Objective Psychosocial Intervention

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The objectives of psychosocial intervention are those that are

to reduce or prevent situations of social and personal risk,
either through intervention in the solution of concrete
problems affecting individuals, groups or communities by
providing materials professional resources or, or by promoting a
higher quality of life, ensuring optimal quality of life,
facilitating the recognition and optimization of own resources
offered by the environment, and determining the control of
various aspects of the environment that may affect health
negatively and not to allow subjects , intervened groups and
psychosocial development in an environment communities as
normalized as possible.


Community involvement is more differentiated by its own culture, which by their
different structures or functions.
What if considered appropriate when making any Community intervention is to
differentiate simple societies, complex societies.

Simple societies refer to relatively

small and geographically defined
social groups, where traditions
control the behavior of members of
the social system, so that culture
permeates most behaviors, which
are more related to the sacred with
the beliefs and secular values,
aspects that make people generate a
dependence on others and is
generally governed by traditional
values and non-formal ways.

Complex societies hold little interaction with one

another, to the point of touching anonymity,
interdependence is based on functionality and
performing specialized tasks, making little effort to
be cooperative. In addition to that complex
societies are characterized by observing a profound
cultural change from one generation to another,
have cultural diversity in the presence of
subcultures, unstable family ties build, own
variability in social mobility and stiffness in their
internal actions; aspects that largely favors the
disintegration of these societies

community field, in addition to the approach
presented, it is useful to identify the influences
that permeate the involved community setting, so
for example, if it is dominated by economic
interests, shall prevail in their social practices,
values, trade and materials, if prevailing family
influence stood out in their interactions kinship
ties and social status will be mediated by the
criterion of descent, also, if it exists in the
community field dominance of religion this aspect
will be the guideline for all the behavior of its
members etc.
Psychosocial intervention in the community field,
will inevitably have to take into account the
context in which it is developing the problem and
adapt the intervention to it, in order to
successfully prevent and support the resolution of
the problems and needs that arise in the

Psychosocial intervention in the community

emphasizes its goals in increasing the social welfare
and improving the quality of life of the citizens who
make under a targeted promotion of competition of
groups and communities action seeking study their
problems and generate resources to overcome one of
the most important aims of psychosocial intervention
with communities is prevention, focusing on
significant risk groups or groups with respect to a
particular problem treated.
The role of professional psychosocial intervention in
the community field is oriented to design,
implement, and evaluate programs to encourage
attitudinal changes in society regarding the factors
that hinder their integration and development,
largely by increasing the awareness, awareness and
social tolerance.


Direct attention: through evaluation, counseling and / or troubleshooting, in
order to advance towards building skills, competencies and resources to
enable the recipient of the intervention address their problems with greater
chances of success.
Advisory and Consulting: for staff or management of programs or services,
regarding the implementation of options and alternatives for overcoming
Research: conduct explorations, studies and research that contribute to the
progress of the interveci own.
Program Evaluation: systematic study of the components, processes and
outcomes of different interventions and programs, which require the use of
specific assessment techniques, combined with the knowledge of the
particular area evaluated.
Training: through the implementation and application of theoretical models practical and use of assessment and intervention techniques applied to a
particular social context at different levels either individual or collective


Techniques Group intervention: These are interventions that focus on
mutual aid in the development of solidarity, citizen participation,
competition for analyzing situations and making decisions that affect
collective and allow developing organizational objectives and community
revitalization also the development of social skills and cooperative work,
Mediation techniques: It refers to those negotiation and mediation
techniques to reduce the various social conflicts and progress in problem
solving, based on recognition of the immense diversity of features and
existing social and cultural interests.
Social research techniques and construction of knowledge: They are
the implementation of mechanisms to support and build social research
and evaluation that are part; surveys, interviews, focus groups,
participatory workshops, panel discussions, life stories, participant
observation, construction of social indicators, etc.

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