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Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Introduction and Backgound
F. Ferdinal

Departemen Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler

Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Tarumanagara
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Biochemistry is the science concerned with the various

molecules that occur in living cells and organisms and
with their chemical reactions.

. Anything more than an extremely superficial comprehension

of life, in all manifestations _ demands a knowledge of

In additon, medical students who acquire

of biochemistry will
be in strong position to deal with two central concerns of
the health sciences:
1. Understanding and maintenance of health and
2. Understanding and effective treatmen of disease.
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Biochemistry is the Chemistry of Life

Biochemistry can be defined as

the science of the chemical basis of life
study of life at molecular level
life in its most basic level is a biochemical phenomenon

The cell is the structural unit of living systems. Thus,

biochemistry can also be described as the science of the

chemical constituents of living cells and of the reactions
and processes they undergo.

By this definition, biochemistry encompasses large areas of

cell biology, molecular biology, and molecular genetics.
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The Aim of Biochemistry Is to Describe & Explain,

in Molecular Terms, All Chemical Processes
of Living Cells

The major objective of biochemistry is the complete

understanding, at the molecular level, of all of the chemical

processes associated with living cells.

To achieve this objective, biochemists have sought to

isolate the numerous molecules found in cells, determine

their structures, and analyze how they function.

Many techniques have been used for these purposes; some

of them are summarized in Table 1.

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Table I. The Principal Methods and Preparations Used

in Biochemical Laboratories

Methods for Separating and Purifying Biomolecules:

Salt fractionation : eg, ammonium sulfate
Chromatography : Paper, IEX, Affinity, TLC, GC, HPLC, Gel Filtration
Electrophoresis : Paper, high-voltage, agarose, cellulose acetate,
starch gel, polyacrylamide gel, SDS-PAGE
Ultracentrifugation :
Methods for Determining Biomolecular Structures:
Elemental analysis:
UV, visible, infrared, and NMR spectroscopy
Use of acid, alkaline or enzymes to degrade the biomolecule:
CD : Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy (Secondary structure)
Mass Spectrometry: MS/MS MALDI-TOF
X-ray crystallography
Specific sequencing methods (eg, for proteins and nucleic acids)
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Preparations for Studying Biochemical Processes

Whole animal (includes transgenic or animals with gene knockouts)
Isolated cell organelles
Subfractionation of organelles : Ultracentrifugation
Isolated perfused organ
Tissue slice; Whole cells
Single Cell Analysis (SCA): Individual cells can differ dramatically in
size, protein levels, and expressed RNA transcripts. These variations
are key to answering irresolvable questions in cancer research, stem
cell biology, immunology, developmental biology, and neurology.
Purified metabolites and enzymes
Isolated genes (including PCR and site-directed mutagenesis)
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Single-cell gene expression analysis

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A Knowledge of Biochemistry Is Essential to

All Life Sciences

Biochem of the nucleic acids lies at the heart of genetics, in

turn, the use of genetic approaches has been critical for
elucidating many areas of biochem.

Physiology, overlaps with biochemistry almost completely.

Immunology employs numerous biochemical techniques, and
many immunologic approaches have found wide use by

Pharmacology and pharmacy rest on a sound knowledge of

biochemistry and physiology; in particular, most drugs are
metabolized by enzyme-catalyzed reactions. Jump to first page

Poisons act on biochemical reactions or processes; this is

the subject matter of toxicology.

Biochemical approaches are being used increasingly to study

basic aspects of pathology (the study of disease), such as
inflammation, cell injury, and cancer.

Many workers in microbiology, zoology, and botany employ

biochemical approaches almost exclusively. These
relationships are not surprising, because life as we know it
depends on biochemical reactions and processes.

In fact, the old barriers among the life sciences are breaking
down, and biochemistry is increasingly becoming lingua
franca for All Life Sciences.
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A Reciprocal Relationship Between Biochemistry &

Medicine Has Stimulated Mutual Advances

In fact, the interrelationship of BMB and medicine is a wide, two-

way street. BMB studies have illuminated many aspects of health

and disease, and conversely, the study of various aspects of health
and disease has opened up new areas of BMB.

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Biochemical Research Has Impact on Nutrition &

Preventive Medicine
Most & Perhaps All Diseases Have a Biochemical Basis
Impact of the Human Genome Project (HGP) on BMB
& Medicine

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The Human Genome Project (HGP) has influenced many disciplines

and areas of research
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Early earth, a tiny speck

in the galaxy, contained
simple inorganic
molecules that gave rise
to the first biological
These, in turn, gained the
ability to self organize
and self-replicate,
eventually forming
cellular life forms

Universe : 13.7 Bys

Earth : 4.6 Bys
Early Life: 3.8 BYs
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The Origin of Life

The Oparin-Haldane Hypothesis

1924. A. Oparin & John Haldane

Reducing Atmosphere:
- H20, CH4, NH3, CO2, H2
( primordial soup )

1953. Miller & Urey

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Stanley Miller and

Harold Urey
mixture of H2O,
CH4, NH3, and H2
Apparatus for
emulating the
synthesis of
compounds on the
prebiotic Earth
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Nucleic acid bases can also

be synthesized under
supposed prebiotic
conditions. In particular,
adenine is formed by the
condensation of HCN, a
plentiful component of the
prebiotic atmosphere, in a
reaction catalyzed by NH3

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26 Elements
Major elements:
C, H, O, N, P, S account
for 92%
By Wet Weight :
O - 65%
C - 18%
H - 10%
N - 3%
Minor elements: 3.95%
Trace elements: 0.05%
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12.Hypoxia Signaling Pathway

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Gambar. Regulasi stabilitas HIF-1

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Gambar. Regulasi HIF-1 dan Oxygen-sensing

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upregulated by

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Section I. Structures & Functions of

Proteins & Enzymes
Section II. Bioenergetics & the
Metabolism of Carbohydrates &
Metabolism of Proteins & Amino

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