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Breast Cancer

and breast health


Abnormal, uncontrolled division of cells that

then invade and destroy the surrounding

tissues, forming a tumor
Tumors can be benign (not cancerous) or
malignant (cancerous)
Malignant tumor in the breast is breast cancer
Malignant tumor cells continue to divide and
May invade surrounding tissues and spread
through the blood stream or lymphatic system
to form cancer cells in other parts of the body

Breast cancer
1 in 8 women
1% of all breast cancers occur in men
98% survival (5 year cancer free) if found in

early stages
80% of lumps are benign (non-cancerous)

Risk factors include:

Family history
Being younger than 12 at time of 1st period
Current or recent use of oral contraceptives

(no extra risk 10 years after D/C OCP)

Risk increases with age (77% occur in 50+)
Obesity in post-menopausal women

Screening for breast

Breast self-examination
Clinical breast examination by doctor

Breast self-examination
After aged 18 to 20 years, every month,

between D6 10, when breasts not tender or

Check for lumps, hard knot, thickening,
dimpling, puckering of skin, discharge from
Become familiar with your breasts

If you feel a lump

Dont panic. Breast tissue is often lumpy.
Recheck on another day.
If lump still present or seems to be enlarging

or worsening SEE A DOCTOR.

Remember 8 out of 10 breast lumps removed
are NOT cancerous.

Clinical breast
By doctor every 3 years after age 20 years
Yearly after age 40 years

Mammogram is x-ray picture of breast
Detects non-palpable early breast changes
Performed on D6 to D10 of menstrual cycle

(or any day after menopause)

In UAE every 2 years after age 40 years (or
sooner if family history). UK: 50+ years, Q3
yrly. USA: 40+ years, yearly

Healthy lifestyle
Keeping to a healthy weight, limiting alcohol

intake and abstaining from smoking can all

reduce the risk of cancer, particularly breast

Cancer Research UK
NHS Breast Cancer Screening Programme
Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD)
Tawam Hospital Breast Care Center, Al Ain

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