Lec#2 Excelenc of Holy Quran

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By:Basheer Ahmed Dars

Holy Quran is the last book of Holy
Scriptures sent by Allah for His people.
Holy Quran was revealed gradually to
Holy Prophet (PBUH) over a period of
twenty years. Holy Quran is the universal
code of life for all Muslims. It is for all
times and for every Muslim of the world
to live life according to the teachings of

The language of Quran is Arabic. Allah

says in the Holy Quran: We have sent it
down as an Arabic Quran, in order that ye
may learn wisdom . It is the greatest
books of all as it was revealed to the last

What is a Miracle?

An Extraordinary Event
A Devine Source
Can not be replicated by humans.
The Arabic root of the word

Comes after beginning of Prophecy

What is a Miracle?

Comes to challenge people in a matter

they have mastered
Musas (PBUH) miracles challenged Magic.
Issas (PBUH) miracles challenged
Muhammads (PBUH) miracle challenged
the Language Arts of the Arabs.
Khaled bin Uqba or Al-Walid bin Al-Mugira ..these
are not the words of a human..
Islam of Umar

The Miracle of The

The Quran is a miracle that is not
limited by place and time.
The Quran combines The Message and
The Miracle at the same time.
The Miracle of the Quran goes beyond
language into many aspects.

In the era of Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH) four things were in demand in
the Arabian Peninsula:
1. Eloquence (balaghat) and fluency
The Holy Quran that is the greatest
miracle of Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) challenged the poems and
men of letters ,
at last they had to submit to and
approve the Qurans superiority with
great respect and admiration.

The Quran Miracle

Each prophet performed miracles on

the most popular and most common
issues of their eras.
For example, at the era of Prophet
Isa (Jesus) (Peace be upon him), the
medical science was in demand.
Thats why; Prophet Isas greatest
miracle was bringing the dead back
to life as well as healing the blind
and the leper.

(1)The challenge in the Quran

If the whole of mankind and Jinn

were to gather together to produce
the like of this Qur'an, they could not
produce the like thereof, even if they
backed up each other with help and

In this verses Allah has challenged the whole

of mankind to try and produce a single
chapter like the Quran. This challenge,
which has remained unmet, captivated the
minds of the Arabs at the time of revelat-ion.
They rationally assessed that if an Arab
cannot challenge the Quran and nor could a
non-Arab, then the only source of the Quran
is the Creator.

(2)Allah's promise on protecting

There are thousands of copies of
Quran available in the world and
every copy is the same as the other.
There cannot be any changes in
Quran as Allah has declared Himself
as the custodian of Quran.
Allah says in the Holy Quran

, It is We Who have sent down the

Dhikr (i.e. the Quran) and surely, We

(3) Excellence of the light

of Hadith
No one book of the world given the
that dignity which is described by holy
ALLAH apostle in his so many hadiths we
quoting here some of that large collection

The best of you is the one who studies the

Quran and teaches it

Hadith1 : It has been reported on the

authority of Uthman ibn
Affan that the Prophet, upon him be peace,
The best of you is the one who learns the
Quran and teaches it.
(musnd Ahmed)

Hadith2 : Ibn Mas'oad RadiyAllahu `anhu

narrates that Rasullullah Sallallahu `alaihi
wasallam said, "Whoever reads one letter of
the Book of Allah is credited with one
blessing and one blessing is equal to tenfold
the like thereof in its reward. I do not say
that ( Alif Lam Meem) is one letter, but '(')
(Alif) is one letter, ' ( ( ) Lam) is one letter,
and '( ( ') Meem) is one letter." (Tirmidhi)

Hadith3 : Mu'az Juhani RadiyAllahu `anhu

reports that Rasulullah Sallallahu `alaihi
wasallam said, "Whoever reads the Qur'an
and acts upon what is contained in it, his
parents will be made to wear a crown on the
Day of Judgment, the brightness of which
will excel that of the sun, if the same were
within your worldly houses. So, what do you
think about the person who himself acts
upon it?" (Ahmad, Abu Dawud)

(4)Quran and
Modern Science

The Sun has Its Own Light but

not the Moon
The sun has its own light but the moon doesnt
And (see) how He has made the moon a light and
the Sun a lamp. (Quran 10:5)
Blessed is He Who has placed in the heavens great
stars and placed therein a great lamp and a Moon
giving light. (Quran 25:61)
It is He who made the Sun a light-giving object and
the Moon a light. (Quran 71:16)

Creation of Man

\Creation of Man

12 )
( 13 )

The Quran says: "We created man from an

extract of clay. Then We made him as a
drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed.
Then We made the drop into an alaqah
(leech, suspended thing, and blood clot),
then We made the alaqah into a mudghah
(chewed substance)... (Quran, 23:12-14).
. Continued on next slide

On the previous verse, Professor Emeritus Keith L.

Moore, one of the worlds most prominent scientists
in the fields of anatomy and embryology and author
of the book entitled The Developing Human, said
"It is clear to me that these statements must have
come to Muhammad from God, because almost all
of this knowledge was not discovered until many
centuries later. This proves to me that Muhammad
must have been a messenger of God.

Finger Prints

Finger Prints

( 3 )

Finger Prints
A person came to the prophet Muhammad (SAWS)
and asked him whether Allah (God) will indeed put
humans back together in the hereafter after they
die in this life. Allah replied in the Quran "Does a
man think that We shall not assemble his bones?
Yes, We are able to put together in perfect order
the tips of his fingers." (Quran, 75: 3,4). Now we
know that fingerprints are unique for each individual
and the verse refers not only that Allah will put them
together but the process will be accurate to the level
of putting the fingerprints together.

Creation of Man
Numerous books and literature
have been published that point
to the various scientific
of Quran. This presentation
highlights some of those
amazing facts.

(5)Numerical miracle of

The Miracles of Numbers

Both the words Al-Hayat ( Life) and
Al-Mout ( Death) are mentioned 145
each in the Quran
Both the words Al-Rajl (Man) and
Al-Mara'a (Woman) are mentioned 24
times each in the Quran

The Miracles of Numbers

The word Al-Yom ( Day in English)
is mentioned 365 times
The word Al-Shahr
(Month in English)
is mentioned 12 times

The Miracles of Numbers

Both the word Iblees (Devil) and
verses seeking refuge from the devil
are mentioned 11 times each
Both the words referring to "hardship"
and the one referring to "patience" are
mentioned 114 times each in the Quran

(6)The Quran a complet code

O life

A Book which We
have revealed to you
that thereby you may

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