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Migraine !!!

Cause and Simple Home

Solutions To Migraine
“Prevention Is Better than Cure.”
Migraine Cause and Solutions for it
Recurring Headaches, Throbbing pain in the
head.!? Better be careful It can be Migraine
 Migraine has become a serious issue in today's
work environment
 A study shows that “Out of 10, one person
suffers from this symptoms which saps away
the energy in the body”
 To help people know how to minimize
Migraine is’s main
objective to create this case file

Migraine Causes and Solutions for it
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What is Migraine ?
 Migraine is a serious headache problem
which can either occur in the right or the left
lobes of the brain
 Migraine results from a combination of blood
vessel enlargements and the release of toxic
endocrine chemicals from nerve fibers that
coil around the blood vessels that cause
inflammation and pain

Migraine Causes and Solutions for it
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Migraine Types !!!

Migraine Causes and Solutions for it
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What Causes Migraine ?
Micro Factors
 Stress, Tiredness, Fatigue, caused due to
Irregular Working hours
 Allergies to certain food products, medicines,
chemicals, strong perfumes and dust
 In some cases, it has been found that oily
foods, non vegetarian products rich in mono
sodium glutamate, unhealthy triglycerides
could trigger migraine

Migraine Causes and Solutions for it
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Macro Factors
 Genetics: Migraine can often be traced to
genes and poor malnutritional levels or
 Hormonal imbalances in both men and
 Behavioral traits
 Menopause
 Excessive drug/medicinal intake
 Psychological history of the person
 Migraine is also a lifestyle problem

Migraine Causes and Solutions for it
Different Types of Migraine
1. Chronic migraines: People who experience more
than 15 times in a month are diagnosed with
Chronic migraine.
2. Classic migraines: These are migraines with an
aura where lines, colors, zigzag patterns and
blind spots at the edge of vision occur before
3. Common migraines: This is when you have
migraine pain with no aura. These can come on
suddenly, but some have symptoms like euphoria
or cognitiveMigraine
problems before the onset of pain.
Causes and Solutions for it
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4. Cluster headaches: Cluster headaches are not migraines.
They are quite possibly the most painful of all headaches.
The pain explodes suddenly, usually about two hours after
the person has gone to sleep. They occur repeatedly for
several weeks at a time. Lack of sleep and other behavioral
factors seem to be the primary cause.

5. Thunderclap headaches: Like cluster headaches, a

thunderclap headache is very sudden and severe, almost
like a thunderclap, Even though it lasts a much shorter
time and does not recur regularly. They are usually signs of
something seriously wrong, like blood pooling, blood
clotting and even signs of Internal Brain Hemorrhage. If
you experience one of these, Consult the doctor
immediately. Migraine Causes and Solutions for it
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Headache/Migraine Regions

Migraine Causes and Solutions for it
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Natural Solutions to Minimize Migraine
1. Yoga, Exercise, massage, deep breathing and
relaxation exercises.
2. Ginger intake helps in controlling Migraine and
even nausea, vomiting completely.
3. Cardamom powder, Ginger powder, Black
pepper, Holy basil (Tulsi) leaves when mixed and
taken as a concoction is an instantaneous cure.
4. Green leafy vegetables like carrots, spinaches
helps a lot.
5. Applying 10-12 drops of Mustard oil to the
forehead when sleeping in the night for a week
helps to bring down migraine.
Migraine Causes and Solutions for it
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6. Sound Sleep is of utmost importance to
minimize migraine.
7. Digestive system of a person must be in proper
process to ensure that food “Intake” should be
digested properly to minimize migraines.
8. Foods rich in fiber must be preferred.
9 . Fried foods should be completely avoided.
10. Avoid negative vices like Cigarettes, Alcohol,
Drugs, Tobacco based products etc.
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Now What ????
 To Know more about Health solutions,
please refer http://

Migraine Causes and Solutions for it
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We can be found here too


Migraine Causes and Solutions for it

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