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Why does meat

change color
when cooked
I wonder project
By Maximilian Mables

My question
The reason I chose this wonder is because my dad is a
chef and i always watch/help him and I have always
wonder this

The Answer Pt1

The reason meat changes color when cooked is because
of a protein called Myoglobin(Myoglobin is also the reason
red meat looks red,it is not blood).Myoglobin stores
oxygen in muscle cells,this oxygen is necessary for
muscles that need to produce oxygen during usage.

The answer Pt2

The actual darkening effect is caused by the oxidation
state of iron atoms in Myoglobin.When Myoglobin is
exposed to oxygen, before you cook the meat the iron
atom oxidation is at level 2 and it is bound to dioxygen
molecule which makes the meat look bright red and as
you cook the meat the iron atom loses its electrons and
turns into level 3 which is slowly turning the brown


The End

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