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Report recent events; describe the principles of watch

keeping and safety precautions to be observed during a
watch; simulate handing over watch; predict likelihood of
events occurring; produce written records
Grammar: Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect
Simple; adverbials of time since and for; modal verbs of certainty
may, might and could
Vocabulary: idioms; uses of get; adverbs of certainty; phrases
for expressing degrees of certainty; understand and use
vocabulary associated with COLREGs accurately
Listening and speaking: reporting recent events, discussing
watch-keeping principles and safety precautions, simulating
handing over a watch
Reading and writing: writing a simple report of recent events,
reading watch keeping principles and safety precautions;

Read this newsflash and answer the question below.

And some late news.....

A bomb alert has just been announced at an oil terminal
seven miles from the port of New carlton.The Operation
Director, Mr Neil McCluskey, notified the police a short time
ago after receiving news that an explosive device is hidden
in the terminal and is set go off in 24 hours time. The news
was communicated at 11 oclock this morning by way of an
anonymous phone call. The police have been making
preparations for a full evacuation of the premises and the
local residential area. A bomb disposal team is on its way
to the scene to search for the device. We will bring you
further details of the incident shortly....

Slide Title
Who put the bomb at the oil terminal?
When is the bomb timed to explode?
What is being done to safeguard the public?
Imagine you are one of the people below.
Write a description of the event from your
point of view, in your own words, using the
information from the reading passage above.
You are a newspaper journalist who has been
sent to the scene. Write a short article about the
bomb alert.
You are a local resident who has been evacuated
from New Carlton. Write a letter to your family
describing what happened.

What kind of general information do you discuss when handing over the watch? Circle the
categories you talk about. Add some more categories to the list.

maintenance and repairs

technical information
weather condition
traffic in the vicinity
the log book


Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous

Ive been decorating the house this
summer.The focus is on the action
decorating and the action is unfinished.
Ive painted the living room blue.The
focus is on the finished result. The activity
is finished but we can see the result now.
We use thepresent perfect
continuouswhen the focus is on an
activity that is unfinished.

Ive read that book you lent me.I

finished it yesterday.
Ive been reading that book you
lent me.Ive got another 50 pages
to read.
Thepresent perfect simple(Ive
read) gives the idea of completion
while thepresent perfect
continuous(Ive been reading)
suggests that something is

Complete the sentences using the Present perfect

Simple or Present Perfect Continuous.

Is Henry still working? No, he . (finish/already)

How long ..(you/know) him? Oh, for about ten years.
Im sorry Im late. .(you/wait) long?
How many times ..(you/be) to the far east?
Several times.
5. What (you/do) this morning? I
(paint) the bulkheads. Ill be finished this afternoon.
6. Why are you sweating so much? Oh I .(work
out) in the gym for the past two hours.
7. .. (you/phone) the office yet? I
(try) for an hour but I cant get through.
8. Come quickly! There .. (be) an accident. Peter
..(break) his leg.
9. There you are! I . (look) for you for ages!
10.I wonder what they are discussing at the meeting. They
(talk) for hours.


Remember that since and for are used

with expressions of time to say how
long something has been happening.
Since is used with points in time and
for is used with periods of time.
How long have you been working with
that company? For about three years
How long has it been raining? Since 3


Language are often influenced by changes in

society and technology. Here are some examples
of informal idioms using the theme of steam
power. They are not literal expression. Read this
He completed the project entirely under his own
The team played well at the start of the game but
now they are running out of steam.
When the chief engineer is angry, he shouts to let off
The local residents are very steamed up about the
plans to build a factory near their houses.
There isnt much time to finish this job so well have
to go full steam ahead to get it done.

Now match each of the idioms with the correct

Under ones own steam (a) be upset about
Run out of steam (b) get rid of bad feeling about
let off steam(c) work at full capacity
be steamed-up about something (d) to have
exhausted ones energy to do
go full steam ahead
(e) on ones
own initiative without assistance from anyone else

Listen to the cassette. The chief officer is handling over the
navigational watch to the 3rd officer. Which of the topics in
Exercise above are mentioned in the dialogue.
Listen to the dialogue again. Decide if the statements are
true or false.
1. The 3rd officer has never sailed this route before. (T/F)
2. The weather is expected to improve when they reach
Port Elizabeth. (T/F)
3. Some detached buoys can be seen from the bridge.
4. There is only a container ship and a warship in the
vicinity. (T/F)
5. The Chief Officer expect to rest well. (T/F)

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