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Emily, Charlotte, Sophie

There is a mental battle between this woman and her youth. She
is attacked by her mind, after she decides to dispose of her china
doll, the last aspect from her childhood.
She proceeds to run a bath, and once she lifts her head out the
water she is dressed as the doll.
She discovers she is locked in the bathroom, where she
experiences several disturbing flashbacks of herself doing actions
she cannot recall, such as wiping the mirror with her hand.

Shots are shown of a black gloved hand dressing

her and applying her makeup. This is an enigma
throughout and the owner of the hand is only
revealed at the end of the film.
The opening sequence will end with the woman
rattling the door handle, then she will drop her hand
to her side, the eerie music that is heard throughout
will come to a sudden end and the screen will turn
black. The distant sound of the other side of the door
handle rattling can be heard during the pitch black.


The film will be a psychological thriller. This is
demonstrated in the conventions:
Lighting Darkened, blue tinted during her
mental flashbacks to portray that she is only just
experiencing these memories and to display this
clearly to the audience.
Music Our music is appropriate to a
psychological thriller, as it is slow paced, however
eerie to create suspense.

Costumes The main character, the protagonist,

will be dressed in business clothes to suggest her
maturity and the end of her youth.
Props The props will include a china doll, in
which the woman disposes of, a paint palette and
brushes, which are used by the gloved hand to apply
the face paint onto the woman, and common
household objects such as saucepans. The props
contrast as the age group associated which each
varies. This suggests the importance childhood has
towards our film and foreshadows the mental battle
she has between her split personality.

Throughout the opening sequence, only one character
is displayed. However, another character is suggested
to appear later on in the movie, as some shots display
a hand.
The protagonist and antagonist are both the same
person, as the woman is in a mental battle with
herself. The hand is also suggested to be an antagonist
as it applies her doll makeup and dresses her while
she is unconscious, showing that she is unaware who
and what has forced her through this trauma.

A large amount of the opening sequence will be spent in a
relatively empty, old fashioned bathroom as it will have a
creepy doll house atmosphere, appropriate to our sub-genre.
This is suitable to express her vulnerability, as despite being
surrounded by mirrors she still battles with who she is.
This is a reliable and safe location, however the lighting may
vary so we may have to use artificial lighting or ensure we
film during the same time of day.
The sound may also experience a problem, as the design of
the bathroom may result in echoes. However, this may make
the sequence more realistic and since there is minimal
dialogue may not be an issue. However, if it is we can solve
this limitation by using a microphone.

Our target audience is 12+, as while our movie will
not include gore, or strong language, it may disturb
the younger viewers.
Our film will appeal more to teenagers, as the
younger generations may relate more to the desire
of trying to escape their childhood.
Since our main character is female and the movie
has a focus around dolls, we feel girls will empathise
more with the protagonist.

Producer Emily, Charlotte, Sophie
Director - Sophie
Music - Charlotte
Editor Emily

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