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Prof. T. K. G. Namboodhiri
Adapted from the book
The seven spiritual laws of success

Continued expansion of happiness &
realization of worthy goals
Ability to fulfill our desires effortlessly
Spiritually, success is our ability to cocreate with the universe efficiently and
without effort


Ancient sages of India realized that spirit
lies at the source of all achievement in life.
Spirit is defined as pure potentiality which
is unmanifest consciousness.
Our desires are manifestations of the
unmanifest consciousness.
Practice of the seven spiritual laws align
us with natures intelligence and our
desires are easily fulfilled.

1. The law of pure potentiality

We exist in a state of pure potentiality or
pure consciousness which is the field of
infinite creativity and all possibilities.
Knowing who we really are gives us the
ability to fulfill any dream we have.
When we are in harmony with nature, we
create a bond between our desires and
the power to materialize these desires.

Practicing the law of pure

Take time each day to be silent, to connect
with your spirit, to just be.
Practice nonjudgment. Begin the day with
a resolve to not judge anything that occurs
Commune with nature. Watch a sunset,
listen to the ocean, or simply smell the
scent of a flower

2. The law of giving & receiving

Everything in the universe operates through dynamic
Giving and taking are different aspects of the flow of
energy in the universe
If we stop the flow of energy, we interfere with natures
If we want love, learn to give love, if we want material
affluence, help others to become materially affluent.
By our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep
the abundance of the universe circulating in our life

Practice of the law of giving &

Give a gift to everyone you encounter, be
it a compliment, a flower or a prayer
Gratefully receive every gift that life offers
you. Be open to receiving, whether it be a
material gift, a compliment or prayer
Silently wish everyone you meet
happiness, joy, and laughter

3. The law of cause & effect

What you sow is what you reap
If we want happiness, sow the seeds of
This law of Karma implies conscious
choice making. When we choose actions
that bring happiness and success to
others, the fruit of our karma is happiness
and success.

Practice of the law of cause &

Witness the choices you make in every moment.
Be fully conscious of the present
When you make a choice, ask yourself what are
the consequences of this choice? and will this
choice bring happiness to everybody?
Ask your heart for guidance and be guided by its
message of comfort or discomfort. Go ahead
only if the message is comfortable

4. The law of Least Effort

Natures intelligence functions with effortless
ease, care-freeness, harmony and love. It does
less and accomplishes more
Least effort is expended when our actions are
motivated by love, because nature is held
together by the energy of love
Harmony and love enable creative use of energy
and easy achievement of our desires

Practice of the law of least effort

Accept people, circumstances, and events as
they are in this moment. Remember this
moment is as it should be
Take responsibility for your situation without
blaming anything or any one, including yourself.
Every problem is an opportunity to take this
moment and transform it into a greater benefit.
Relinquish the need to defend your point of view
and be open to all points of view

5. The law of Intention & Desire

Intention is desire without attachment to
the outcome. By releasing our intentions
and desires in the field of pure potentiality
we activate its infinite organizing power to
work for us.
Relinquish our attachment to the outcome.
Expect our desires to be realized when the
time is right.
Let the universe handle the details

Five steps in the Law of

Intentions & Desire
You can harness the power of intention to fulfill your
desires and dreams through the following 5 steps:
1) Center yourself in the silent space between thoughtsstate of being.
2)Release your intentions and desires with the
expectation that they will bloom when the season is right.
3) Keep your desires to yourself, do not share them with
4) Relinquish your attachment to the outcome
5) Let the universe handle the details.

Practice of the law of intention &

Make a list of your intentions and desires. Look
at this list before going into silence, sleep, and
after waking in the morning.
Release your desires to the field of pure
potentiality, trusting it to handle all the details
and bring you the results when the time is right.
Practice present moment awareness in all
actions and refuse to allow obstacles from taking
your attention.

6. The Law of Detachment

The way to acquire anything in the world is
to relinquish our attachment to it.
We do not give up the intention or the
desire, we give up only the attachment to
the outcome.
Anything we want can be achieved
through detachment, because detachment
comes from our unquestioning belief of
the power of the self.

Practice of the law of

Practice detached involvement. Let go of
your idea of how things should be. Be alert
to the opportunity within every problem.
Accept uncertainty as an essential part of
your experience. Solutions will appear
Remain open to all possibilities and enjoy
every moment of your life.

7. The Law of Dharma

According to the law of Dharma or Purpose of
Life, we are spiritual beings who have taken
physical form to fulfill a purpose. It has 3
1) Each of us has to discover our true self.
2) Each of us has a unique talent that no one
else has.
4) We are here to serve our fellow beings with
our talent so that we experience the ecstasy and
exultation of our spirit. This is the goal of all

Practice of the Law of Dharma

Nurture the divinity within you, the spirit animating
your body and mind by being conscious of
timeless Being in the midst of time-bound
Make a list of all your unique talents. Then list all
the things you love to do while expressing these
Ask yourself daily how can I help? & how can I
serve?. Let your actions be according to the
answers. Serve your fellow human beings with

These seven spiritual laws govern the actions of the
universal mind which choreographs everything in this
By practicing these laws we can manifest anything we
want. These are also the spiritual laws of life.
Everything in life is an expression of the miraculous
unfolding of spirit.
True success is to witness the unfolding of the divinity
within us and experience every moment of life as
miraculous expressions of divinity.
Share everything with love and caring so that we create
abundance and joy for one another

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