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Establishing Goals Consistent with Your

Values and Ethics

If you do not know where

you are going, you will
probably end up someplace
else Yogi Berra

Goal Setting
Goal- a level of proficiency or standard of behavior
that we wish to attain within specified period of
Goal Setting- it is identifying our work/life priorities
and developing strategies for attaining personal
and professional goals.
Successful People:
Jack Welch- wanted to be CEO of General Electric
(he achieved in 20 years).
Scott Adams- successful Dilbert envisioned
himself as the worlds greatest cartoonist.

Importance/Benefits of Goal Setting

1. Morale/Esteem- internal reinforcements of personal
abilities, broadens your belief what you can accomplish.
2. Purpose/Direction- establishing written goals formalizes
our dreams and wishes. What we want to achieve,
provides the map of destination to leads us there.
3. Motivation- help us to build internal momentum,
borrowing physics principle a person who sets goals
becomes an object in motion [that] remains in motion.
4. Productivity- having clear plan of action greatly focuses
the expenditure of time, money, and energy, in this way
we can boost our performance and overcome the

Key Behaviors for Effective goal

These behaviors underpin most successful
goal-setting efforts:
1. Being Realistic-not be too ambiguous, too
difficult, or set to far in the future. Why you
want and specific action plan to attain. Be
honest with yourself and your abilities and
evaluating all related conditions.
2. Being Positive- when facing obstacles and
challenges be optimistic and believe in CanDo attitude will boost your uphill climb.

Key Behaviors (Cont.)

3. Starting Small- begin with smaller, simpler, and
more manageable goals. Small successes build
confidence and create momentum towards future
goal-setting behavior.
4. Taking Full Responsibility- even though we need
help and support of others but we are in control
of our actions. You must believe that you can
direct your energy towards personal productivity.
5. Persevering- maintaining strong forward motion,
it is essential for successfully reaching the goal we
want to achieve.

Clarifying Values
Value- the personalized views or deeply held
opinions that guide chosen courses of action or
judgments of outcomes. Our individuals set of
values are result of our learning and personal
Sources of Values: Our values are influence by our
family, friends, peers, religious beliefs, community,
and even the organization with which we are
associated. Some values are deep routed in our and
we make decision on the basis of these values but
we do not know the source. Values become a matter
of habit.

How values effect?

The questions we answer on the
basis of our values.
1. What do want to achieve with my
2. What are my career goals and that
provide motivation?
Finally, we work towards what we
value- and our values guide our

Types of values
the values are divided into two categories:
1. Instrumental Values- are hows of goal setting:
standards of behaviors by which we achieve
desired ends courage, honesty, compassion,
and loving are examples of instrumental
2. Terminal Values- are the whats- end states or
goals that we would like to achieve during our
lifetime. Such values include wisdom,
salvation, prosperity, or sense of

Personal values
There are two types of personal values:
1. Tangible Values- are things that can be seen, feel,
or hold, including the kind of car you want to drive,
the level of income you want to have, and the size
of the house you want to own. Tangible values
consist of the material things you want to possess.
2. Intangible Values- intangible values deal with
concepts rather than things. Freedom,
independence, happiness, friendship, and love are
intangible values and can be defined differently for
each person. Intangible values consist of ideals you
wish to strive toward or pursue.

Writing Effective Goals

The development of personal goals with
writing of goal statements, such as career,
personal, and financial. Goals be SMART.
1. Specific- write your goals with as many
details as possible and leave no room for
misinterpretation. A. I want to lose 10
pounds. B. lower BP by 15 points. C. lower
my cholesterol by 20 points. D. lowering the
cost of production by 10 percent. E.
increasing sales volume by 20 percent so on
and so forth.

Writing Effective Goals

2. Measurable measure your actual performance
against performance standards. Write your goals in
quantifiable terms, to determine to what extent you
have completed each goal and fulfilled each
objective. Example I will write one essay per week
to improve my writing skills.
3. Attainable/Believable - believable goals are which
high probability of success. Make sure that you have
secured all necessary resources and that you
anticipate and develop strategies to deal with
obstacles that could bar your success. I will raise
CGPA from a 2.5 to a 3.0.

Writing Effective Goals

4. Realistic/Achievable- write you goals with
consideration of your capabilities and limitations. The
goal should be challenging that stretches your abilities
but not so difficult, it is impossible to fulfill. Say, I will
contact 10% more clients this week than usual, rather
than, I will sell10 percent more than usual in this week.
5. Time Bound- fix time for meeting and fulfilling your
goals, otherwise they will remain dreams and never
become reality. Losing 10 pounds is specific,
measurable, realistic but without fixing the target date,
you will find yourself repeating that I will start diet plan

Goals-setting Strategies
1. Visualize the Outcome- state your goals as if you have
already accomplished them. I am owner of
Mercedes I am executive vice-president of my
advertising firm.
2. Strive for performance not for outcome- try to be 100
percent in effort and perform to the best of your
3. Develop a support network- obtain support and
commitment from individuals who will be essential in
ensuring your success. If someone hinders your ability
to accomplish your goal, reevaluate your relationship
with those people, that is to whether to continue?

Goals-setting Strategies
4. Limit the number- too many number of goals
only drain your resources and reduce your
potency of your effort 10 to 20 years to
complete your life goals.
5. Allow for setbacks- if you are detracted due
to your mistake forgive your self and get back
your plan. If things are so opposite for your
goals then sit down and reevaluate and readjust
your goals, you might find friends or relatives
who can help you to get through this crisis.

Goals-setting Strategies
6. Be honest with yourself- evaluate objectively
how well you accomplish your goals and
objectives. How you can improve is to understand
what you did wrong and focus on how you can
change. Ask yourself, what was cause of my
failure in previous class- poor study habit, lack of
time or discipline, and lack of priorities.
7. Reward small accomplishments- when you
reached your goal, provide your self with reward.
Celebrating your accomplishments will refuel,
motivate, optimist and belief in your abilities.

Goals-setting Strategies
8. Do not lose sight for big picture- make a
habit to review your goals on daily basis. Use
positive self-talk to reinforce your beliefs and
reiterate the purpose behind your action.
9. Revisit the Process goal setting is not a
one-time action; it is ongoing process. Your
values, roles, and dreams may change. Your
resources may need to evaluate or to make
adjustments to overcome the future

Definition- Ethics are moral principles
that people use to guide their behavior
by separating right from wrong.
Each person has different world viewbased on life experiences, education,
family background, religious and
political affiliations, perceptions, and

Ethical dilemmas
The situations were setting goals or making decisions
that will be based largely on judgments and
determinations, rather than on indisputable facts. It result
of gross misunderstanding; value conflicts; cultural
differences; conflicts of interest; differences based on
gender, economic levels, religion, age sexual orientation,
upbringing, race or ethnicity, or greed. Examples:
inappropriate gifts, making unwanted sexual advances,
discovery of unauthorized payments or overpayments,
and hiring an untrained person from named family
rather than a qualified individual.
Managers have to choose between his or her own
interests and interest of others.

Factors Influencing Ethics

three factors
1. Individual ethics of organizational members.
Ethical behaviors, being aligned with personal
values, moral reasoning, and personal ideology,
has a direct impact on goals and actions of
organizational members.
2. The corporate culture of the organization.
Practices of org. have impact on ethics.
3. Society as whole. Overall ethical level of society
shapes ethics at work.

Benefits of Ethical Decision


Customer relations
Employee satisfaction
Employee empowerment

Ethics Enhancing Tools

1. Cutting corners on quality control
2. Covering up incidents (14%).
3. Abusing or lying about sick leave
4. Lying to or deceiving customers

Methods to Improve

Code of ethics
Ethics test
Ethical audit
Decision-making model
Ethics training

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