Communication History and Technology

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Communication is a process that started

perhaps even before we knew how to write

or spell the word "communication".
Communication is perhaps dated back to
the advent of life itself.
What evolved from simple body language
or ancient pictorial messages carved on
rocks metamorphosed into rather evolved
channels of communication like the
telephone, television and of course the
world wide web that brought the world as
close as it could get!

Although various complex theories and

principles exist, communication can be

simply defined as a process by which
information is exchanged between
individuals through a common system of
symbols, signs, or behavior. (Obviously the
term is not limited to human beings
because animals have their own modes of
communication too!)

Here is an attempt to trace back the

origins of communication
Body Language
A friendly handshake, a gracious
smile or even a warm hug. Body
language is communication through
simple body gestures. The time of
emergence of body language
cannot be precisely or accurately
calculated or calculated. However
the use of body language as means
of communication has always been
compared to communication modes
used by animals.

The available fossil evidence
hints that modern
adaptations for speech
appeared somewhere
between 1.5 million and
500,000 years ago. The
dynamics of evolution of
speech acquisition is
complex since it is
influenced by factors like
culturally transmitted sounds
and genetic evolution.

The history of writing dates back to the various writing systems
that evolved in the Early Bronze Age (late 4th millennium BC)
out of Neolithic proto-writing.
The evolution of writing is said to have evolved from protowriting which means pictorial messages /symbols/scribbles
that cannot be called "actual writing". For convenience we
will classify the evolution of writing into the following subcategories:
Cave Paintings
Petroglyphs/ Rock Carvings

Symbols developed
as a communication
tool that not only
ensures better
understanding but
also increased
longevity of the

Cave Paintings
The Upper Paleolithic cave
paintings, which are a
type of rock art are the
oldest known symbols.
Homo sapiens' first crack
at communicating
information was painting.
The oldest known cave
painting is that of the
Chauvet Cave dating
back to 30,000 BC.

Petroglyphs are nothing but
rock carvings. These
Petroglyphs date back to
10,000 BC, when the
Homo sapiens have been
known to have acquired
the art of carving by
making incisions or
carvings on the rock
There have been instances
of woodcarvings and
even tattoos.

Pictographs were the next step in
the evolution of writing. One
prominent feature that
separates petroglyphs from the
pictograms is that petroglyphs
simply depict a single event,
but pictograms narrate a story
about the event and hence can
be used to convey chronology
of several events.
Pictograms have been sighted in
the history of various ancient
cultures since around 9000 BC.
The pictograms gave way to the
evolution of Cuneiform script,
which is considered as the
earliest known form of written

An ideogram is an advanced
version of the pictogram. It is a
visual or graphic symbol that
represents an idea. Several
communities across the world
came up with varied ideograms
to represent numerous ideas
however, since ideas like
expression of emotions are
universal in nature, so are
many ideograms.
Ideograms are the source of
inception for most of the
logographic writing systems
like the Chinese script.

The Alphabets
The Egyptians were the first to come
up with an alphabetical system
around 2700 BC which consisted of
22 heiroglyphs.
Each heiroglyph began with a single
consonant of their language, plus a
vowel (or no vowel) to be supplied
by the speaker. Initially, these
glyphs were used as a guide for
pronunciation of the logograms, to
mark grammatical intonation and to
record foreign names.
This script passed on to many other
civilizations and inspired different
alphabetical systems like the
Phoenician alphabets, Arabic
scripts, Hebrew, Latin alphabets,
Italic alphabets, Glagolithic
alphabets or the Cyrillic alphabets.

The Semaphore or the optical telegraph
system was an apparatus for
conveying information by means of
visual signals.
The system used towers with pivoting
blades or paddles, in a matrix.
Information was encoded by the
position of the mechanical elements
and the message can be interpreted
by the position of the blade.
Although the mention of the idea of a
semaphore has been recorded in the
name of an English scientist Robert
Hooke, the idea was put to practice in
France during the 1700s, when an
engineer called Claude Chappe
covered France with a network of 556
stations over a distance of 4,800

Communication technology is the technology transmitting information

through the use of electronic devices and systems.
Examples of tools or systems of communication are the telephone,

radio, broadcast television and cable TV.

Because most of these devices or systems enable us to
communicate over large distances, communication technology has
become associated with telecommunications.
Telecommunications refers to the electronic collection and
transfer of information from one location to another.
The data being collected may consist of voice, sound, text, video,

graphics or all of these.

The instruments that send these data include the telegraph,
telephone, cable, radio and television.
The distance may be as small as within a room or as large as from
here to outer space.

Cave drawings were

murals that people
painted onto the walls of
caves and canyons to
tell the story of their
culture. They would tell
stories of battles, hunts
and culture.

Storytelling was used to

tell stories, both fiction
and nonfiction, before
there were books. It
was a way for families
and communities to
pass on information
about their past.

Drums were one way to

send signals to
neighboring tribes and
groups. The sound of the
drumming patterns would
tell them of concerns and
events they needed to

Smoke signals were

another way to send
messages to people who
were not close enough to
use words with. Can you
imagine living without your
telephone? We sure have
come a long way!

The oldest printed book known is a Chinese

religious book, The Diamond Sutra.
Other books like this were printed with
wood blocks, usually made from Mulberry
Johann Gutenburg invented an actual
printing press in 1450, it was a screw
press that worked very much like a wine
He discovered how to make a good ink that
would print with metal type.
Gutenburg was the first to use a press to
print the Bible, it is the oldest full length
volume printed.
From Gutenburg's press in Mainz, Germany,
printing spread all over Europe.

Rome developed a printing press in 1465, but, because the

rulers of many countries felt that the printed word
encouraged people to rebel against their authority, they
strictly controlled the amount of material that printers were
allowed to produce.
Printing did not really grow again until the 18th century.

The mechanics of printing

changed little between 1450
and the 1800s, when the
power press was introduced.
By the 1600's the art of printing
was used in business.
Printed news sheets, called
corantos, which were
somewhat like newspapers of

In 1728 Ben Franklin

opened his own printing

office in Philadelphia, he
had learned about the
business of printing while
working, since age 12 with
his brother James. He was
a fully skilled printer by the
age of 17.
Ben Franklin printed
newspaper he called The
Pennsylvania Gazette and
the Poor Richard's

The idea for the electric telegraph was not

thought up in a scientific laboratory, but
on the deck of a sailing ship called the
Scully, in the middle of the Atlantic
The inventor was Samuel Finley Breese
Morse, and in 1832, he was on of the
most famous artists in the United States.
Morse and ship passengers were talking
about the invention of the electromagnet,
which looked like a horseshoe with wire
wrapped around it.
They talked about how electricity traveled
through the wire. Morse thought if
electricity would travel a short distance
through wire, it could travel long distances
through wire also.



Morse's idea was to string a wire

between two points, maybe miles
A key at one end is pressed and it
closes the electrical curcuit which
sends a pulse of electricity through
the wire.
When the key is let go very fast, the
pulse of electricity sent through the
wire is a dot. if the key is held down
3 times longer, the pulse is a dash.
Dashes and dots mixed together form
different letters of the alphabet and
when sent from a person at one end
of the wire to another person at the
other end of the wire, these dashes
and dots would spell out words.


A telephone is an instrument that sends and

receives information, usually by means of
The word telephone comes from Greek words
meaning far and sound.
The telephone is one of our best ways to
communicate. In an emergency a
telephone can save your life. You can
save time with a telephone. You can make
a telephone call almost anywhere in the
Telephones are even used in cars, planes,
ships, and on lots of different mechanical
Alexander Graham Bell invented the
telephone in Boston in 1876, 120 years
later there are over 360 million telephone
numbers, and that figure grows each year.

The most familiar telephone is the

desk telephone, which sits on a
desk, table or shelf.
Some phones have option like
holding multiple calls or
transferring calls to other phones.
An intercom allows you to talk to
other people in other rooms.
Speaker phones have a
microphone and a loud speaker.
With a speaker phone more than two
people can talk in a conversation.
Cordless phones do not have wires
connected to them, that is why
they are called cordless phones,
but they still need a to have some
nearness to a unit that is wired to
the telephone system.
Cellular phones are true wireless

Radios are used for many purposes.

Some examples are communication,
radar navigation and television
Radios affect everyone's life in many
Radios help us get the weather
reports. They help NASA speak to
astronauts, they even allow us to
speak to our friends on the

Radio's send information

through a process called
electromagnetic waves.
These waves are
measured by a metric
measurement called a
hertz, one kilohertz is
equal to 1,000 hertz and a
megahertz is 1,000,000
hertz. The term hertz is
named after the early
radio pioneer Heinrich

Television is great entertainment for many

people all over the earth.
Television is not just about entertainment, it is
about news and lots of information.
Television makes it possible to teach lessons
for kids and also allows workers to watch
over radioactive materials.
Television means to see from afar. Seeing
far or nearby requires light. Light forms
scenes you see on the television screen.
But it is not light of the original scene, in
television, images and sounds travel
electronically, that is, by means of electrical

There are many things kids can lean

from television on various days,
entertainment shows
about past history
important news
cold and sunny weather conditions
learn different languages such as
Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, etc.
cooking shows

Konrad Zuse is popularly recognized in

Germany as the "father of computer" and his

ZI, a programmable automation system build
between 1936 and 1938, has been called the
first computer in the world.
Konrad Zuse realized that he could construct
a system capable of doing sequences of
mathematic operations, like those needed to
construct mathematical tables.
He had no formal training in electronics and
was not familiar basic technological ideas,
which allowed him to solve problems he came
across, with new, creative and original

Other nations reserve this honor for

one of their own scientists, and there
have been many long winded debates
on the issue of the true inventor of the

Herman Hollerith was the

first American to help in the

invention of the computer in
He invented the Tabulating
Machine which was used
by the U.S. Government.
His company was called
the Computing-TabulatingRecording Company.
Later the company
changed its name to
International Business
Machines, we know the
today as IBM, one of the
worlds largest computer

The ENIAC (the Electronic

Numerical Integrator and
Computer) was built at the
Moore School of Electrical
Engineering of the University of
Pennsylvania in 1943-1945, and
is said to be the first large scale
general purpose electronic
computer in the world.

In the 1940-1950's one single

computer filled an entire room and

weighed about 30 tons.
In the 50's and 60's the computers
were smaller and faster, but still
too big and expensive for home
In the 1970's smaller computers
were designed for smaller
businesses and the
microprocessors were introduced.
They were now small enough for
use in homes and schools.
We still use computers with
microprocessors and they keep
getting smaller and smaller in size
and price.

What will computers be like in

the future?
The only thing we can be sure of
is that they will be smaller,
faster, more affordable, and
will be able to process and
store more and more
What will they look like?
We will have to wait to see what
the future holds.

Do you still remember this gadgets?

and who wants to own these


Make youre your own tool of

communication for the future

about 25 years from now.

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