higher than before
, 21%

Do you have other ideas to solve the same Problems?

Yes i do , i think we should start practice english more often than before for
examples we can chat directly with our friends or everyone everyday, memorize
the vocabulary every day, so that it will make our english more fluent

Where is the weakness of the paper that you red?

In this paper is not described clearly about What is observation method , and
testing method , what is the experimental method , what is the observation
technique and recording technique so that is make the readers confuse

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