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Research for Baucis

Invisible Cities
Maddi Iden

Influence Maps Explanation:

For my city, I feel that the inhabitants would be very aware of the effects that they have on the
earth and they would be concerned with preservation and sustainability, so they would built their
city up in the sky, where they would only use sustainable energy and they would research new and
better ways to live, all the while maintaining documentation on the earth below them and how
their absence impacts the land.
For the exterior influence map I took a lot of inspiration from the domes in the movie Silent
Running. In the film the domes are used to mimic land on earth and to grow crops and vegetation.
At the top level of my city there are two main telescopes which are used to look at and record what
is happening on the land below. I found a reference for a telescope which helped to influence my
final design through shapes, colours and the size. My influence map also includes a ski lift which is
what I used for influence when designing the transport within my city. The transport in my city is
similar to ski lifts as they move about in the sky and they are a similar shape and set as a ski lift,
however my carts run along suspended tracks that have been built into the city. Platforms are
placed around the city where the public can access the carts and travel around the city.
The interior influence map has got pictures from the inside of the domes at the Eden Project
because they really influenced my final design of the interior of the domes and how the plants
would grow within the domes. There is another image of the inside of an observation tower as I
feel that the inhabitants would want to study what is beyond earth as they have already built a
sustainable living space within the air and they would also want to look below to the land to see
what is happening and how it is developing without their impacts on the land. The photo of the
inside of the ski lift is roughly how I pictured the inside of the public transport and the one below is

Fog Harvesters
I researched into many
different ways that the
inhabitants of my city
could get a continuous
supply of fresh water
and the one idea that I
chose is called a fog
harvester. Fog
harvesters have been
used for research
purposes in the
University of South
Africa and they work by
collecting low lying
clouds within their
netting and then
catching water that has
dripped down into
collectors which are

In my city I have designed it so that there are

massive water butts that collect the water from the
fog harvesters and store it until it is needed. The
water collectors lead to a pipe system that goes to
the city below as well as the domes behind,
supplying the city with all the water that it may

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