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Fajrie Achlana

Cell wall
The cell wall surrounding plant cells serves many of the

same functions as the extracellular matrix produced by

animal cells, even though the two structures are
composed of entirely different macromolecules and have
a different organization. Like the extracellular matrix, the
plant cell wall connects cells into tissues, signals a plant
cell to grow and divide, and controls the shape of plant
organs. In the past, the plant cell wall was viewed an
inanimate rigid box, but it is now recognized as a dynamic
structure that plays important roles in controlling the
differentiation of plant cells during embryogenesis and

the major function of a plant cell wall is to withstand the osmotic

turgor pressure of the cell, the cell wall is built for lateral strength.
the cell wall is 0.2 m thick and completely coats the outside of the
plant plasma membrane

Cell Wall Layers

Middle Lamella

Primary Wall
first wall laid down
surrounds growing cells
surrounds meristematic cells
cells in succulent tissues
found at the junction of cells and at the outer edges of
secondary walls
composed of ~ 90% carbohydrate and 10% protein

Secondary walls

surround cells that differentiate to form specialized

functions (i.e. wood cells, xylem cells)
have altered polysaccharide composition
often are lignified

Middle lamella between cells or layers. Middle lamella
exists between two primary walls of two cells which are
compounds that without form (amorphous). Middle lamella
consists mainly of pectin. Pectinase enzyme with chemical
reagents that can cause tissue decomposes dissolve pectin
(disintegration) into individual cells. This procedure is called
meserasi (maceration).

Polysaccharides are the main components of the primary plant

cell wall

Cross section of Nelumbo nucifera petiole showing primary

cell wall

Three classes of polysaccharides make up the primary wall

Composition of primary cell walls of suspension-cultured sycamore cells

Wall Component

Mass % of Cell Wall

Pectic polysaccharides

Worlds most abundant biopolymer
Polymer of 1-,4-linked glucose
Individual glucan chains associate via H-bonds to form

microfibrils that are largely crystalline.

Cellulose I (the type of cellulose found in nature), glucan
chains are aligned parallel to each other
Length of the glucan chains varies depending upon the
organism from DP ~2000 to up to DP ~15,000
Size of microfibril also varies depending upon the
organism and can range from the elementary fibril (~ 36
glucan chains) up to very large fibrils (> 200 chains) found
in cellulosic algae
As plant cells mature from 1 to 2 walls, cellulose can be
found as associates of macrofibrils or bundles

Cellulose gives tensile strength to the wall.

In planta the cellulose microfibrils complex with hemicellulosic polysaccharides

such as xyloglucan.
The pattern of cellulose deposition in the wall determines the pattern

of plant development.
Generally, cellulose deposition is transverse to the direction of cell

X-ray diffraction studies indicate that Cellulose I exists in a 2-fold ribbon-like

helix 2(5.15) with 2 residues per turn, a residue distance of 5.15 , and is
stabilized by a series of O305 H-bonds.

Model of Primary Plant Cell Wall

Class of structurally diverse polysaccharides that, in part, hydrogen bond to cellulose


Mixed linkage glucans
major hemicellulosic polysaccharide in most flowering plant primary

walls (except the grasses) is xyloglucan.

Xyloglucan: a -1,4-glucan substituted by 1,6-Xyl; some Xyl residues

a 1,2-linked Gal that is further substituted with an -1,2-linked Fuc

Galactomannan: food reserve polysaccharide in endosperm of legume

seeds & in endosperm walls and cell lumens; reserve carbohydrates

used during seed germination, protect the seed from desiccation, and
are used as thickeners and stabilizers in the food industry.
Galactomannans are 1,4- linked mannans substituted by 1,6-linked

Pectin is a family of complex carbohydrates found in all plant primary walls

that play structural and informational roles in plant cells.

Homogalacturonan (HG), the most abundant pectic polysaccharide, is a
homopolymer of 1,4-linked galacturonic acid that may be methylesterified
at C6 and acetylated or xylosylated at C3.
X-ray diffraction studies indicated that HG adopts a 3(4.45) right-handed
helix. Pectin forms gels in the presence of divalent cations (e.g. Ca++) or in
acidic conditions in the presence of high solute concentrations (e.g.
sucrose). Pectin gels are important in the food, pharmaceutical, and
cosmetic industries.
Oligosaccharides (oligogalacturonides of DP 12-15), released from HGA by
endopolygalacturonases, induce plant defense responses and regulate
plant growth and development.

Proposed functions of pectins in plants

Cell Wall Structure / Assembly

* Cell-Cell Adhesion

Cell Expansion

Cell Wall Porosity

Ion, growth factors, enzyme binding
Biomechanics: regulation of water flow

* Reservoir of Biologically Active

Pollen tube growth

Seed hydration
Leaf abscission
Fruit development

Primary walls can be divided into two types:

Type I primary walls
(all flower plants except the grass

family) Cellulose
Hemicellulose (xyloglucan)
Pectin (~22-35%) (homogalacturonan, HGA;
Rhamnogalacturonan I, RG-I;
Rhamnogalacturonan II; RG-II)
Type II primary walls (the grass family,

Poaceae): Cellulose
Hemicellulose (glucuronoarabinoxylan)
Pectin (~10%) (HGA, RG-I, RG-II)

Secondary layers


surround cells that differentiate to form specialized functions (i.e.

wood cells, xylem cells)
have altered polysaccharide composition
often are lignified
Divide 3 layers:
Outer layer (S1)
Middle layer(S2)
Inner layer(S3)

Even though plant cells are bounded by a cell wall, they

communicate through specialized cell-cell junctions called

plasmodesmata .

Secondary cell walls are commonly characterized by the

presence of cavities called pits

The middle lamella and the two primary walls between
the two pit cavities are called the pit membrane.
Type of pit : simple pits and bordered pits

Simple pit
1 . Pit-pair
2 . Unpaired pits
3 . Blind pits
4 . compound unilaterally
5 . ramiform.

Vacuoles are cytoplasmic organelles that contain fluid bounded

by a membrane or membrane . It becomes a barrier membrane

between the cytoplasmic vacuoles , called tonoplas .
Vacuole contains :
gas ,
amino acids ,
organic salts ,
glycosides ,
tannins ( tanning agent ) ,
etheric oils ( eg jasmine on jasmine , rose zingiberine roseine
on the ginger ) ,
alkaloids ( eg caffeine in coffee beans)
Vacuole is divided into 2 types , namely Contractile vacuole and
vacuole nonkontraktil ( food vacuoles )

Vacuole function
1. Place the food reserve storage substances such as starch and

2 . A place to store pigments ( leaves , flowers and fruits )
3 . Atsirik oil storage area ( class of oil that gives a distinctive
smell like
eucalyptus oil )
4 . Tirgiditas regulate cell ( osmotic pressure of the cell )
5 . Metabolic waste landfills and secondary metabolic like latex
rubber , alkaloids , tannins , and calcium oksabit





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