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Spreadsheet Solution
CHNG 3001 Transport Phenomena III

Finite-Difference Equations
Definition of Nodal Network

Finite Difference Solution

1. The Matrix Inversion Method
2. Gauss-Seidel Iteration
3. Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Finite-Difference Approximation

Tm ,n (Tm,( n 1) Tm ,( n 1) T( m 1),n T( m 1),n ) / 4

The Energy Balance Method

i 1

( i )( m , n )

q A B

q (x y 1) 0

k (y 1)

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

We can apply this result
to solve a real problem.
Consider a metal plate
0.9 m x 0.9 m in size
that has its edges held
at constant
temperatures, as shown
in the Figure.
We ask, what is the
temperature field that
develops in the plate.

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

We ask, what is the temperature field that
develops in the plate once steadystate conditions are attained?
Dimensions and surface conditions of the
support column.

Find: T(x, y) and q/L

Heat Transfer Equations

1. External Nodes
Fixed T
2. Internal Nodes

Tm ,( n 1) Tm ,( n 1) T( m 1),n T( m 1),n 4Tm ,n 0

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet is set up by first turning off any
limitations on circular references.
In Excel this is done selecting Options from the File
Then in Excel Options select Formulas tab
Under Calculation options select
1. Manual Workbook Calculations
2. Select Enable iterative calculation
3. Specify the desired
a) Maximum Iterations each time you hit F9 or
Calculate Now
b) Maximum change e.g. the convergence criterion

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet set up to solve for the temperature
distribution of the plate.
The interior nodes consist of formulae, e.g.
=(B7+ C6+D7+C8)/ 4
While the perimeter values are constants, as shown

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet



2-D conduction;

Constant properties;

No internal heat generation.

k=10 W/mK

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

We set up a simple spreadsheet with a cell
representing the nodal temperature of each 0.1 m x
0.1 m element in the plate.
The nodes are at the centre of each element, except
at the boundaries.
The boundary nodes sit at the edge of their elements,
and the elements are half the size of the nodes in the
centre portion.
(Note the corner elements are one-quarter the size of
the central elements).

1. Input boundary temperatures;

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

2. Set up equations for interior

3. Set Excel to manual calculation
4. Solve T distribution by hitting F9

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Finite Difference Equations:
with Heat Generation Effects
with Convection Effects on Plane


Summary of Nodal FiniteDifference Equations

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Finite Difference Equations:
Adiabatic or Plane Symmetry
Ti+1,0 + Ti-1,0 + 2 Ti,1 4Ti,0 = 0

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