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If / Unless / When

If you dont drive more carefully,

you will have an accident

Unlessyou drive more carefully, you

will have an accident.

Unless means the same as ifnot. It

always refers to the condition.

For Example:
If you dont pay attention, you will not
understand the explanation.
Unless you pay attention, you will not
understand the explanation.

You cant travel abroadifyou

dont have a passport.

You cant travel abroadifyou

dont have a passport.
You cant travel abroad unless
you have a passport.

Ifyou dont stop smoking, you

will fall seriously ill.

Ifyou dont stop smoking, you will
fall seriously ill.

you stop
smoking, you will fall seriously ill.

When / IF

WhenI'm in Paris, I'll visit you.

IfI'm in Paris, I'll visit you.

When: You can use WHEN to

talk about conditions that are
certain to happen.
If: You can use IF when you
arenot surethat something
will happen.

Complete these sentences


_________________I dont see you tomorrow, I

will phone you.

Carlos is still at
school. ________ he
leaves, he wants to go
to university.

__________________I am late this evening, dont
wait for me.

I see Sam, Ill give

him your message.

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