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Addleshaw Goddard LLP

Presented to:
Neelu Bhullar
Professor, Information Management
Management Development Institute,

Presented by:
Group- | CRM | NMP-29

Which law firm to choose is about as relevant as which
window cleaners we choose
Many clients saw legal services as commodities and

purchased these services based on price

Clients also looked at total value a law firm
There is an opportunity for AG to differentiate by
enhancing core legal product it offered
The question remains Whether AG was doing enough

Challenges for In-House Lawyers


House lawyers did not enjoy high prestige as

compared to commercial lawyers
limited business experience, business
education and understanding of company activities
Line executives did not view them as business partners
Low morale as companies hired external law firms for
legal advice

Opportunity for AG
Offer non legal services as a part of normal legal work
Value added service they could provide to in-house legal

department to potential client

In house lawyers could be more valuable if they could
act more as business partners

Emergence of CDC
Staffed by account drivers
It had 2 roles
Worked with clients In house lawyers to develop business skills
Worked with AG partners to develop their business skills and

understand clients business better

Client paid for the work of the CDC by giving additional legal

Win-Win proposition AG obtained more legal work and

clients in house lawyers received development services

AG was providing value that no other law firms were giving

Key Account Management

Effort to identify 40-60 important clients with which AG will

have special relationship

Hopes to earn large portion of clients legal work

The Cranfield Program


developing in depth understanding of clients

business strategy, markets, value chain, its strengths and
weakness and where law could add value

3 two day session spread over 6 months

Benefits of CP
Used tools to analyze clients business and conducted a review

meeting with the client regarding the analyses

Clients were fascinated that AG lawyers spent time thinking

about their business without billing them

Thank You...

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