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Handling our instruments

By Deepak Upreti

Think for a moment!

How you handle your wrist watch?

Where you keep it after removing from your wrist?

How you feel when its glass gets damaged?

What you do when it stops working?

What you do when your wrist watch doesnt give you

accurate time?

One fine day, you observed that, while working at your

Workplace your watch stopped working!

What went wrong Wrist watch stopped working

When it happened In A shift today

Where it happened At my desk

How it happened While moving my hands, it had a hit with the table

Why it happened It happened casually!

5 Why Analysis
1) Why your watch had a hit with the table
2) Why your workplace was so designed
3) Why didnt you notice the closeness of table while moving
your hand
4) Why you were moving hands in that way, why not other way?
5) Why you were so casual

LearningIncident has taken place, & now you dont want to happen it
again. Thats why you did 5 why analysis

Ask Yourself

Do you ever ask yourself, as to why I didnt clean my

instrument today (whereas I brush my teeth everyday)?


noticed some minor problem with your instrument & you

immediately informed your supervisor?

Have you ever asked your supervisor as to why proper space

for my Instrument is not made?

How frequently you give suggestion for improvement in


Cost Comparision
4 times the cost of our wrist watch
5 times the cost of our wrist watch
Dial Indicator
Almost equal to the cost of our wrist watch
Thread Plug Gauge Almost equal to the cost of our wrist watch
Go, No-Go Gauges 2 times to 10 times of the cost of our wrist watch

5S (5 senses) of Measurement
That means we dont need special skill for at
least basic defect identification

What type of problems we observe in our instruments when

we say that they are damaged
Calipers Jaws damaged
Dials indicator Glass broken, plunger sticky, pin damaged
Micrometers Display defective, Anvil damaged
Gauges Pin broken, sticky operation
Can we do a 5 why analysis for the above?

All of us know this fact

Dust, Dirt & Oil are the greatest enemy of the instruments. Their
accumulation creates a thick layer on the circuitry, which resists
heat to dissipate, as a result circuitry starts malfunctioning,
and slowly it goes in to breakdown.
Accumulation of dust with oil contents, restricts the free
movement of components into the gauge, which can give
wrong results. And sometimes some pin can break while
applying unwanted excessive pressure.
Lets start 1S (Cleanliness) for all instruments and gauges.

Do you know this fact

90 to 95% of our instruments gets damaged because of casual
approach of the user!
(Remember your wrist watch?)
Lets maintain self discipline while working with the instruments
and gauges.

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