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Demand Side

Management in Smart
-Samuel Stuart Paul
M.Tech (ES)

Smart Grid
Smart Grid is the modernization of the
electricity delivery system so that it monitors,
protects and automatically optimizes the
operation of its interconnected elements.
Smart grid is the integration of information
and communications system into electric
transmission and distribution networks.
The flow of electricity from utility to consumer
becomes a two-way conversation i.e. two way
flow of information

Proactive management of electrical
network during emergency
Better demand supply / demand
response management.
Better power quality
Reduce carbon emissions.
Increasing demand for energy :
requires more complex and critical
solution with better energy

Demand Side Management

Demand Side Management or Energy
Demand Management is the modification of
consumer demand for energy optimization
through various methods.
Enables consumers to make more
information decision about their energy
Promises to cut cost for commercial
consumer Save money for house hold &
help utilities to operate more efficiently.

Forms of DSM
Peak Clipping:
Reduction of utility loads during peak
demand periods. Peak clipping can be achieved by
direct control of customers appliances.
Reduction in consumption by
consumers. There is net reduction in both demand
and total energy consumption.
Load Shifting:
Shifting loads from on-peak to offpeak periods. The net effect is a decrease in peak

Demand Optimization
Smart Metering
Automatic, Time of Use, Consumer
Communication & Load Control
Communications : Automated Metering
Infrastructure (AMI) LAN, WAN, HAN
DRMS (Demand Response Management)

Smart Meters
Different from Automated meter
Asmart meteris
anelectronicdevice that records
consumption ofelectric energyin
intervals of an hour or less
andcommunicates that
informationat least daily back to
theutilityfor monitoring and billing.

Advance Sensing &

Advanced Metering
Infrastructure (AMI)
Provide interface between
the utility ad its customers:
bi-direction control
Advanced functionality
Real-time electricity pricing
Accurate load
Outage detection/restoration

Advance Sensing &

Health Monitor: Phasor
measurement unit (PMU)
Measure the electrical waves
and determine the health of
the system.
Increase the reliability by
detecting faults early,
allowing for isolation of
operative system, and the
prevention of power outages.

Advance Metering &

AMI is a basic element of the smart grid; its role
is to furnish information and active interactive
capability to service providers and customers
AMI consists of smart meters, integrated two
way communications infrastructure, active
management system to gather and store
customer data
In addition, AMI provides interfaces to other
electricity company enterprise systems

Smart Meter in AMI

AMI Components :Smart

The smart meter is the central nervous system
of the AMI
The ability to collect consumption data in
discrete time intervals allows the utilities to
charge time differentiated rates for electricity
The meter can also perform other useful
advanced functions, such as remote
The meter is also a key need in the
implementation of DR applications

Changes in electric usage by end-use
customers in response to changes in
the price of electricity over time is
producing major changes from
normal consumption patterns.
This will help the utilities in
undertaking effective management
of power distribution

Achievements of Demand
Energy Usage Information
Efficient Communication between
Utilities and Customers
Consumer Enrollment in DR programs

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